Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 10                                                                                                 June 8, 1958


 Beloved Children

The smallest manifestation of Life that can be measured by terms which man would understand is the electron. 

These electrons are the Body of God. They are pure Universal Light Substance having intelligence within them that responds like lightning to the creative power of both God and man. These electrons, in varying forms, make up the atoms of the physical world. The geometrical design, the speed of action around the central core, etc. determine the particular type of atom, and many atoms vibrating at various rates, for instance, form the substance of iron, or of steel, or of gold, or of flesh. 

The same Universal Light Substance is within all manifest form, but the creative power of the Godhead (the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame) the triple activity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - determines the vibratory action of the atom and also its geometrical design. Therefore all physical substance is part of the Universal Light Substance and ALL is the Body of God. All is fluidic, in constant motion, extremely sensitive and obedient to the God direction. It is evident, then, that so-called inanimate objects are moving constantly and pulsating with the Breath of God and can be commanded into greater perfection by the alert student. 

The flesh body is more obedient and responds quicker than an inanimate object or substance because its vibratory rate is higher and it is in constant contact with the Creative Power that flows through it from the heart. It is therefore an easy matter to mould the flesh into greater beauty and harmony. Anyone who will take the time will become a manifestation of the Power of the Word of God over the substance of the Flesh. 

Remember, each student is a God-center, Universal Light Substance is his without limit to qualify and mold into form, according to the specific requirement, or the requirement of the Brotherhood, through unascended beings. 

The Universal Light Substance, being intelligent, is very desirous of evolving to self-conscious creative powers of its own, and thus is eager to be magnetized by lifestreams who qualify it with beauty, perfection and the consciousness of the Ascended Christ. (I might interject here the gracious custom of blessing the inanimate objects which serve in the daily life of the individual). This is why it is impossible to keep from one, who truly loves and truly desires to fill the universe with the Divine Plan, a great abundance of wealth and supply, because he becomes a magnet, drawing the electrons of the Universal Light Substance around him until he is almost bombarded with its Opulent Presence. Try it and see beloved ones.

Love and Blessings,







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