Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 39                                                                                                         December 27, 1959


To Our Gentle Readers:

"Beloved of my Heart, I give to you on the pages of this week's "Bulletin" the words, radiation, instruction and blessing of Lord Lanto, Beloved Confucius, as well as the Ascended Master El Morya.

Love and Blessings,


Beloved Lanto speaks:


Beloved and blessed children of mine walking for a time upon the present surface of the planet Earth, we greet you from the heart of the Temple of Precipitation, where you have both daily and nightly come as our guests since the 15th of this month, enjoying the graciousness of the beloved Confucius and bathing in the green and golden Flame which is the Power of conscious Precipitation itself. 

I would like to discuss with you the activity of Good. When a person precipitates, what does he do? He projects, or expands, from some source. If you are projecting and expanding from your Holy Christ Self or from any Ascended Being acting through it, you will have a manifestation of God-good but if you are precipitating, using the same power of Precipitation, the cause and cores which are not yet transmuted in the lower atmosphere of the Earth of imperfection, you will always have manifestation of an imperfect nature. Let us remember that the Power of Precipitation, just as every God-power, can be consciously controlled, utilized and 'plugged in' (to use a very simple term) to a Divine Consciousness or into a human consciousness. When it is plugged into the Divine Consciousness, whether it be your Holy Christ Flame or into that of any Ascended Being, your precipitation will always be a manifestation of God-good. When this Power is plugged into lethargy, exhaustion, depletion of various kinds through the strata of untransmuted karma, you manifest that. So let us behold the activity in the precipitation of the Powers of perfection of your own Holy Christ Flame to set you Free today! From every limitation, emotional, mental, etheric and physical and allow there to flow through you without any limitation whatsoever the Goodness that is required. 

It has been said, you know, and truly, that I was able at one time (prior to the Ascension) to expand the Flame in my heart until it was visible to the physical sight of all mankind. That is now your reason for being. Yes, you wear a flesh garment, true; but through them can pour that Light until it can be a visible radiation in, through and around all of life everywhere. It can pour through your throat, your head and your hands and even through your feet giving that power of God-good wheresoever you move. 

We are endeavoring to give you assistance upon the rod of this power, as do every time we come into your presence, and into your sweet worlds. 

Now, beloved ones, let us only precipitate good, for the sake of yourselves, for the sake of the Activity, for the sake of the example that it will represent to the Ascended Master Saint Germain's followers and for the sake of all those who are temporarily manifesting shadows and yet require the POWER OF AN EXAMPLE of the precipitation of the good that is within you, externalized in, through and around you NOW, until each and every one of you are a living Example of the Christ walking on Earth now! 

When we talk thus to you, we talk in love; we never talk to condemn but rather to give you encouragement that (despite all of the appearances of the karma of the years) you have achieved, sustained and are expanding more Light. But are you accepting it, or are you allowing that Light to grow dim? Allow the Light of Freedom to act through you in everything that you think and do and say until you are the fullness of that Magnificent Presence and then you will be those World Teachers chosen by beloved Confucius, not only to act at inner Levels, as many of you do at night, but chosen to act in the physical appearance world in the day time as well and everywhere people looking at you will desire to be like you; they want that Light and wanting that Light, they will ask you how you have secured, sustained and guarded it, as you have done through eons of time. Your sponsors for this month are tremendous Gods of the Mountains, tremendous Beings, larger than the mountains around you about a thousand feet in height; Gentlemen of POWER in the expansion and sustaining of your Light. Accept them in the morning before you arise, every time you have an opportunity during the day and assuredly before you go to sleep at night and let those blessed Sponsors give to you their strength and our conviction of the POWER of their blazing Light which is within you and expand through you for the blessing and illumination of all mankind. 

You say you have reverence for life. That is the feeling of the activity of the Rocky Mountain Retreat; have reverence for your own life for God has placed you in a physical vehicle to render a tremendous service, anchoring in, through and around you by the power of his own Living Flame, his Gifts and Virtues and those expanding shall be the fullness of your Gift to this generation and all succeeding generations. A Gift withheld is like a clenched hand; a Gift expanded is like an Open Door. Let us be conscious constantly and let our Light expand and ever expand until you are the Fullness of its Magnificent Glory, until your breath becomes so rhythmic, until your Light becomes so luminous, until your consciousness becomes so illumined that you are the fullness of the World Teacher, here on Earth. 

