Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 14                                                                                                           July 5, 1959


Beloved children of my heart: 

Every individual on Earth has an individual Tower Room, which is his House of Prayer called by the psalmist David "The Secret Place of the Most High". It is a pure and crystal castle where his I AM Presence as well as the Angels and Cherubim are in constant attendance at the Altar of Devotion. That Tower Room can be reached through loving contemplation upon the "I AM" Presence and the Holy Christ Self and the stilling of the outer thoughts, feelings, words and actions. 

The prayers and devotion of the chela, in loving contemplation with the pure radiation of his own "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Flame are a thousand times more powerful than when contacted through the "basement" representative of his physical consciousness. 

Before proceeding to Divine contemplation, ascend, in Consciousness, as you would a flight of stairs, into that Crystal Temple. Get acquainted with it. Feel the Presence of the Ascended Masters and the Gods, and then you will find the heart-prayer fly as the eagle soars, for the radiation of that Sphere of Divine Perfection is a natural inducement to the unfoldment of the Heart-Nature and the expansion of the Holy Christ Flame through the outer self. 

Live within that Tower, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and let no human appearances, nor sudden crises draw you there from, for it is truly the Holy of Holies!

Love and Blessing,








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