Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 39                                                                                                                  December 20, 1953


Beloved Children: 

How sweet are the souls of men when they come, voluntarily dissociating themselves from the world of form, and choose to bare their consciousness to the shafts of light which bring Truth first and, for those willing to accept Truth... Comfort. 

I am, for the planet earth, the Representative of the Holy Spirit. This great Holy Spirit is the Mother Activity of life, and on every planet of our system, as well as .every planet of superior systems, there is a Being who holds the same Office as mine, and for that planet, the evolution of all life expressions upon it, endeavors to externalize the nature of the Holy Spirit of the One Eternal Father. 

Before I was given this Office, other intelligences represented the Holy Spirit and when I have completed my service and the wisdom of the Great Cosmic Law in kindness desires that I shall proceed into a different activity of life, another Being will take upon Himself the obligation, the responsibility and the opportunity of being the Comforting Presence to the evolution upon this earth. 

I bring this to your mind again because we are endeavoring in every way to reach into your consciousness and impress upon you the conviction that the service, the radiation, the quality and the Office is a great deal more important than the particular, specific Intelligence and conscious Being who functions for a shorter or longer period within that Office. I am the channel through which flows this Holy Spirit which must one day make every electron, stem, human being and Angelic Being belonging to this evolution perfectly comfortable and at peace... and the way and means by which comfort is brought to each particular part of life is dependent first upon the evolution, upon the specific requirement of the hour, upon the capacity of the lifestream to receive and embody the radiation or instruction, so you will see that our Endeavors are diversified in the extreme at so will it be with those of you who choose while you yet wear garments of flesh to be a Comforting Presence to the life around you. 

Comfort to one man would mean extreme discomfort to another; it is an entirely individual comprehension of the need and requirement of souls than is demanded of the Teacher or Shepherd endeavoring to carry the Comfort and Radiation of the Holy Spirit to the sons of men. For this reason we have divided the Third Ray into five distinct Offices and at the head of each sub-division of that Ray is placed a Perfected Being, who steps down the radiation of the Holy Spirit and brings comfort to a specific number of mankind who can respond best to the developed momentum and equality of energy of his particular lifestream. 

We are at the beginning of a New Era, and as at the beginning of the Christian Era, the harvest is truly plenteous and the workers few. There not yet developed from among the volunteers who have professed an interest in being a Comforting Presence to life enough lifestreams evolved and sensitive to the particular Ray under which a great number of mankind and the elemental and Angelic kingdoms function. Then there is the discomfort that results ofttimes when a Shepherd evolved in momentum along one particular Ray endeavors to represent the Holy Spirit of God to people belonging to another Ray. We are endeavoring now to train the Shepherds and it is our hope, our desire and our prayer to the God that made us all that tolerance and understanding may be evolved within the hearts and spirits and consciousness of each life stream who is passing through the crucible and preparing - according to his own evolution and momentum - to become a comfort to life.

Love and Blessings,








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