You teach - when you sleep you teach, yet require teachers on Earth so you can understand the Law and pass it on to your fellowman and while those of you remain upon this sweet Earth, please, in God's Holy Name, "I AM" endeavor to accept the fact that we are precipitating through you every Gift - Faith, Illumination, Love, Purity, Truth, Healing and Forgiveness. Those Flames blaze from your bodies, beloved ones, and they are like a fan, starting at the waist and flowing forth all around the upper cart of your vehicles; not visible to those whose inner sight has not been opened, no, but visible to those who know. That is our message from Rocky Mountain Teton. Now to our beloved Confucius; we give the altar:"   

Beloved Confucius speaks: 

"Beloved, as I speak on behalf of my great Teacher Lord Lanto, my endeavor is to welcome you always to the magnificent Tetons, to accept your Gifts, your wonderful ideas to be presented to the Karmic Board and to give to you a room in which you may consult with any Ascended Master whom you desire and to give you preparation to present your Petitions to the Karmic Board. During this thirty-day period, of course, there is tremendous activity at the Tetons, particularly as 1960 will be of tremendous import. The Hierarchs of many of the Retreats have already attended, the Angel of the Scrolls has placed her Scrolls on her desk and many, many of the earnest chelas are gathered round giving the gifts of their love and light to their Master, or if they are moved, asking their master for her permission to petition the Karmic Board personally before the end of the year. 

We at the Tetons are so grateful for those who are interested in our presence, those who desire to understand the Law, and those who desire to become the fullness of that Law which is the expansion of your own Light. As our beloved Lanto has said, your gifts are many and diversified. Think what they are when combined, think of the combination of the various energies of your lifestreams, when they are all combined and focused (many rays and many colors joining into a forcefield and sustaining it by the Power of Light. Now will you please be kind enough while the Violet Flame of Mercy at the end of the year is active, to again remind your outer consciousness to LET GO, LET GO, LET GO of the thoughts and feelings, words and actions that are imperfect into that mighty sea of the Violet Flame. It is always active during the month of December to allow you to have a clean slate for the year that is to come in. 

The birth of a New Year is a magnificent thing; the birth of a New Year has within itself, beloved ones, all of the good accumulations of the peoples of Earth plus all of the accumulations of the years that have gone before. Then you think of the birth of a physical child, you are very cognizant of the Guardian Angel that protects it as it grows within its mother's womb and then is born into the world of form. 

The birth of a New Year is greater indeed. Each New Year spiraling upward carries the magnificent momentums of all the good of the year that has gone before from each and every one of your lifestreams and all of the blessed lifestreams all over the world. The Guardian Angel guards and protects it, of course, gives it great assistance and thus there is born into the world of form a brand New Year on which you take your slate and begin to write your life for 1960. That becomes part of the heritage of 1959. 

At midnight, December 31, 1959, that book is closed, locked and sealed and placed in the Library and then 1960 is a brand new Book in which you will write - your words, your love, your Light, the expansion of your gifts and I shall hope that you will anticipate with us all of those gifts which are yours, flowing through you; flowing magnificently freely from the Heart of God to you and through you for the blessing and benediction of all impersonal life. 

To our beloved Lord Lanto, to all of our guests at the Tetons, and to all of you cognizant of our Presence we send our gratitude. 

Beloved El Morya speaks: 

"I AM" on the slate, of course, for this short Christmas Class of 1959 and have very little opportunity to remind you to stir yourselves spiritually, yet as Lord Lanto and the great Confucius have said, I do ask you to STIR THE POWER OF CREATION OF GOOD, that is within your hearts and, after the respite at Shamballa, to COME FORTH, ALL THE MAGNIFICENT POWER OF THE WILL OF GOD MANIFEST AS ONLY THOSE WHO SERVE US AND OUR CAUSE CAN DO! Come forth from the masses and do not be so timid as to require the assistance of some Ascended Master to present your petition. There is not one among you who cannot in himself or herself present that petition audibly, and in dignity. In the Power and by the authority of the First Ray I charge you to stand in dignity and allow the full Power and Powers of that Ray and my gentle Self to give you assistance. 

I always take opportunity when the 'wire' is open so to speak, to give just a little of that ENTHUSIASM FOR LIFE which is mine. Blessing Lord Lanto, Lord Confucius, and blessing you and every sincere chela on this Earth for the magnificent service rendered and that which will be rendered in the Year to come. Let 1960 have not one blot or smear upon its pages. I AM going to take the sleeve of my own toga and wipe out a lot from 1959 and that book of 1959 as it closes will be an asset to the public Library of the Gods. Love, Enthusiasm and my Power to assist you be yours. Forgive the intrusion but accept the Blessing of my humble self. 

Beloved Lord Lanto speaks: 

"Beloved Morya, we are grateful indeed for even a few moments of your Presence and for your enthusiasm in the Heart of God. We are certainly grateful for your chelas and we know that your great Heart desires for them the manifest expression of God-good."