Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 17                                                                                                            Sept. 29, 1952


The activity which will form the final stage of man's expression upon the earth being the development of the Holy Spirit within themselves, the Master Serapis invited me to speak at Luxor before the Assembly on the nature of the Holy Comforter and it gives me pleasure to record herein excerpts of my address. 

When the God-Parents of our system directed the preparation of a habitable abode to be the cradle for the evolution of certain self-conscious intelligences, one of the first of their spiritual services was to invite from the Higher Octaves a Representative expressing the full nature of the developed Godhead who would be a Comforting Presence to the life about to embark on their journey to Spiritual Maturity. 

This Being, voluntarily entering the aura of the Sun, was vested with the Cloak of the Cosmic Holy Spirit and accepted the responsibility of providing and sustaining the Presence of Comfort, no matter how far the lifestream might withdraw themselves from the understanding of the nature of God. This office has been held successively by different individuals and at present is within my keeping. It will one day be given to another Intelligence who is qualified to accept and sustain God's Comfort to his creation. 

It is difficult to describe in a few words the diversified activities that lie within the responsibility of the Holy Spirit and how the avenues of my service seem to be less one-pointed than other faucets of the God Nature. 

At the same Cosmic Moment that the God-Parents within the sun gave the Elohim directions to create a habitable globe for a future humanity, the Holy Spirit was charged with the responsibility of doing everything within his Power and Capacity to make the advent and sustenance of self-conscious life upon it a happy and harmonious one. 

It was the Holy Spirit who invoked the Beings of the Air through their great Cosmic Director, Aries, .to form a localized atmosphere and to soften the radiation of the sun so that it may not be too powerful for men's vehicles. 

It was the Holy Spirit who invoked Neptune and his Beings who represent the cleansing, purifying and energizing qualities of water, in which the, body of the earth might float, thus preventing the jarring activity of a solid mass. 

It was the Holy Spirit who drew forth the Spirit of Virgo and. the Being’s of the earth to create a platform upon which mankind could act out the theme of their evolutionary experience and it was the Holy Spirit who invoked the Builders of Form by which the Spirits of nature might provide food and clothing for men's bodies. This is why the Office of the Maha Chohan is the supervising authority over all Natures Kingdoms.

It was the Holy Spirit who, in cooperation with the sun, created a mantle composed of the bodies of Cherubim and Seraphic Beings, through whose bodies might pass only as much of the Cosmic Fire as the evolving mankind could absorb with safety. This was all accomplished before the advent of Lord Michael and the Lord Manu and the spirits who voluntarily signified their willingness to enter the evolutionary experience by which they might come to God maturity, radiating in their turn the same unselfish love and comfort that was expended so lavishly on the their own lifestreams. 

As we know, the Cosmic Service of the Father-Mother God is diversified through the Seven Great Rays, the First and Second representing the Activities of the First and Second Persons of the Holy Trinity, the remaining Five Rays coming under the jurisdiction of the Third Person or the Holy Spirit, known as the Maha Chohan, which office I presently hold. The individuals at the Head of these Seven Great Rays are known as the Chohans of the Rays. 

When the planet earth was made as comfortable as possible and the First Golden Age was spread across its face like a beautiful smile of welcome to the newly come sons of men, the specific service of the Holy Spirit began. For this purpose he created the Five Great Rays whose activities would cover every portion of evolving life in his charge. At the head of each Ray he placed a Responsible Intelligence who was already fully acquainted with the needs of that portion of life which it was to serve. 

The Office of the Chohan of the Third Ray represents myself to the five faucets of force, just as the physical sun represents the Dispenser of the Powers of the Great Central Sun and in the ordinary course of evolution, the One holding the office of the Chohan of the Third Ray will become in time the Maha Chohan of the future, even as the Chohan of the First Ray is the Lieutenant of the Manu and the Chohan of the Second Ray the Lieutenant of the Cosmic Christ. The office of the Chohan of the Third Ray is presently held by the Being known as the Venetian Master and his service to life will be made abundantly manifest in the near future. The interpretation of the Will of the Holy Spirit is the office of this Ray and he is the consultant for all the expressions of perfection that manifest along the other Rays. The comfort that comes through Beauty, Music and Art flows along the Fourth Ray; the comfort that comes from the restoration of minds and bodies of people through harmony and health comes under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Ray. The correlation of the scientific findings of the day with the spiritual truths of life also comes under the office of this Ray. The comfort of men's souls, the peace to their hearts and their Faith in God is the expression of the Sixth Ray. The bringing of Freedom to the hearts of men in order that the Life Flame may expand to its fullest glory and become the God-Nature in its entirety is the Gift and Service of the Seventh Ray. 

These are all services of Comfort to Life and all expressions of the Cosmic Activity of the Holy Spirit under Whatever Being is Maha Chohan of the Age. 

We are entering the Age when the Divine Edict has declared that the lifebeat of every human heart must create and sustain an individual aura of comfort to all the life around him. It is the Age when the Holy Spirit becomes the natural estate of every man through self-control and understanding. 

When the evolving spirits first came to earth, the Father-Mother God sent with them an exquisitely beautiful Being who embodied the full nature of himself. This was the Divine Example of what all could and would become. He was known as the Manu and remained with the people of the First Golden Age until a Son from the group developed and matured and became his natural Successor through the externalization of his own Christhood. When this was achieved, the Lord Manu invested this son with his Power, he placed upon his shoulders the Robe of Authority, in his hand the Scepter of Dominion, and, kissing his brow, the Manu returned Home, leaving the rulership of his people to the 'First Born' in Spiritual Nature. Owing to the Fall of Man, the Manus of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh races are still engaged in an endeavor to bring their respective people to full Christhood and this accounts for the overcrowding of the planet at the present time as well as its strained axis and its turbulent aura. 

Because the Cosmic Hour has run out, the Manus are responsible for not only one Christ but a complete series of Christs. Therefore it is required that every man BE a Comforting Presence and a Holy Spirit to life. Let every man make his earnest call to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that he may attain God-Estate while there is yet time.

Love and Blessings,