Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin 

Volume 4, No. 32                                                                                               November 6, 1955

Beloved Ones:

This week, I am happy to present for your comfort and illumination, the balance of the Beloved Lord Maitreya's address, first part of which appeared in the last issue.

Love and Blessings,


(Lord Maitreya's Discourse, continued from Bulletin No. 31

Beloved friends, think you that any religion, since those early eras when Angels and Masters walked and talked with men, have been founded with ease? Ah, no! Every religion has been founded by simple and humble folk, by lifestreams strong in spirit whose Causal Bodies had a magnificent accumulation of good back of them and who are inwardly dedicated and consecrated to the advancement of mankind. Those who serve us are not always the most highly developed according to your Earthly viewpoint. Oh, no but those who choose in selfless service to offer their light to us, they are the ones who become the heartbeat of the new religions as they come forth from time to time. 

Because the humble people, the individuals with Karma yet to be redeemed, form that nucleus and have done so for many ages, we have had to provide from Cosmic levels a certain pressure of love to enfold and sustain the unit made up of the component parts, lest the riptides of thought and feeling and the tendencies of the lifestreams who form the heart center would destroy the nucleus of the new religion before the anchorage of the magnetic power from the great Beings who are focusing their Love through it could be manifested and sustained upon this earth. 

You have heard a little about the beloved Cherubim, Lovelee! I would like to elaborate upon her service for a moment for your illumination and understanding Ever since the World Teacher (whether myself or the Being holding the same office in eras preceding this) found it necessary to form a nucleus of a Religious Order to cover a two thousand year cycle, he has had to have the assistance of some Deva, Seraphim or Cherubim, whose consciously protective radiation formed a canopy in, through and around not only the individual who formed the conscious contact with the Masters and the Godhead but around the entire group who magnetized and held the protection, the faith and the love for such an one. These Beings of tremendous size and power form a huge canopy of blazing light around the new activity and from their bodies pass individual rays that anchor into the substance of the Earth and deflect from the world without the disintegrating vibratory actions of thought and feeling, which have been described to you frequently and which run like riptides through the consciousness of mankind. 

These individual Beings, holding that cosmic protection, tie into the Cosmic Christ of the current era (myself in this instance) and continue to draw in, through and around the magnetic center, the receiving center, and all who represent the heart center of the movement, that Cosmic Christ Love that sustains it and sustains the unity among its members, to a point where the release of instruction and the release of radiation may continue. 

The Lord Buddha had such a Cosmic Guard... Moses had. Do you think that that group of undisciplined people who, responding to the call of Moses, left Egypt, would have been sustained through their crossing of the Red Sea and through their years of journeying in the desert without some pressure of cosmic love greater than that which they had drawn forth, greater than that which Moses and Aaron and Miriam possessed? 

Think you that even the beloved Holy Family - the Blessed Jesus, Holy Mary and the Beloved Joseph, as well as that simple band of Christian disciples, could have sustained their radiation without the assistance of a Cosmic Guard and the radiation of the love of the Cosmic Christ? Oh, no, lovely ones! 

The magnificent Beings who have come and guarded and sustained these activities deserve your recognition, your honor and your love. They came, like yourselves, voluntarily, and they have chosen to remain, sustaining the activities which they have volunteered to guard, as long as the beloved Beings (the Master Saint Germain, the Master Jesus, or whichever Being it is who represents a facet of a World Religion) choose to sustain that religious activity. Therefore, you have, in the atmosphere of Earth a Guardian Presence for the Buddhists, for the Mohammedans, for the Jews, for the Christians, for Saint Germain's people and those Beings, through the radiation of cosmic love, hold them as well as you together. 

I want you to know that the pressure of love which I am directing toward you is the substance of my life. Take it into your feelings, minds, hearts and souls. Let it be for you the cohesive power to hold your groups together- that love which is more powerful than any disintegrating, external or internal force of the outside world. 

Lord Maitreya






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