Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 33                                                                                                November 16, 1958


Beloved children of my Heart: 

The Great Cosmic Rivers of Power which pass from the Bodies, the Hearts and the Consciousness of the Divine Beings who govern the Universe are free of access to any individual who makes the determined and one-pointed endeavor to maintain the conscious control of his or her own energy no matter what the pressure of suggestion from the outer world should be. 

The bold chela desiring to experiment with the use of the cosmic currents of opulence, of health, and especially of peace, who will set the thermostat of his or her own feeling nature into an emanation of the Cosmic Quality towards which such a chela aspires, and who can, hold the vibratory action of his individual self upon that positive current, will not only find the proof in his own experience, but will become a facet for the dispensing of the blessing of the Cosmic Currents into the less powerful consciousness of those with whom he is serving and then for the race. 

Metaphysical channels have long voiced a Truth in the statement that optimism is a powerful magnet of attraction for, as you have been told anticipation of good becomes an active force to draw the Universal Substance into manifestation around a constructive pattern and bring it forth for the blessing of all life. 

The outer world uses various expressions of the phrase "success begets success". This is logical, because the vibratory action emitted from the individual who is successful in any line of endeavor is filled with a positive assurance. That vibration passes through him and raises the consciousness of others into the corresponding Cosmic Radiation of success and well-being. 

Those of the Christian Church who followed the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus' example and healed in the name of the Christ were those who raised their vibratory action into that of their Master when through great personal endeavor of self control their vibration corresponded with the vibration of their Master, his Nature could connect with their own through affinity of vibration and healing would be accomplished. 

So, beloved ones, we require you, each one, today to be the outpost of Peace in this troubled and strife-ridden Planet. Be faithful in holding true to your connection with our Realm. For your steadfast endeavor I bless you and the Ascended Master Saint Germain also blesses you.

Love and Blessings,







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