Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 13                                                                                                       June 28, 1959


Beloved children of my Heart:

My love and gratitude for your loving cooperation and assistance at all times. I gratefully offer the pages of this week’s Bulletin to the addresses of Beloved El Morya, Beloved Lord Lanto, previous Hierarch of the Rocky Mountain Retreat, and our humble, Reverent Confucius, present Hierarch of the Temple of Precipitation, given on Transmission Flame Class of June 20th, 1959.

Love and Blessings of


The Beloved Ascended Master El Morya speaks: 

"It is my joy, my privilege and my honor to bring to you today the word of our beloved Confucius but first I would like to speak a few words, having always enjoyed the opportunity of reaching my hand out to fellow servers here upon the planet Earth. Confucius, being, as they say, a retiring type at fellow requires perhaps the assistance of my energies to give him the proper impetus in dealing with mankind oh, a very, very long time indeed and, in that the most sincere unascended chela sometimes becomes reluctant to any even for progression's sake. 

Now to learn to use the Precipitation Ray which is the activity of the great Rocky Mountain Retreat there shall be a necessity, beloved ones, for improvement, else you will remain just exactly as you are - in a state of 'status duo' until your soul is released from your body and returns to the Halls of Karma where we assign you as best suits your requirements to some place for future service. 1 AM interested primarily in those who do not desire to remain in state of 'status quo' forever but who desire to progress Spiritually, socially, etherically, mentally and physically upon the Pathway and to assist in bringing in the Golden Age of the Ascended Master, Saint Germain manifesting the fulfillment of the life-energy invested in all unascended students by our Lord Maha Chohan who has opened each Ascended Master Retreat through the great distance offered, so that in each thirty-day period you have the pleasure and assistance of the Sponsors of that Retreat, the visitation of the Divine Hierarchs of that Retreat and the impetus which each one willingly bestows. These visitations, beloved ones, are paid for by life, by the life of Ascended and Divine Beings who have, through their kindness, condescended to leave Cosmic Realms and serve with this little planet Earth, which Saint Germain chooses to call 'the sweet Earth' in memory of days that have come and gone and days which we all hope through our endeavors - (with your cooperation) shall come again, until Earth is a Star of Freedom! 

As I said recently, it is necessary for the inner and outer vehicles of worthy and sincere chelas to DESIRE (Desire in the emotional body being the deepest and the most POWERFUL force of energy acting) to change for the better while the free will of the individual allows the Holy Christ Self and the "I AM Presence to bring into manifestation the Perfection which is each one's Divine Birthright. Why spend millions of years in the same grade and spend ages and ages of time of time of every Ascended and Divine Being and Hierarch in teaching you the Law of Life while you still continue on in the Pattern of the past? It is inconceivable, from my own standpoint, that intelligent men and women should desire so to remain in that state! Therefore, on every opportunity which is afforded men I have come to speak with you and endeavor to again fire you with enthusiasm for the Spiritual Cause of which we serve - that cause is the result from imprisonment and stagnation and the restoration of the Earth to her permanent perfection which she had before the laggards came when human beings began to use their free will for destructive purposes. 

On the First Ray all of us represent God’s Will which is good for that is. It is our endeavor and activity to ANCHOR that feeling into the emotional body of the students particularly while your newscast, your telecast, your radio reports and every media of expression in the outer world is manifesting and expressing discord and disaster which the outer minds and senses accept when those senses are utilized, as they are more frequently than I would prefer, to dwell upon these aspects of the planetary changes. If as much time was spent by the chela upon the aspects of the development of one Permanent Golden Age as is spent upon the various and sundry imperfections of the human octave, this planet Earth and all her evolutions would have been free completely during the first Seven Year Cycle and we should not have again to run a kindergarten, having to repeat and re-educate those who have already been, shall I say, 'exposed' not only in this life but in other lives to our radiation and to our Presence. 

Now as this is not my day, but belongs to the Lords of the Teton, I give to you the Beloved Lanto and Confucius… 

Beloved Lord Lanto speaks: 

"Beloved Morya, I, Lanto, shall be grateful eternally for all the energy, love and sweetness of your heart that endeavors to inspire enthusiasm in unascended beings. 

On behalf of the members of the Teton Retreat, we greet you, beloved ones, Confucius and I, thank you for the opportunity again to present to you something for you to think and pray upon - the use of the Gift of Life itself. What could you do - anyone, or we, even in our Realms, without Life - Life which animates your mind and enables you to think! Which animates your feelings, enabling you to feel and which animates your flesh form to enable you to move about? Life - coming from where? From God himself! That life, taken so much for granted by unascended beings except for the very few; that life for which we in our Ascended Master Realms give gratitude eternally, for we would have neither Individualization nor Purpose, if it were not for the All-powerful God who has given to us that life. Therefore, loving reverence for Life is a part of our nature. Life is taken lightly by the mass of mankind not only human Life – but animal life, birdlife, the Life of your floral growth and your harvest. Ah, that mankind could see the tremendous Cosmic Activities in which Divine Beings are sustaining the Life in the Nature Kingdom alone so that man can and does have a beautiful Spring, a fragrant Summer, a bountiful harvest and an Autumn which is filled with such beauty and color that it is an inspiration to the soul during the time when the Earth rests beneath the pristine purity of the snow! 

