Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 45                                                                                                           February 6, 1955


Dearly Beloved Children 

Let us make the basis of our exercises for this coming week the contemplation and realization of the Presence of God as related to the individual student through the instrument of the outer self. 

Silent contemplation and reflection as to your present relationship with this Omnipresent Spirit coupled with a realization of his capacity to help you will yield to each one of you, beloved ones, a comprehensive basis for your individual exercise in order to more fully comprehend, accept and make potent in your own experience your indissoluble connection with the great First Cause. The actual analyzation of the outer mind's concept of the Presence within your various vehicles, your faculties and your everyday affairs will enable you through prayer, meditation and earnest solicitation to draw closer to the understanding and realization of this individualized Presence, alive and active, through all your avenues of expression. 

The acceptance of the Divine I AM Presence as the basis of the mental truths which form the foundation of your life's belief must be superseded eventually by a realization of this Presence within the feeling nature as well. The word "realize" means to make real - to draw substance from the abstract into the concrete or outer world of form. Individuals realize profit on investments and, in the larger sense; realization means the sudden illumination of consciousness which allows the personal ego to accept through all its instruments this powerful, potent and Divine Force. 

The Presence of God was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, but the evolving mankind of earth does not enjoy the fullness of that Presence and will not until they come into a realization of its Omniscience and Omnipresence. It was this realization that dawned upon and became the predominant factor in the life of the Master Jesus whereby he accomplished all his victorious manifestations by which he made REAL the abstract principles which both the masses and the elite have affirmed for centuries, but not realized. 

It was the realization, or the making real of his contemplations by which the Lord Buddha came to an understanding of the Universal Cosmic Truth that transmuted his being into a full expression of God accomplishment. This is also the reason that man, through ignorance, carelessness or indifference, very often proceeds through life performing injustices of judgment as well as action because he has not realized the true state of his being or of his actual spiritual relationship with similarly evolving egos. 

Beloved ones, when realization comes, an entirely different method of handling situations in connection with individuals ensues and, when the Cosmic Realization with regard to the Divine Ego enters the soul redemption is at hand. The people who are capable of this realization were among the original Is-real-ites  and you, my dear ones, will find yourselves walking in a charmed world when you become endowed through consistent contemplation and meditation with the capacity to make real the Omniscient Power of the I AM in you, or the Presence of God whichever IS. 

Blessings and Love,








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