Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 9                                                                                                                    May 29, 1955


Beloved children of the One Beneficent Father:

It is my privilege to offer this week for your study and contemplation, an address delivered by my son, El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray and Representative of the Divine Will of God to this planet, on the occasion of the recent Transmission Flame Ceremony, held in his beautiful Retreat at Darjeeling, India (May 21st, 1955), together with the Beloved Kuthumi's report of the activities of the same evening.

Blessings and Love,


Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends of My Heart: 

I bring you the greetings of one who is well pleased - well pleased - that among the men and women of Earth there are some willing enough to stand and ask for a knowledge of the Will of God and to desire, when knowing that to incorporate even the most reluctant energies of their feelings into the divine pattern and tapestry of life to make of this planet Freedom's Star.              

I would like, while I have the opportunity and while all the brothers and sisters who have come to Darjeeling are honoring the Flame of the Will of God, to announce to the mental, and feeling world of mankind the Cosmic Truth that the Will of God for all created things is GOOD... That there is no such thing as a negative aspect to the Will of the All-Mighty God that created this planet, who filled it with sunshine that it may bring forth its magnificent crops and who created the great seas and mountains for the pleasure of its people... 

That disease, old age, disintegration, poverty and even death itself are an insult to a Father of Love who would not create a beautiful planet and then will upon the dearest of his creations - the souls of men - those appearances before which the proud heads of kings have bowed, as well as the humble heads of peasants, under the superstitious belief that the infliction of punishment was the Will of a God of Love. 

A human father, bound round as he is with karma and a certain amount of selfishness, wills only good for his children - a human mother likewise. These human parents would not will disease, disintegrating forms, the bent backs of age, the sightless eyes, senility and death upon their offspring, how then, in the name of Religion, in the name of Truth, can those who profess to represent the God of Life and Love, wipe aside the tears of their congregations with the statement "Accept ye the Will of God"! 

In the name of the All-Mighty God, I say this shall cease to be! Mankind must sometime in the near future - come to an understanding that the decadent flesh, the erring senses, the ebbing flow of life, the halting footsteps are a result of causes set up by themselves through the use of free will in thought, in feeling, in spoken word and action - which, through the fulfillment of the Law of the Circle - return to their creators for redemption - and not place before the throne of the Almighty the responsibility for the individual and collective, the national, international and planetary crimes which come back for redemption. 

It is my service in the Celestial Hierarchy to convince those who will to know that the God that made myself, the Elohim, the Archangels, the Seraphim and the Cherubim; that made the universe with its galaxies and suns; that made each one of you; that made each bird and each flower - willed for each created expression the most exquisite perfection... for a God that could even think imperfection would be a travesty. 

The thinking and feeling Consciousness of the Great, Universal Omnipresence that governs this universe immediately externalizes that which is within itself - is it not inconceivable, therefore, to the thinking man or woman that the end of the road is death? Is it logical to think that after living and loving and studying and coming to a certain realization of being that the magnificence of life is cut off and back again comes an unconscious, unthinking infant, not even capable of controlling the organs of the body, the sight in the eye or the tongue? The thinking men and women must realize that the Divine design of the universe is for more than this. The Master Jesus said - "Ye are Gods" and to confirm that his statements were not too fantastic or that he was buoying up hopes in the minds and hearts of souls that could never be accomplished, he added - "If it were not so, I would not have told you." 

(The Beloved El Morya's address will be continued in next week's Bulletin.) 

The Beloved Kuthumi's Report... 

Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light - would that the Beloved Morya, himself, could describe to you the beauties of Darjeeling, set like a great jewel in the great heart of India... India! Land of mighty opposites - extreme wealth and extreme poverty... It is to this India that you now come with your Love and Light... Hold her people in your thoughts of Love and Light and freedom when you think of her... India, Beloved, America is loving you tonight. 

As we approach the Beloved El Morya's beautiful palace, the magnificent doors with the golden crest MR inscribed upon them, are thrown wide open in loving hospitality. We find the Assembly Hall already filled. Morya has had to resort to the same expedient as the others Masters in creating a vast amphitheatre above his retreat to take care of the great numbers of souls, incarnate and discarnate, drawn by the magnetic pull of attraction to the various Transmission Classes. 

In the Assembly Hall itself, the altar is composed of diamonds and sapphires and the blazing Flame of the Will of God stands upon it. In the amphitheatre above a replica of this altar has been erected, but of much larger size, made up of plain white and sapphire blue jewels, which are constantly emitting fire from their centers, so that this altar looks as though it were made of white and blue flame. 

In the atmosphere above the planet stands the Elohim Hercules who represents the Cosmic force and fire of the Will of God to this Earth. 

All the members of the Celestial Hierarchy (with the exception of Sanat Kumara and the Lord Buddha) are in sapphire blue tonight. El Morya himself is magnificent in this royal color, turban and all. Around his waist he wears a girdle of blue sapphires and a gorgeous jewel of the same kind adorns his index finger as he stands directing the action of the Flame. 

Many people have asked why I do not describe my own garments, the reason is, dear friends, that most of the time I just wear a long, plain, yellow robe. 

The conscious chelas (present in their Higher Mental Bodies) wear, according to their rank, date of admission to the Cause and service, the color blue in its varying lighter shades, and the somnambulant friends who, by reason of some vague desire to know the Will of God, hover about and become attached to the amphitheatre, are in pale blue, shading into white. 

The discarnates are also gathered here in great numbers because of our efforts to remove the remaining number of these spirits from the atmosphere of earth. A goodly number from the compound are also gathered here in one section. 

Now as we start the service and you breathe in and out the essence of the Flame of the Will of God, try to visualize yourself as part of this magnificent activity at Darjeeling and please, dear friends, if you have a moment tonight or through the month, think of our Beloved India.  

Goodnight and God bless you, each one. 
