Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 17                                                                                                           July 22, 1956


Beloved Children:

We will continue this week with the Beloved Gabriel's Summary of events at the recent meeting of the Karmic Board and the Great White Brotherhood, in which, you are deeply interested. From the petitions placed before that august body for their consideration and the decisions arrived at and handed down you will see that great progress is being made in the alertness of the student body to the requirements of the hour for the upliftment of the race. Permit me to say for your encouragement that we were all very proud of the showing our beloved chelas made before that vast Assembly.

Love and Blessing,


 Beloved Lord Gabriel's summary of events taking place at the Half-yearly Meeting of the Karmic Board with the Great White Brotherhood, July, 1956. (Continued from last week)


The Beloved Saint Germain made a great call for the particular activity he is so interested in and for which he stands Sponsor, that is, a happy passing from the physical body at the time of so called death. His own transition as Joseph, in the presence of Jesus and Mary, was so peaceful it prompted him to make a vow to life that henceforth he would dedicate a portion of his existence to making invocation to the Great Universal Cause for a "happy passing" for every lifestream connected with the planet Earth, both human and otherwise, as well as for the removal of pain and the indignity of disintegration, decay and senility that seems to accompany "old age". He received a tremendous amount of energy supporting that call, as well as a great release from the Karmic Board. 

The Brotherhood took many of the petitions which you were holding mentally and which they had not incorporated into their own. You see, you had been visiting the Retreat from the fifteenth of June on, and had more or less got yourselves associated intimately with the Masters, the Angels and unascended lifestreams who were interested in the same projects and so the ideas were passed around from one to another. 

As I have told you previously, when the Beloved Micah, who is the Keeper of the Scrolls for this year, received and welcomes the visiting Hierarchs and Sponsors, he assigns them to the special Council Room set aside for their use. Here they receive the members of the Brotherhood who are interested in the petitions they wish to present. These petitions are then placed on bulletin boards outside the doors of the various chambers and the many visitors from the outside world (like yourselves) who wander around the corridors in their inner bodies at night, read these bulletins. Then they find themselves knocking rather timidly at the doors of the council chambers and, are graciously admitted, listen with great interest to the plans these Great Ones have formulated for the benefit of the race. 

This year, we found so many good ideas forthcoming from the unascended beings the it was decided to place a special council room at their disposal. So it was that the Beloved Lento had to get his Builders of Form busy hewing out another chamber (I think at the rate the Retreat is expanding it will take in the whole Teton Range presently) and there you all gathered and expressed yourselves on the various ideas that you thought were good as indeed most of them were. 

Many lifestreams from other activities drifted into that room liking the sound of your voices and the color of your auras, as well as the endeavor in which you were engaged. Some of them stayed while others wandered out again, still searching for something with which they could vibrate.  

You remember the phrase ‘Water seeks its own level’. That is also true of people’s consciousnesses - like seeking like - that is how groups are formed. Individuals who have the same tendencies - the same type of consciousness - are inevitably drawn to leader who is of the same kind and are perfectly happy and content in that environment which is as it should be. That group is then liable to develop into a beautiful expression of God's perfection, all the members being of one accord. It is very interesting to note this tendency in all life's expressions. Even in the retreats you will see Blue Ray people drawn like a magnet to a Blue Ray speaker and the same with the other Rays, a very interesting thing to watch. 

That is the way it works in the Higher Octaves also. There are people working in the First Ray Temple, the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh and I tell you from experience, as an activity of the Fourth Ray (Purity) that ours is not the most popular in the world. In our service on the Resurrection - that of cleansing and purifying the various bodies, especially the etheric, it stirs up latent distresses, so I know something of what it is to use positive energy which moves inert matter and inert matter both resists and resents that. Of course, our lifestreams, not possessing any of the frailties of the human nature, these feelings do not tie in to us but it would be apt to do so with unascended beings if they put their attention on it. 

Your various petitions were all gathered up by the Beloved Morya and presented, by him to the Karmic Board. Some of you had your petitions embodied in those of certain of the Masters (being the same in substance) but some of you presented your own. 

We do not wish to repeat ourselves, because the human mind is always on the search for something new but we have had opportunity to describe to you how very brave you were, in the writing of your petitions but how very timid - when you had to stand before that great audience and deliver those petitions yourselves to the Karmic Board. Never the less, I think it is a most marvelous and wonderful thing that you have the interest of mankind as well as the other evolutions of the Earth's much at heart, and you are to be commended for the strength of spirit it takes to even stand up and open your mouths before that tremendous body.

I have seen people who had wonderful ideas, but at the last moment, when they looked at that great assembly, at the Karmic Board, the Ascended Master Hierarchy, the Angelic Host and all the visitors, including those from other suns and systems, they were not just able to go through with it. They would start up the circular stairway leading to the rostrum and then turn back. So you are to be commended on your courage and the full import of all that was contained in your petitions and the Beloved Morya, as well as the other Masters under whose instruction you have been we’re very pleased indeed with the impression their chelas made before that vast assemblage and the Karmic Board, particularly. 

The replica of the Temple of Truth, which has covered the Western Hemisphere, became world-wide last evening. It now encompasses the entire planet, which gives a tremendous impetus to the Beloved Vesta, Pallas Athena and Hilarion in bringing in the radiation of Truth and to the Beloved Elohim of Purity (our Beloved Claire) and Astraea to bring the Purity Ray into the lower atmosphere. We are of the opinion that you will find a greater clarity of truth and purity in your own consciousness, which will pass through radiation to those in your immediate environment and eventually to the rest of mankind. 

The old proverb says - "with all, thy getting, get understanding" but before this can be done in its entirety it is necessary to remove the effluvia from your mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies, that has closed in your light and made the truth difficult to understand. However, during this class, we have removed tons of the dark substance from the entire student body which will expand the Flame in your hearts and accelerate your brain consciousness. 

Try to understand this and accept it. Call to me and I will help you to understand that is why we speak to you in simple words that can be readily understood. The old occult studies were, as you know, so abstruse that few could understand them, but now, that we are speaking to you like children there should be no lack of understanding. If you find yourself puzzled on some point of the law - just call "Gabriel Help" and I will be as willing to assist you as I was to help the Beloved Mother Mary in her hour of trial. Thank you and God bless you beloved ones.




(Beloved Gabriel's treatise on Divine love, included in his Karmic Board summary will go to you in a coming Bulletin.)






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