Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 31                                                                                                    Oct. 31, 1954


Beloved Ones:

The pressure of purification charged through your lifestreams by the use of the Sacred Fire is dislodging much atrophied substance and many latent qualities held in the etheric bodies.

In many lives an individual will build up a habit or a trait, drawing the pure energy of God through it which thus gains a momentum by the use of this pure energy to manifest that habit or trait. Then through circumstances and environment in following embodiments, he may not continue in that habit, yet in the etheric body and in the substance of the other bodies as well, these discordant qualities have found anchorage and are like dried up figs, causing the individual little or no concern, he not even knowing that those qualities are lying dormant within him, until his conscious awakening on the Path.

In order to become an ascended being, every ounce of energy that an individual has used since he first took the responsibility of drawing God's energy and using it, must be purified and redeemed. This is the law of life, it is inexorable, it is the Law of the Circle.

When a person enters the stage of his final earth life, the Cosmic Law must, of necessity, call him to an account for all the energy that he, as an individual, is responsible for. If the energy has gone forth harmoniously qualified, it is "written off the books", but if it carried a destructive quality, that energy is returned to its creator for redemption.

Now this returning misqualified energy is what seems to cause the individual much unhappiness and concern, because it shows up as trouble of some kind, like illness, limitation and so on. The proper attitude of the chela should not be discouragement at the appearances which seem to engulf him, he should realize that once a chela sets his foot on the final path back home, these appearances are but Life presenting its account from the "Cosmic Ledger" which must be balanced and are not a punishment or a failure on his part when they do appear.

The "account" of most people shows an amazing percentage of the energy that has been drawn forth must be "taken back" by the individual, purified and sent out once more harmoniously. It is really like a person making a million pairs of shoes all for the left foot, and then all at once these shoes begin to come back to be made into pairs. The individual can take many embodiments to cut "right" shoes or he may do it all at once. That is free-will, but he will never get out of the universe until every bit of energy that he took from God's Heart in all the countless centuries he has lived be cleansed and purified and his debt to life discharged.

This is where you, Beloved ones, are so fortunate in the use of Saint Germain's Violet Transmuting Flame, for, methinks, it would be eternity before some of the "ledgers" would be balanced without the mercy of this Sacred Fire. Do not allow yourselves to be engulfed by these appearances, which are really Life's way of presenting its bill, but keep on blazing the Flame through them as they appear. It is also a good idea to blaze that Transmuting Flame through the discordant energy bearing your stamp in this universe before it presents itself to you for redemption. Keep yourselves surrounded always by that Flame of Love, which is God's mercy and forgiveness in action.

Love and Blessings,