Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 1                                                                                                                                     April 4, 1954


Beloved Ones: 

We have been told in the course of our studies that each lifestream is equipped with seven bodies - four lower bodies which function on the earth plane and the three higher bodies which function in the Higher Octaves but which, nevertheless, form an integral part of the individual's equipment by which he may attain his full mastery of life energy and thus gain his eternal freedom. These seven instruments are the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body, the etheric body, (which comprise the four lower instruments) and the higher Mental (or Holy Christ Self), the Electronic Presence and the Causal Body, the latter three functioning in the Ascended Masters' Octave. This also explains the statement that man may have his head (consciousness) in heaven, while his feet still walk the earth. 

All seven bodies of each lifestream contribute to the consciousness of each individual. The three higher bodies hold a consciousness of perfection, but the four lower bodies are constantly adding to the sum total of the consciousness of the lifestream through their reports of good and evil. These lower bodies, by reason of their limited enfoldment' accept the appearance world at its face value and add to the conglomerate mass of human thinking which forms the average consciousness of mankind as a whole. 

Let us take for example the great mirrored hall at Versailles in which was reflected all the glory of the French Court and its beauty amplified time and time again by the reflections of the mirrors. That which was present within this hall was reflected upon the mirrors and according to the subject within the room was the reflection pleasing or otherwise. 

Now, man stands in exactly this same relationship to the world of maya (universal atmosphere) around him, which is like a great mirror, and whoever or whatever he entertains within his consciousness is reflected and amplified in the world about him. Whatever picture he allows his mind to dwell upon within that picture will reflect itself in his world, just as if you walked an elephant through the Hall of Mirrors you would see thousands of elephants reflected upon the paneled walls. The foolish man might break the mirrors in annoyance at the reflection, but the wise man would remove the elephant from the Hall and place in its stead some exquisite piece of statuary or other uplifting expression of beauty which would be reflected in all its beauty on the wall and amplified a thousand fold to increase the initial beauty of its expression. 

To champ and rage at the appearance with which the individual is surrounded is as foolish as breaking a mirror to destroy the reflection of something one does not choose to look upon, because the original subject remaining will reappear when the mirror is restored in exactly the same manner that it was before and during the time that the mirror was broken. As we have stated so many times the inner thoughts and feelings of men are reflected in the universe around him and the reflection is what causes people so much grief. The medical world, the educational world and the scientific world are constantly dealing with these effects, attempting to balance them one against the other, but they are as impotent as the man who attempts to destroy the elephant in the mirror with a rock, rather than removing the elephant itself from its place before the mirrored glass. 

If inharmony, limitation, ill-health or any other unpleasant effects appear in our "mirrors'; we must raise our thought and feeling faculties to our Holy Christ Self and let its exquisite consciousness of Harmony, Peace, Love, Wisdom, Health and Plenty contribute its part to the manifestation and expression of our worlds. Let the Glory of your Higher Vehicles reflect itself in the mirror of your life's expression. 

Beloved Children! Use all the instruments belonging to your lifestream. Why limit yourselves to the four lower bodies which have placed themselves through ignorance under the domination of the senses? It would be like children and young people when they enter school and college hoping to get an education without submitting themselves to the guidance of their teachers and professors. Call your higher bodies into action. 

If your world contains inharmony, limitation, ill-health or any manifestation that is not pleasing, the inner consciousness must be purged through the medium of the Sacred Fire (just as you would sweep a room clean) of any grotesque form that you do not want to reflect or amplify in the mirror of your life's expression. Set into action the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love. Command it to consume mistakes and illumine your consciousness. 

Jesus said "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he", and you will remember Saint Paul said “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things arc pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise - think on these things”. 

I cannot stress too much the need of each student changing the thoughts and feelings of his inner nature and setting his inner house in order so that the reflection that he casts from him may express the beauty of his spirit and soul, raise his outer world to a place of beauty and perfection and be an example before all men of what a perfect son or daughter of the one Father of all should be.

Let us see how we can change the reflection in our mirrors.

Love and Blessings,








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