Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 48                                                                                                         February 21, 1954


Beloved Children: 

As I promised you in Bulletin Number 46, I shall endeavor to set before you the plan conceived by Beloved Morya and presented by him one day as he, with the other Chohans and myself sat around our council table at Ceylon. He (Morya) put forward the idea that he thought it would be of tremendous assistance to Saint Germain in his efforts to bring in the Golden Age, if enough God-free men and women could be raised up who were willing to step forward into a greater understanding of the Law and willing to take the added discipline required to hold their balance as the pressure of the Sacred Fire increased within them. So, as one idea begets another, it was my honor and privilege to conceive the idea of the Transmission Flame Classes, an activity which now engages the attention of students in almost every country on the planet. May I just touch lightly on my idea to give you a picture of my vision and that which shall be established through it and my Beloved Morya's idea in the days and years ahead. 

Over the planet earth, for thousands of years, have been functioning beautiful Retreats, with great God-free Beings tending the Powers of the Sacred Fire drawn within them, welcoming the few among mankind whose Light drew them into that vicinity, and radiating out from those Heart Centers certain purifying powers which did much to dissipate the psychic and astral creations that make up the lower atmosphere of the planet. 

Mankind at large had very little, if any, conscious knowledge of the existence of these Retreats, not to mention the activities, past and current that went on within them, with the exception of the few lifestreams who were drawn within their sacred precincts throughout the years and who usually passed there from into their eternal freedom. However, through the past several years more of mankind had become aware of the existence of these holy places, and so it became the Beloved Morya's project to give these people a knowledge (if they would accept it) of the current activities going on within these Retreats and thus your Bridge was born and it has prospered... 

Then I, looking upon his vision and approving of it, conceived an idea by which the conscious students might become part of the radiation, through their own bodies, of the Retreat that drew the attention of the entire Brotherhood for a period of every thirty days until the entire twelve months were covered. In other words there would be twelve Retreats, each covering a thirty day period, active within the year, each Retreat covering a different activity under the direction and supervision of members of the Hierarchy. 

I envisioned a plan by which the students might become part of the radiation of the active Retreat through their own bodies and transmit this radiation from point to point on the earth's surface in a manner similar to the transmission of the radio and television programs, thus intensifying the power from each Retreat, drawing into their very bodies the substance gathered by the God-free Brotherhood and then projecting that forth into the bodies and minds of the people as well as into the very atmosphere of the earth. I outlined this idea to the Brothers present and then asked the Beloved Morya to present it to a certain group of students and thus was the action of the Transmission Flame Classes established until now it has become a world-wide activity which shall increase in power and intensity through this year of 1954.  

Now, what are you doing, beloved ones, besides contributing the breath of your life every month for the awakening of the race? Let me tell you - you are building a forcefield which can be used by great Hosts of Masters at any time through which they may conduct cosmic currents for the blessing or protection of your locality for the alleviation of conditions that would otherwise externalize, and for holding the balance of continents and perhaps even a whole planet during cataclysmic disturbances. 

A forcefield, dear ones, is merely a focus of energy of qualified Light. Your own aura is your forcefield and the forcefield of your Sanctuary is the energy made up of your cooperative endeavors through the years, both of which are a natural conductor for the vibratory action of the Sacred Fire. And what is this mysterious Sacred Fire? .Just qualified life! The Fire that beats your heart is primal God-Essence - unformed God-Light, and when it is qualified by you with healing, peace or purity, it becomes the Sacred Fire emanating from your body and filling your aura, which can be transferred at will to others in distress... 

The Sacred Fire I wield is my own life essence which I qualify with Cosmic Comfort. It is the life that I draw from the Sun, qualified with the radiation of my love of life. This I held around my body, intensifying and increasing its condensed pressure by my Love; releasing it then in a beam of directed energy which follows my attention into the energy of the individual invoking my assistance. Where my energy meets the energy of the one making the call, my beam is the stronger and breaks down and melts the discordant energy of the other, thus becoming the consuming power of the Sacred Fire in action... that is all. 

All these foci are conductors of the power of the Sacred Fire. The Fire Temples were once manifest on your earth and they are to come again. In Atlantis, in Lemuria and in all past Golden Ages certain lifestreams were Priests and Priestesses of the Sacred Fire. That meant that for many entire embodiments those people dedicated their lives to God and, through contemplation, adoration and invocation, they drew forth life, clothed it with certain qualities and created an aura both within and around the Temples where they served, which quality was the master control of all the energy drawn there. The people who needed that particular quality came there for assistance and those Temples were known for the length and breadth of every land. The masses of the people, when they found they could no longer control the energies of their own lives would enter within the stronger focus where the Sacred Fire was the master control, and as their energy met the power drawn by the priests and priestesses, it was brought back into harmony and balance. 

Every Ascended Master renders the same service. The Master Jesus, in his ministry before his Ascension, proved it time and time again. The quality of his energy held under the control of his God-Self meeting the energy qualified by discord and disease, merely changed the vibratory action of the discord and disease in the distressed one, and raised it into his own Peace, his own Healing and his own Power of Mastery. That power will come again... it will come through you and through others... all sincere, earnest and loving children of God. 

Beloved Ones, the future has much in store for all, of you… just lean today on the Everlasting Arms. Feel the God-Love flowing from my Heart into yours... feel all the Masters' Love for each of you, individually and feel your own Holy Christ Self setting your house in order. Just feel the radiation and accept.

Blessings and Love,





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