Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 30                                                                                                    Oct. 23, 1955


Beloved Children of God

During this month's Transmission Flame Ceremonies, held, as you know, at Kashmir, India, at the Beloved Kuthumi's Focus of Wisdom, the Beloved Lord Maitreya blessed the assembled multitudes both by his Presence and his address, which he delivered before the Beloved Kuthumi rose to give his report on the activities.

I give you below the beloved Kuthumi’s address, which he opened with a tribute to his beloved guru, Lord Maitreya’s address will be the subject of next week’s Bulletin.

Love and Blessings,




Beloved Master! Beloved Maitreya, Lord of Love! Would that the day were here when the veil of maya could be parted and your beautiful golden hair, your violet eyes and your shining Presence could be revealed to the physical sight of those who love you well, but are yet so bound in form that they cannot even imagine the fullness of such a visitation. 

Ah, Lord Maitreya, Teacher of Masters, Angels and Gods, how long since you have visited lesser men! How long since your lips have parted and your words, that previously were addressed to initiates only, are given directly to people outside of the Retreats! Oh, mighty Master! On this, the night when you ascend the holy hill at Kashmir to radiate your love to all mankind, you have yet taken time to enter into the presence of the students assembled here and give them, as well as all those gathered in their homes and sanctuaries, with hearts turned toward us, the energies of your beloved lifestream. 

On behalf of them and on my own behalf, I extend to you our love and gratitude. 

Brothers and Sisters, Lovely friends of Light:  As I endeavor to intensify the activity of radiation so forcibly and powerfully released by my Master, there seems but little I can add to his words. 

Tonight, we celebrate the opening of the focus of Wisdom, where the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe have centered their attention for many, many ages. We call it the Cathedral of Nature, because we have no buildings, no ceilings to cut off the beautiful sky; no walls that would shut out the sound of the bird song or the fragrance and beauty of the Nature Kingdom in this, the Kashmiri country, which we have known and loved so long and in which many of you, too, have lived many times in ages past. 

It is now early morning in India (7 A.M. Sunday, October 16, 1955), and the sun already kisses the tops of the snowcapped peaks of the Himalayas. 

For the past twenty-four hours, the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe have been gathering on the hillsides that lead down to the lake at Kashmir. There, gathered around their own Gurus, they have magnetized the Twin Flame of Illumination and Constancy, which is so much needed by the mankind of Earth today, particularly by those of you who are in cosmic service. Illumination, so that you may know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Constancy so that you may follow through to the end. 

The illumination of the outer consciousness, the awareness that comes to the mind of the purpose behind all rituals, all decrees; all activity that takes place, enable the individual as well as the collective groups to happily join in the ceremonial required to magnetize the gifts of the Godhead. 

Where there is not illumination there is reluctant energy... There is duty service... There is the service that comes through fear and superstition. This shall no longer be In the New Age and Era, under the direction of the Ascended Master, Saint Germain, it is the fiat of the Cosmic Law that men shall know why he must purify his physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies and to what purpose he must remain harmonious. Then there will be loving cooperation on the part of the aspirant. It is through the activity of our Beloved Morya that we are endeavoring to give the why of this Endeavor to the outer consciousness of mankind. 

While this Transmission Flame Ceremony is in progress, the great Causal Body of the Lord Buddha covers the entire continent of Asia like a magnificent rainbow. Within its center is the luminous Presence of the Buddha himself, seated in the Indian posture. Around the entire continent also, just a little below the seated figure of the great Master, the Builders of Form have created a most magnificent amphitheatre in topaz. 

The Beloved Archangel Jophiel and his Divine Complement, the beautiful Archaii, Constance, standing under the luminous Presence of the Lord Buddha, are drawing the magnetizing currents of the Golden Flame and Ray as the Devas and Builders of Form create a Golden Cosmic Lotus. Into the heart of this magnificent lotus I shall step at the moment the transmission of the Flame begins and we shall direct the Flame from Kashmir into the heart of Shamballa, on to Peiping and then onward on the track that you have traced. 

Beloved ones, in this great topaz amphitheatre are seated the inner bodies of all those who are seeking the light. You have no concept in the outer mind of the millions who are seeking illumination. Every individual belonging to this evolution, whether in the flesh or out of it, is seeking illumination on some particular point, each one on some subject pertaining to the Ray under which he is evolving. I do not believe there will be one individual belonging to the planet, embodied or disembodied, who will not be drawn to this amphitheatre to receive illumination on some problem, whether it be personal, national, international or planetary during this thirty-day period. 

When they come to receive illumination, they will take back with them the quality of Constancy, so that the enlightenment received may be held constant until it is fully manifested. 

Beloved ones, I want you to visualize and feel the Flame of Illumination and Constancy in the form of a Golden Lotus and when you inbreathe this Flame tonight here, and during the coming thirty days, will you please insist upon the cooperation of your mind to think on what you are doing, drawing into your world Divine Illumination and Constancy. Allow this Flame to fill every cell and atom of your being. Why do we concentrate upon the form of the Golden Lotus? Because it is the focus of the Flame of Illumination and Constancy. 

Some of you desire illumination as to how to set your financial affairs in order; some of you require it to help you decide wisely upon your life work; some of you require it to help you regulate conditions in your bodies that are in distress; some of you require it in order to be more efficacious in this activity, all of you require illumination on something, because your worlds are not yet full of light. 

Now, may the blessings of the Brothers of the Golden Robe rest upon you! May this Golden Lotus of Illumination and Constancy be an ever-lasting remembrance of a gift given! Accept it and use it as I enter into the heart of that Lotus Flame the Beloved Lord Maitreya standing with me, we shall see that the world is illumined and made constant, in God’s name.  

God bless you all,







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