Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 35                                                                                                November 22, 1953


Beloved Children... Beloved Spirits of Immortal Truth... 

For each one of you is a Spirit of Truth in essence, because only Truth lives eternally, and the very fact that your presence in the universe has been guaranteed Immortality signifies to life that you are a Spirit of Truth. That with which you have clothed this essence may be less than Truth, but in a flash in the Flame of Purification, the accretions of the ages become ash and the Divine Image in which you were created from the bosom of the Eternal Father stands revealed. 

We have honored Truth through this cycle... through the entire twenty-four hour period of each successive minor cycle of thirty days. Member after member of the Hierarchy has addressed the souls who deeply desire to know Truth and that desire has drawn them into the aura of this great and mighty Focus which has been sustained through the ages in order that those who sought... refusing acceptance of partial Truth and refusing acceptance of error... might stand in the presence of Truth unveiled and partake of her gift and Realization. 

You would be amazed at the tremendous impetus that is alive within the souls of men to know Truth individually, not only the incarnate spirits, but the billions awaiting summons before the Lords of Karma for opportunity to work out their life plan on this small star. This is the first cosmic impulse which has stirred in the human heart and in the hearts of the discarnates because even one of the evolving spirits belonging to the earth were present. 

The desire to know Truth is a prerequisite to illumination, and even though the dispensation was not granted to the Holy Christ Selves of the entire evolution, for reasons which are obvious, the pressure of the Flame of Truth playing upon the feelings and entering into the activity of the soul has been universal... and every lifestream... some feebly and some intensely... have begun to call from deep within the recesses of their beings for Truth to be revealed. It is the first completely unanimous response of the evolution since the Transmission Classes were started. 

Let me elaborate a little on this for your own elucidation Each time the Flame from the Retreat is released, it flows forth universally through the three kingdoms and impersonally bathes the consciousness of all life, in the same manner that the Sun and air bless the just and unjust alike. The conscious reception of the blessing from the Retreat is limited to the students who participate in the Transmission classes and in the nightly acknowledgement of the active service going on during the thirty day period... but a conscious impulse from within the soul of the entire ten billion lifestreams belonging to the planet and the entire nature kingdom and the Angelic kingdom in response to the pressure of the gift of Truth from this Retreat has never been experienced until this month.  

For example, the sun may shine on a dozen individuals all of whom will absorb its light and healing and warmth and only two may be conscious of the Presence of Helios within that Sun, who, through the acknowledgement of his gifts may greatly intensify his blessings through themselves - where as the other ten are unconscious beneficiaries of that gift. In the activity of this thirty day period while the conscious students draw intensified blessings from the Retreat, yet a tiny tongue of Flame rose from ever soul belonging to the planet in response to that gift... asking for more... even though the outer mind was not aware of the activity. In some it may not have been as large as the smallest decimal of an inch while in others it seemed to rise a thousand feet in the atmosphere, but there is not one who did not pour forth that White Flame, which is the desire to know Truth in a greater capacity than that which the lifestream has experienced up to this time. It was a beautiful sight as seen from inner levels. 

This will do much to remove bigotry, ignorant human concepts, intolerant and bitterness, because no matter how biased the consciousness may be and no matter how convinced the ego is of its own concepts being correct, there is no one who is not eager to have more light upon his own concepts. even if he feels that that light will but emphasize the truth of his particular belief, creed, message or revelation.. He does not know that sometimes... in asking for Truth his concepts may be shattered although in his spiritual pride he expected confirmation... yet when he asks for Truth he shall receive it. Do you see how the Celestial Hierarchy sometimes uses the weaknesses of a man in order to forward the evolution of a system? 

The orthodox people, the metaphysicians and the atheists... all are seeking for a confirmation of their concepts through the revelation of Truth and this we shall give them. 

With the closing of this Retreat, we come to a preparation for the entrance of the soul and spirit into Shamballa where the thirty-day period of bringing in the sheaves and harvest of the year's endeavors combines gratitude, happiness and joy as the members of the Brotherhood and the unascended beings join together in the heart of the Holy City. 

I would ask that you prepare yourselves as much as possible for the next Transmission Service which will be by far the greatest outpouring we have ever yet experienced and I would also ask that you try to contemplate the great honor of entering the Halls of Shamballa and sitting at the feet of The King (Sanat Kumara). This is the first time that hundreds of students will consciously be present in the Assembly, this honor being heretofore limited to a few unascended members of the race. 

Now, I would like, in behalf of the Beloved Pallas Athene and myself the Beloved Hilarion and the Brotherhood of Truth to offer our heartfelt gratitude to the students who have come so frequently into our Presence during this current month and for their calls that the mankind of earth might find their way into this Temple of Truth and thus become spiritually stimulated themselves, which has enabled this Cosmic Truth not only to be planted, but actually shows the seedlings sprouting from the souls of men in such a marvelous manifestation of Flame. 

Cosmically speaking, there is little chance that the Grant will be increased at the end of December, for the million to whom it has been granted are yet slumbering peacefully amidst the shadows of their own karma but if we are allowed by Sanat Kumara to return to this Temple early in the New Year, we feel it should do much to awaken them and by July we should have an appreciable harvest. The designing of the course of the Flame currents for 1954 will depend upon the Divine Thought Form as it is lowered by the Silent Watcher to Sanat Kumara on the 31st of December. We have thought it would be a lovely experience if you would remain over the midnight hour at the Christmas Class when you would receive it at the same time it is externalized at the Teton. This would also be another miles to in the history of the planet. We are in unusual days dear ones.

Blessings and Love,







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