Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 27                                                                                                            Sept. 20b, 1953


Beloved ones:

The following is a description of the activities at the Transmission Ceremony, which was held this month at the Retreat of my beloved son, Paul, known to you as the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray. The Report is by the Beloved Kuthumi and I know you will enjoy it.

Love and Blessings,


Saturday Evening, September 19, 1953 

Good Evening, Beloved Friends of Liberty: Many times in the course of the centuries has your love of liberty caused you to rise individually and, at no small personal cost, pursue a path toward a land - a goal - where you, individually, might weave the energies of your own lives according to the dictates of your conscience, of the impulses of your own Christ Self, and the earnest, honest and sincere beliefs of your faith of a given hour. 

Tonight, again, man is given the opportunity to worship at the Throne of the Goddess of Liberty, and within the great Retreat guarded by the Chohan of the Third Ray, they feel that Spiritual impetus to the Immortal Flame within the heart, which is Liberty in design and manifest God- Mastery, because that is its pre-ordained destiny and the reason for which it has been sustained within the hearts of mankind for countless eons of time. 

Why, think you, a Canopy of Love - a Guardian Power of Angels and Masters and Devas, would sustain that Immortal Three-fold Flame of life within the least of men, except that they knew consciously that within that Flame was the potential power by which each soul might be transmuted into Mastery and God Dominion! 

I point you tonight, as my own Guru did before me, to the Majestic Power of the Three-fold Flame of Life within the heart - within which is Healing, within which is Illumination and from which is woven Supply. Out of its Essence is designed every prospective power by which the soul could move through the most intense discord and be untouched. It is the Pathway of Light upon which the spirit rises to its own eternal freedom. It is the magnetic power which holds the very physical form - each atom in its perfect place, each organ in its natural orbit and restrains the elemental life from flying back to its freedom in the Heart of the Sun. 

Within the Immortal Flame of Life is the call which must be answered by Deva, Master, Angel and God - but man uses it not and the priceless stream of electronic light flowing into it is spilled in imperfect living. 

As we enter the Heart of the Venetian's Retreat - we, who are dedicated to loosing the power of that Flame and bringing to the consciousness of the outer mind a realization of the manifold activities that are within it, are determined that, for those who desire Liberty in order to pursue the course of Mastery, the Powers of this Flame shall be manifest. Are you so determined? We shall see: 

Tonight, the Sanctuary wherein the Liberty Flame is focused, has been opened not only to the Brotherhood of earth and our universe, but from the suns who stand behind Helios and Vesta - and from their planets anti satellites have come the Beings who represent the Lords of the Flame - individuals, who, like the mankind of earth, evolved an understanding of the power of that God-given gift which is the Immortality of the soul. 

Not only on Venus live the Lords of the Flame, but on every God-free planet. They have come and shall remain within the aura of this Sanctified Retreat to give the pressure of their feeling to any lifestream who chooses to enter within this Sanctuary and, in the inner bodies, learn the law of centripetal and centrifugal force as controlled through the heartbeat. 

Sanat Kumara, you have come to know, as the Lord of the Flame but this Great Master is only one representing a single, planet. There are Lords of the Flame on every Superior Planet of every system. It is a beautiful sight to see all these Great Ones clothed in garments of spotless and seamless white - the Unfed Flame within their Hearts filling their entire Bodies, from beneath their feet to about three feet above their heads and making an aura of more than three feet in diameter all around them. They are deliberately imprinting the Power of the Immortal Three-fold Flame before the inner sight of all the gathered chelas, so that whoever enters this Assembly within the current thirty day period will see everything muted before this concentrated Flame. 

The Sanctuary itself is beautiful with the Glorious Liberty Flame using from the Altar about twelve feet. The Venetian stands to the right of it, clothed completely in an exquisite shade of Emerald green - his tunic - his mantle - his scepter. These beautiful colors seem to enhance the golden glory of his hair, making of him a truly magnificent figure. To the left stands Lord Maitreya in pure white - the Unfed Flame within his heart clearly revealed through his Light Body. 

As each Brother enters, the Flame on the Altar takes on a deeper hue and increases in intensity due to the power of His Presence. 

The Brothers have decorated the Altar completely in the Fleur-de-lis in both the blue and white shades, arranged in urns of exquisite design in crystal, marble and alabaster; emphasizing the power of the three-fold nature of Divinity. 

The Beloved Maha Chohan and the other Chohans are already seated and are engaged in an activity which has not been described before. As each Master enters contemplation, he emphasizes his own Magnetic Power and consciously draws toward him the chelas and devotees who work with him - thus, whether their bodies are asleep or consciously cognizant of his Presence, he draws them here and it is interesting to see them come in, one by one and in groups. Jesus has drawn many from the orthodox channels and, while a few of these seem to be on the timid side regarding this new action of the Law - nevertheless they have come and seem interested. Lord Michael is magnetizing the discarnates and millions of them have already gathered. 

Sanat Kumara is now entering and everybody rises. He carried, amazingly, the brazier in which is held the Unfed Flame for the earth. This he puts within the Liberty Flame on the Altar and takes his place in the center of the Audience with two of the Kumaras on each side. The Lord Buddha has not arrived yet. There must be a cosmic reason for this, which no doubt the Maha Chohan will explain later. 

I must leave you now to take my place in the activity of the evening and I trust you have enjoyed my endeavors as a "Commentator", in giving you a picture which I hope will live long in your memories. I thank you. 
