Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 48                                                                                              February 27, 1955


Beloved Ones:

It is my pleasure to offer you my beloved son's (Kuthumi) report on the activities of the Transmission Flame, which was held, as you know, this month at my Retreat in Ceylon.

Blessings and Love ,


Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters on the path toward Mastery: 

You, who have been marked on the Book of Life as the shepherds who will guard, guide and protect the great masses of mankind in the days and years ahead, little understand how much of our vital energies are woven into the endeavor to give you understanding, balance, illumination, discrimination, discretion, diplomacy. insight, foresight and the capacity to act upon a moment's notice, pliable enough to obey the prompting of your God Flame for the crisis that might flare at any place where you in the physical form might be located, giving you the capacity, through your own mind and feeling, to be the master-control of hysteria, chaos and confusion. 

Beloved Ones, you are in a definite period of spiritual training wherein the energies of your world are constantly put to the test to see how much restraint and control is manifest through your surrender to the Holy Christ Self in allowing that Flame, through the direction of its mighty rays through you, to create and sustain an aura as strong as steel, as unchanging as the sun in the heavens and yet withal as comforting, as merciful, as tolerant as that of the Lord Maha Chohan, whom we honor tonight, as the Lord Buddha, whom we have served and loved through the centuries; the Beloved Master Jesus and every Being, who while yet in the minority on the earth plane, controlled vast numbers of people - not through force but through love. 

Such a wide divergence between love and sentiment! How wise is love - how balanced! And yet withal it holds in the compass of that radiant pressure the God-control of energy, surging like tides through minds and feelings that know not whither to turn when anything that is apart from the usual occurrence manifests. 

Individuals who feel that life must follow a certain definite pattern, who are discomfited at any change in the orderly rhythm, have much to learn before they come to a point where they can be used by us in cosmic emergency. I do not wish you to believe that I deplore rhythm and system and balance and the orderly procession of your duties of the day, which are all manifestations in the life of your Saint Germain who represents the Light of the Ceremonial Activity, where every service, from the moment you rise in the morning until you place your body on its bed at night becomes a Ceremony in worship to God and service to your fellowman, but I mean to convey to you that you must be so pliable, so alert and so capable in the handling of emergencies that the pressure of their energies do not throw you off balance. You will see, dear ones, if you cannot handle the pressure of energies of the lifestreams with whom you are associated in homes and in business, how can we anchor through you those cosmic currents to handle the surging tides of an entire city or a nation, a continent or a planet? 

Early upon the path toward mastery, when the Guru takes the chela for his own and the chela touches the hem of the Guru's garment (aura), he learns that the virtue, momentum, power and radiation of the Guru become, through association, part of his heritage and the vestment of the Guru, which is his life qualified, falls upon the chela. The chela then moves not only through his own electronic circle, but within the electronic circle and Causal Body of his Master and Guru, having the full power of that Master's light, his balance and his peace. 

During this thirty day period we are going to endeavor to anchor cosmic peace through the chelas and students in concentrated light rays of Golden Flame which will be such a powerful pressure of peace, beloved ones, that all of the outer minds, all of the selfish interests and all of the intrigues that lie behind war will be melted away as nothing. Therefore for these thirty days we are depending on you to be Peace Conductors, Peace Magnetizers and Peace Radiators and if we can secure from you enough cooperation in this respect, we may be able to avert a planetary crisis on the screen of life. We shall see now, by your cooperation how much you love us, how much you love your planet and your fellowman. 

Here in the Maha Chohan's Retreat this evening the Builders of Form have done a magnificent job in the creation of a marvelous amphitheatre to hold the countless souls that are drawn here. This, of course, is in the atmosphere over the permanent Retreat of the Master. In passing, I might say that these beautiful places last only for the duration of the activity of the Retreat, the Devas releasing the electronic substance out of which they are formed back into the universal after it has served its purpose. They have built the altar in the form of a gigantic Dove of Peace - the out spread wings, the head lifted high with the olive branch in its mouth and the great tail feathers forming the steps up to the high altar at the top of the head where the Flame is burning. 

The Ceremony is representative of the Holy Trinity this evening; the Maha Chohan's place, as Cosmic Holy Spirit, being at the head of the dove, the Lord Himalaya, as representative of the Manu or Father, at the tip of the left wing and the Lord Maitreya as representative of the Cosmic Christ at the tip of the right wing. 

The Celestial Hierarchy are entering now. The entrance is at the back of the dove and as they enter they circle outward making a complete ring around this magnificent figure. As each one enters he is given a living dove made of light which they place either on the back of the wrist or on the finger. Some of the birds are raising and lowering their bright wings, but they do not leave their perch. They will be released on the first breath of the Comfort Flame and will fly north, south, east and west, encircling the planet round with peace and love. 

Most of the Celestial Company are wearing pink tonight in its varying shades. The Lord Maha Chohan is in beautiful shell pink, pink turban with pink brush of fire and a magnificent pink diamond at the forehead, The Lord Himalaya wears a Mandarin costume of deep rose, with a dove woven into the breast in honor of our Lord, the Maha Chohan. The Lord Maitreya is in pure white, as he seldom wears anything else, but instead of the gold at the hem and sleeves which he usually wears, tonight He has embroidered in pink at the hem and sleeves the Sanskrit words "O Mani Padme Hum". 

Paul, the Venetian, wears a beautiful robe and over cape in pink with a dove embroidered on the breast. The Beloved Morya is resplendent tonight in a long flowing robe of pink, with a deep hem of gorgeous pink diamonds at hem and sleeves and a magnificent sunburst of diamonds over the solar plexus. The dove rests happily on his shoulder. Serapis is in white, with pink at hem and sleeves and a pink band of silk on the head, fastened at the forehead with a large pink diamond. Hilarion is also in white with hem of pink shading from the shell pink at top to deep rose at bottom. The Blessed Jesus wears a soft Nada pink robe - thrown up over the shoulder like you have seen it in his pictures. Saint Germain is also in a pink robe tonight, with a cape of deep rose. Saint Germain seems to favor capes and looks a princely, dashing figure with his cape thrown back over the right shoulder and a Maltese cross in gold down the back. The ladies are all in varying shades of pink, the colors reminding one of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. 

Tune in to this Flame of Love and Peace, beloved ones, for this thirty days and see it bathe the earth in its radiant essence.

Love and Peace,
