Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 34                                                                                                November 20, 1955


Beloved Children of Light:

It is my joy to offer for your comfort this week the consciously directed Gift of Happiness from one who is known in the Higher Octaves as the God of Happiness. You have been made cognizant of the fact that all of the great Virtues are ensouled by Beings who have qualified themselves through the ages to become Radiating Centers of the great God-Qualities and the Virtue of Happiness is one of these. 

Let me gently remind you, dear ones, that each of you is also the Guardian of a temple in which the Most High Living God dwells and that you, too, were endowed with a special virtue when you came forth from God's Heart which you are obliged to nourish and radiate forth for the blessing of your fellowman. Ask your Holy Christ Self to reveal to you the particular Virtue which is your responsibility to radiate, for this was the reason you were born and for this came you into the world of form' that you should be "about your Father's business" now and fulfill your Divine Plan.

Love and Blessings,


 Excerpt from an address by the Beloved Lord Ling, known to the World of Form as Ananda, Beloved Disciple of the Lord Buddha and prior to that embodiment as Moses of the Jewish Dispensation. 

Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen: 

You, who have sought happiness for many ages and you, who in this Western World have been ensured the right to "pursue happiness" through your law, it is my pleasure to inform you that now I have become the pursuer and you are the pursued. 

I shall endeavor in this capacity to draw into the atmosphere of Earth the vibrant joy and happiness which is the natural atmosphere of the Ascended Masters' Octave and shall use your inner bodies and physical vehicles to direct the pressure and power of Happiness into mankind at large and into every manifestation of life where there are shadows. 

Beloved ones, Happiness is a most positive quality! It is a vibratory action that must be cultivated by the outer self. Happiness does not just happen; it must be cultivated through control of the thought processes; through control of the feelings; through the control of the process of memory and through control of the physical vehicle as well. 

It is time now that the student body comes into the vibratory action which alone can bring individual, world and universal peace. It is time now for you to accept within the cells of your inner vehicles that vibration of happiness which it is my joy and honor to offer you. 

I represent the Guardian Power of all the happiness that has been drawn forth and radiated upon this Earth as well as in the Angelic Kingdom and the Ascended Master Octave. Every being above and below who radiates the power and pressure of happiness adds to the sum total of the full gathered cosmic momentum of that quality which it is my responsibility to direct back into the composite soul of the planet, as well as into the souls of those evolving upon it. Will you not help me now, beloved ones, by tuning up your mental and emotional bodies to the receptivity of the idea that serving God and your fellowman can be a joyous experience - a way and means by which you can balance your karmic debts to the universe, as well as lightening the load of your fellowman? 

Will you not let go in your etheric bodies of the accumulations of the ages which you have drawn around yourselves? Let go in mind, feeling and memory of those vibrations which keep you in unnecessary limitation? Open yourselves to that pressure of happiness that the Masters bring and let go of that feeling of resistance which makes a wall between you and ourselves. Because you do not see the Masters with the physical sight, the outer self is inclined to take rather a lethargic view of the "communion of Saints". In this condition the shell around the outer personality is such that very little of the gifts which are offered can penetrate through the free-will barrier. Yet that human resistance is not a conscious activity; it is more of an unconscious acceptance of things as they are; an unconscious acceptance of memories of past disappointments and failures that are held within the etheric body until the soul has become "bogged down" by the acceptance of the idea that life for the most part will proceed on an even tenor with no great rapidity to freedom. 

Now, let us change all this, beloved ones! You are in the process of leading men and women from the darkness and bondage of ignorant thinking into the Promised Land of Freedom and Light. I know that position well That experience is written into my Heart and because of that experience I have asked that I might come and give you encouragement, with the wish that you may complete in happiness and love that which perhaps you now may be doing for duty's sake. My own experience in the embodiment of Moses was not particularly a happy one and my association with the Beloved Lord Buddha in a later incarnation gave me an opportunity to develop the love which I had before sacrificed to duty. 

It is therefore, my great honor and privilege, whenever given the opportunity, to direct to the founders and students of Religious Orders of every kind the feeling of that happy, joyous energy which is essential for salvation, because, beloved ones, even though one's mission may be accomplished and the work well done, if the cores of unhappiness within one's own vehicles are not transmuted and raised - somewhere, some day, some time, at inner levels or on the Earth-plane, one must learn the lesson that service (to comply with the Laws of the Kingdom) must be rendered in grace and happiness and love alone. 

Keeping happy, beloved ones is not just a foolish idea. It is a discipline, through the observance of which you will be amazed at the laxity with which your consciousness has dealt with your lower bodies and the tremendous tenacity that those lower bodies manifest in pursuing a course independent of your self-conscious direction. Watch the processes of your thought and feeling bodies and you will see if I am not right! If you can keep your mind free of one particular thought that causes you distress or worry or makes you doubtful or critical for even one hour, you can do it for a day and if you can do it for a day you can do it for seven days. If you can do it for seven days, you are free of it forever. 

Watch your feeling world when you come in contact with people and observe how it reacts when it is "crossed". If you can keep your feelings happy for even five minutes, whether they have their own way or not, you can do it for seven days and if you can do it for seven days, you will never go back to a state of allowing your feelings to become turbulent because of any outer appearance. Keep the mind from turning back toward the etheric memories of past injustices. This is something that the students do not indulge in because they are too busy, but individuals who have a great deal of spare time on their hands allow the mind to dwell on past distresses which add so much to the unhappiness of today. 

In, through and around mental institutions and homes for the aged you would be amazed to see the effluvia woven out of the memories of the etheric bodies. If it were not for the Devas in charge of those places, the people who dwell therein would actually smother themselves by that radiation. 

Call, beloved ones, to the Temple of Happiness and let its radiation fill your world with joy and peace, then consciously project it forth to bless your fellowmen and all manifest life everywhere. 

Now, in the Name of the Most High Living God, I CHARGE, CHARGE, CHARGE your mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies with the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Happiness. Accept it and be free.


God Bless you.






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