Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 11                                                                                                 June 14, 1959


 Beloved Children - 

The full grown fruit tree must go through several stages of development before its branches are laden with Universal Light substance transmuted into a particular delicacy which manifests its mature service to Life. The development of the completed God-Being also is a matter of much care, protection and nourishment by Life. As the fruit tree - so does the Ascended Master transmute and radiate pure Life-Energy in some particular manner to enrich the Universe. 

When you pick from your garden, or purchase at the market, the ripened fruit or vegetable, it is well to think that Nature has invested water, air, sun and earth, patient in the knowledge of a future yield; this yield to be impersonally beneficial to some members of the race who will enjoy the temporary enrichment of the fruit or vegetable. So, too, do Nature, the Forces of the Elements and unnumbered legions of the Ascended Host thanklessly, but willingly invest countless hours, days and years in the preparation and spiritual nourishment of members of the human race who have come to know and to acknowledge their Ascended Brothers of Light, that these wayfarers on the Path may be wise enough, strong enough and willing enough to aid the "stragglers" as they also attempt to climb the Hill of Attainment. 

The gardener, secure in the knowledge of future crops, does not condemn the tender first shoots, but gives them as lovingly of his care as he does the mature orchards and gardens. Nor does the stockman condemn the joyful gamboling and seeming foolishness of the lambs or the foals, but patiently watches their growth and development. My chelas who work in the Father's vineyard must likewise take the long view and patiently, selflessly, constantly and unobtrusively, by thought, word, and personal example prepare each tender shoot he daily contacts for that future yield of Light. 

My Love enfolds you, my chelas, who are also my "tender shoots" in varying degrees of growth, development, and maturity.

Love and Blessings,








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