Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 44                                                                                                       January 30, 1955

Beloved children: 

The requirement of the present day and hour in the evolution of the planet Earth and its mankind is for the presence and subsequent cooperation of lifestreams who have the capacity to identify themselves with the God-Presence as an individual, potent and powerful force active and alive in every faucet of expression of the individual. 

There are two groups of spiritual seekers - those who enjoy the contemplation of the perfection of the Higher Spheres abstractly; and the builders who are willing to make real (which word is synonymous with precipitation) the ideations of the Higher Spheres. 

To realize a need or a requirement is, in itself, a gift, as well as an instruction from the Cosmic Christ Intelligence, for among a cross section of human beings you will find one among a hundred who can realize even mentally the need for assistance, whether it be spiritual, material, emotional or mental. The capacity to realize the requirement sets those lifestreams apart from the indifferent and the unheeding, but then again we have a diminishing number of souls who, having the capacity to feel the realization of the specific need, are willing to set into motion the forces, gifts, capacities and powers of their own nature to bring into manifestation that which the Divine Omnipresence has revealed to them as the requirement of the moment. 

A million men in India, among the countless millions, realize perhaps her need for education - for the bare necessities of life - but among this minority there may be only several hundred persons who are willing to "accept their portfolio from the Universal" which the responsibility of realization gives to such men and women and, according to their capacities begin to make real or manifest those physical manifestations which form the channels by which the absence of Good or God is replaced by his Presence. 

There are men and women of tremendous mental energies who, looking abstractly upon organizations and movements, find themselves closely attuned to the Universal Cosmic Mind in sensing ways and means by which improvement may occur, but among them we find few who will choose to couple the energies of their own nature to the making manifest such requirements. 

Beloved children, begin without delay to practice the Omnipresence of God. As you enter this exercise you will open your minds and feelings to the entrance of many beautiful and perfect ways and means of increasing the efficiency and perfection of the manifestation of good not only in your personal experience, but nationally and even universally. Then, from the strength of your own God Source and the collective powers of the Universal Cosmic Christ you may couple your own realization with the pressure and power of their Light to bring concrete manifestations into being which are the fulfillment of God's Divine Plan for the planet Earth. This is the requirement for which the Great White Brotherhood and the Holy Christ Self of all mankind are striving. You are blessed, dear ones, to be among those chosen to make real your Faith. Such instruments are few, but more valued by reason of their scarcity.

Blessings and Love, MAHA CHOHAN