Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 19                                                                                                                      August 5, 1956


Beloved Children:

Both my beloved Serapis and myself are happy in your enjoyment of your trip to Luxor under his guidance. Your pleasure is his reward for setting aside the address he had planned for the evening of the Transmission Flame Activities at his Retreat. The hour allotted to them by the Law is so precious, dear ones, and they put so much of their time and energy into the preparation of their address that a request to change these plans at the last moment is not lightly given. Mankind could well learn a lesson from their gentle courtesy, obedience and grace. How true, indeed, are the words of the Beloved Jesus "Ye must become as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"!

Love and Blessings,



(Continuation of Beloved Serapis' address from Bulletin of July 29th. 1956

Beloved Friends: As we find ourselves in the Violet Flame Chamber, you will note that its appearance is somewhat different than the others in that the four sides of this vast room are of the most exquisite, purple light, it is understood, of course, that the average unascended being may not enter the Ascension Chamber, but if you look through the Violet Light curtains you will be able to distinguish the exquisitely carved crystalline columns that form the walls of the inner Chamber, as well as the magnificent three tiered, circular altar which occupies the center of the room. On top of this high altar you will notice is a beautifully carved Egyptian urn from which blazes our beloved Ascension Flame. 

Around the base of the altar are three massive rings of the same beautiful crystalline substance. These rings are placed one inside of the other, at an equal distance apart and depicted on the outer one in raised figures are twelve beautiful figures, representative of the twelve Virtues of the Deity. (We use the numeral twelve in all our activities here in Luxor, just as you have the twelve signs of the Zodiac through which your Earth passes in the course of a year). 

The forty-eight columns that form the walls of the Ascension Chamber formerly upheld a magnificent Eastern canopy of crystalline substance that covered the entire room and when the Flame rose it blended into that shining essence, making an aureole of light that shed its radiance over the entire countryside. However, owing to the expansion of the consciousness of the race through our Beloved Maha Chohan's Transmission Flame Activities and the amphitheatres that the Brotherhood found it necessary to build over the Retreats to take care of the thousands of lifestreams that are drawn to them through these Activities, we recently removed the canopy, allowing the Ascension Flame full freedom to rise up into the amphitheatre where the people are gathered and where instruction is given. 

Tonight, as I AM Host to this vast assembly, it is both my pleasure and responsibility to welcome the Members of the Heavenly Host who grace our Retreat with their Presence - the Beloved Lord Gautama, the Beloved Lord Maitreya (the new Buddha), the Beloved Archangels with their Archaii and the other members of the Celestial Hierarchy, including the Beloved Ascended Masters who have come to us from other planets as well as this. They are all in pure white tonight in honor of the Ascension Flame and grateful "I AM" to them for their Presence here with us. 

We are so grateful to have this fine amphitheatre created over the continent of Africa and I ask you now to make calls that this be permanently sustained here because as you know, it is the darkest of the continents belonging to Earth's evolution. This Ascension Flame, which contains within itself Divine Purity and all the other qualities necessary for the Ascension, should do much for the race of people evolving here, as well as for the animal life, the reptile life and all the imprisoned elemental in this continent. 

I am reminded by our Beloved Morya to tell you something about the "I AM" Presence of those individuals who have passed through the "second death". When the soul or personality was wiped out, many of these Beloved Beings returned to a state of Nirvana and live now as the Angels do, but some of them - desiring still to fulfill their vow to the Universal First Cause, asked for permission to go to other universes where they could start their work all over again. 

We have told you many times that on certain great occasions like the Gathering at Shamballa, around the end of the year, the Highways between the higher universes and other stars and galaxies are open to the Celestial visitors who traverse them, from the Great Central Sun itself down. 

When these great Messengers come with their retinues, they create something like a "down-draft” and along that in their wake come many lesser Beings from distant stars and planets. Then, on their return they create an "up-draft" and many lifestreams who ask permission to serve Life elsewhere are allowed to become a part of that train. So it is that these individuals are literally "sucked in" to the evolutions to which these Great Beings belong. 

It is a very interesting thing, beloved ones, and it is again a case of "timing". Because those mighty Messengers come and when the business that brought them is finished they are gone and if the individual who has applied for permission to accompany them is not ready the opportunity for that time is gone. They will have to wait until another Messenger comes. That is why it is so necessary to have a tremendous alertness and consciousness of "timing" in dealing with spiritual matters. 

Many of those who went into Nirvana applied for permission to work out their life plan in other universes and are very happy doing this in these superior systems. Therefore, it does not seem as though they would choose to reincarnate as unascended beings on Earth, but, according to a report by our Beloved Morya, they will at least return to this Universal Scheme after they have completed their freedom and serve under the Beloved Helios and Vesta. They will become part of the Hierarchy who serve this planet and pour their radiation to the Earth. Those who have not become affiliated with other planets have agreed to again become part of the evolution of this planet when the time is ripe. 

Thank you, dear ones, for your interest, your application and the result which means so much to everyone concerned with the planet. We, of the Ascended Host, thank and bless you. (Audience rises in gratitude).

You may be under the impression, beloved friends, that serving the humanity of Earth from the Ascended State is a comparatively easy task, but let me assure you that such is not the case! In the first place, we are dealing with beings of free will who, (even among the students under our instruction) do not always feel like cooperating with our suggestions and endeavors; then we have those in different states of development, receptivity and capacity and lastly we have the general run of mankind who are not aware even of our very existence, whom we must serve with impersonal radiation. 

However, every time our Retreat here at Luxor is active and I see all the lifestreams who are attracted here, I pray God that there may be a "click" in the feelings. Of the people that death is not the end but that the Ascension, the conscious Ascension is the ultimate victory of all their endeavors. So, beloved friends, we are sending forth on the Ascension Flame tonight from the hearts of the Assembled Host of Light and the conscious chelas assembled here, the strong feeling of Everlasting Life and the Joy of Service, and we know that you will cooperate with us in this during the current month while our Beloved Ascension Flame is active. 



(We have given you in this Bulletin and the preceding one the portions of the Beloved Serapis' address relating to the Transmission Flame activities at Luxor. Next week we will give you the balance of his address which deals with the Atlantean period of our civilization.)






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