Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 22                                                                                                                August 26, 1956


Beloved and blessed children, walking the ways of Earth: 

I can assure you that there is no particle of imprisoned life among the evolutions of this Earth within it or in its atmosphere that does not desire freedom and comfort. Therefore, my responsibility to the planet is to bring that comfort to all life which has lost its natural rhythm of harmony and perfection. 

Now, let us remember that whereas all life requires to be comforted, comparatively few self-conscious intelligences desire to learn the way to become a comforting presence in themselves. They refuse to make the required effort to sustain the vibratory action of harmony and peace necessary to quiet those energies and keep them vibrating in the harmonious, positive and beautiful manner that is necessary if that individual is to be used by any Ascended Master or myself as a focus from which we may project Comfort. 

What happens when any part of life send out either a conscious or an unconscious call for Comfort? Whether that expression of life is a member of the human family who is sick or in distress of mind or body, whether it is a wilted flower, a bird with a broken wing or one of the four-footed creatures that are at the mercy of mankind the vibratory action of the energy, in, through and around that manifestation is controlled for a time by some self-conscious intelligence who has learned to magnetize energy, direct, control and sustain it at a specific, vibratory action representative of healing, of peace, of comfort, of supply or whatever the need may be. The intelligent life within the flower, the bird, the four-footed creature, or within the physical or inner bodies of mankind knows its master; knows that the Divine intelligence which is in control of its energy for the time being has full authority to change the vibratory action of distress into light. Therefore, the electronic substance within the manifestation requiring assistance is accelerated under the direction of the self-conscious intelligence conducting the healing or comfort and is held at peace. 

However, that is not the ultimate answer for the individual self-conscious member of the human race evolving presently on the planet Earth - because some time, somewhere - along the course of life's way - that individual must learn to be the conscious control of the energy in his  own world, not allowing it emotionally, mentally, etherically or physically to be broken in rhythm through inharmony or feeling, imperfection or thought, resuscitation of bitter, etheric memories or acceptance of the discordant substance from the outer world. 

Now, it is to these few (comparatively speaking) that I have primarily dedicated my individual assistance through the ages since I became qualified to become the Representative of the Holy Spirit to the planet Earth. For the greater part (as those of you know who have studied the spiritual law) I have had very little to do with the mass of unascended mankind, working usually through the blessed Chohan upon whose rays the lifestreams are developing - but, sooner or later a lifestream qualifies, through feeling to the place where he can be not only individually comforted but become a comforting presence in himself. 

You have a simile in your child. A small child desires to be comforted with warm clothing, sufficient food and the benediction of love from parents or guardians. As that child comes to maturity it in turn desires to be a comforting presence to a new generation yet unborn. But, when you deal with the billions of lifestreams on this planet (and I speak knowingly when I say that the majority of them desire comfort do not be disappointed, you who serve, if those on whom you expend your energy do not desire for the most part to learn how to sustain the blessing directed to them because as soon as they are comfortable, as soon as they are temporarily relieved from pain, from financial limitation, from inharmony of any kind (whatever the potential threat of the moment is) they are content to consider the blessing they have received as part of their just due from life and continue on more or less as they always have done. They are people who, like the child with the scuffed knee after it has received comfort and the wound swabbed and bandaged, returns with abandon to its play. However, "I AM" happy to say that the few desire more - they desire to become and remain a conscious, comforting presence to this universe - and it is to these few, that "I AM" giving my life in this present individual instruction. 

Now, beloved ones, if you will cognize for a moment the fact that within the heart of your Electronic Presence there is a beautiful, Immortal Three-fold Flame, which is the life, the being, the self-consciousness of that Presence. That from that Flame flows down the silver cord of life, anchoring itself in your physical hearts. That within your heart is also a Flame - an exact replica of the Flame in the heart of your Presence (not in size, of course, but in design) you will see that this silver cord with the full flower of the Flame in the heart of your Presence, and the tiny embryonic seed of the Flame within your physical heart - form the Mystic Rod mentioned in all, spiritual writings as the rod of Aaron and the rod of power of Kings - the scepter that they wield in the outer world. 

Now, beloved ones, it is our desire with your cooperation, to expand through that silver cord the embryonic Flame within the heart of the individual and personal self until that Flame - expanding and expanding - controls without any question of doubt, all of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical energies that make up the outer evolving self. It is as simple as that! As above so below! You are living in an unbalanced state at present because the magnificence of your Immortal Flame within the heart of your Presence fills the entire being of that Presence and fills your entire Causal Body. Yet, very little flows down through the silver cord so tiny is, the receiving pole where the microscopic Flame that gives you life abides. 

As we endeavor (always with your conscious cooperation) to draw from your Causal Body and direct and project through that silver cord more and more of the perfection of your Presence, you will become a comforting presence to life. Why? Because when the Christ Flame within you governs your feelings, your human tendencies cannot act, the electronic energy within them will not obey the lesser Master, which is your outer ago or human self. 

The electronic intelligence within the electrons that make up the atoms of your emotional body will only obey the God-control of your expanded Christus. 

The electronic intelligence within the particles that make up the atoms of your mental body will obey only the expanded God-control of your Christus. 

The electronic essence that makes up the atoms of your etheric body will only obey the expanded Christus. 

And the electronic particles that make up the atoms of your physical body - they, too, will only obey the expanded power, radiation and God-control of your Christus. 

Now, beloved ones, this is as scientific as any formula by which mathematicians arrive at a conclusion. It is not "happenstance". It has nothing to do with personality or place so far as the outer world is concerned. Every man must in time become a comforting presence through first controlling the energies of his own life. Which would you rather be - an individual who was in constant turmoil, to whom a Master directing a ray could only give temporary peace and as soon as he returned to his own cosmic level, you immediately returned to your turmoil? Or would you rather be anchored so firmly in your Immortal Flame that your emotions, mind, etheric body and flesh are always under the control of your Christ Presence - part of which is in the heart of your Electronic I AM. In the latter state you could go anywhere upon the face of this Earth, or to any other planet or to any other system and always be the Master control of your energy. Think it through, beloved ones, and let me know. 

Blessings and Love