You have been invested, beloved ones, not by me but by the great Infinite Source from whence all - even Alpha and Omega - have received their Gifts with the gift of Life... the use of every jot and every tittle of which you must render an accounting at the close of each embodiment. 'It is the mis-use of Life which has caused the creation of the curtain of maya, and the discords and the imperfections that beset individuals'. It is the correct use of Life which shall restore the Earth and its evolutions to their God Estate. While you breathe in the acceptance of our feeling of loving reverence for Life I say to you this day- think! What have you given to the universe for the Life which has been given to you in this one embodiment alone? Measure it out - if an embodiment be long - measure out each morning when you rise, giving gratitude during this thirty-day period for Life: measure out as you lay the body down at night before entering sleep, to what good purpose have you put God’s Life loaned to you, during that twelve-hour period and how much of it has been wasted and dissipated! In such a manner, my dear ones you shall learn a reverence for Life.

Among the most reverent people for Life are those who could have accomplished on Earth great things for God, the Ascended Host and man but who through free will squander life in pursuit of third dimensional happiness and at the close of their embodiment, looking upon their score before the Karmic Board, they with remorse think on what might have been. They are reverent then and beseech the Karmic Board for opportunity to embody again so that they may use Life over in a constructive manner - Life misqualified by themselves and left as a heritage to the generations in which they lived and through which they have passed. Is that not asking a lot of Cosmic Law and Cosmic Justice? Others reap where you sow. Shall they reap a harvest of Light or shall they reap a harvest of the shadows of your miscreations and shall you be among the beggars before the Karmic Board, asking again to return and gather up the discords that could have been so easily transmuted while yet you wore a flesh body? THINK ON IT - years mean nothing in the use of the Powers of the Sacred Fire; years are only part of the stamp of human creation, brought by the laggards and implanted in the receptive minds of men. Before that time there was no such thing as decadence and decay, age and disintegration, and even so-called death. It was a contagion brought by those who could not progress and go forward with their own Star but were accepted in charity by the human race their iniquity becoming the veil of human creation which now must be transmuted by the Violet Flame… 

I have known China in her beauty and in her prime… I have known races and Golden Ages where people were always very reverent toward God's Life. I have known many of you in those ages when you had that reverence, but you live at a faster pace now and some of that reverence has gone without even the understanding that there should be gratitude for Life, not only the Life that pulsates through you but the Life which serves you through others, for great is the weaving of the invisible threads of God-Life that serve mankind through the Animal Kingdom and the Nature Kingdom as it shuttles back and forth. If you could see the course of the Life which serves you in one twenty-four hour period, through just the mundane activities that you take so for granted - your mail service, your delivery service, your food service, the service one among the other; your wire service, and your telephone service. Wow much Life has been invested in you! Think on it! 

Oh, beloved ones, from my heart I say to you NOTHING CAN PAY FOR THE USE OF THE GIFT OF LIFE GIVEN TO YOU AND NO AMOUNT OF MONEY, NO MATTER HOW RICH IN WORLDLY GOODS A MAN MAY BE, CAN PAY HIS DEBT TO LIFE AND TO THE GOD THAT MADE HIM for the misuse of Life when he lays that body down at so-called 'death', leaving the garment, the substance accumulated and the record and effluvia of a life lived; Ah! No mausoleum, no flattering obituary, no memoirs written are sufficient to assuage the grief and remorse the individual feels for the millions and millions of dollars squandered or hoarded which might have been used for the progress of the race. I know for I have seen people shorn of the arrogance built in Earth life wherein power accompanied with supply of this world's goods has left them – just naked souls among the many groupings caller before the Karmic Board. More important still, the Life entrusted by the Ascended Masters to the chela which is the gift of their energy - the Life of Ascended master El Morya, the Beloved Ascended Master El Morya, the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and the entire Heavenly Host. There must be a balance given, beloved ones, for all this service. 

It is thus you learn the gift of loving reverence for Life! 

"Now I bow to my successor, that beautiful son of Heaven who has qualified to serve." 

Confucius speaks: 

Beloved Lanto, Guru, Teacher, Friend and Master, the Embodiment of Reverent Love for Life, bow before you and your Light; I bow before the Flame of Precipitation which it is my honor to guard and guide at this time, breathing my breath upon it. I ask with all the intensity of my being that it may expend throughout this thirty-day period until it covers the entire planet, fills the emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles of all upon it that the Truth, the conscious acceptance of precipitation of good is possible.