Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 23                                                                                                November 16, 1952


Sanat Kumara and those who came with him from Venus have been called "Lords of the Flame of Immortality." In his descent into the heart of Shamballa, he brought with him a concentration of the Flame that had never been known on the planet earth, because it represented the vibratory action of Venus. This Flame he externalized at Shamballa and it has grown and intensified through those millions of years since that time, pouring out the keynote of Venus and the vibration of this Superior Star into the atmosphere of earth and the consciousness of her peoples. A stream of Light from this Cosmic Flame is anchored into the heart of every human being who incarnates on earth. 

The action of the Flame from Shamballa was primarily designed to create self-conscious, generating centers of Light through the life intelligences inhabiting the earth, and the sole purpose and reason for Sanat Kumara’s Presence is to create these self-conscious Light-Bearers. This is the only way and means by which the planet can fulfill its destiny and contribute to the Universal Solar Song. Therefore, when the plans were made to expand the Light at Shamballa for the current month (November 15 to December 14) the Nature Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, as well as the Human Kingdom, all offered to become a part of the Activity, and the Beings who are in charge of the forces of the four elements; the Builders of Form; the Angelic Host and the Devas all sent representatives to Shamballa. (Of course, the human family was represented by certain Ascended Master Sponsors.) 

All these Representative Beings were authorized to direct the Flame into their specific Kingdoms, and it was a marvelous sight to see the Flame entering the various oceans, under the direction of Neptune, cleansing and purifying the inhabitants of that element; to see it entering the substance of earth, and through all its creatures under the direction of Virgo; into the air, and all the bird life on the planet under Aries. Then, with the assistance of Lord Michael, the Mighty Astraea and the Angelic Host, it was directed into the realm of the discarnates, penetrating through darkness which had not been visited by a beam of Light for countless centuries. 

When Sanat Kumara entered the Flame Room last evening (November 15, 1952) accompanied by the other Kumaras and the Brotherhood at Shamballa„ there began the intensification - through the power of that Flame of the Spiritual Light in the hearts of all peoples. After he had directed the Rod of Power into the Flame, it expanded to almost three times its usual size, and naturally the beam of Light connecting it with every human heart received a tremendous added impetus. 

The Masters held the expanded Flame concentrated in Eastern Asia, through Korea and the war belt for over one minute before it began its journey around the earth. As the Ray from this Great Flame was received in each waiting Sanctuary, an Unfed Flame sprang up, taking the appearance of a large tulip bud, which held the Sanctuary and all within it in its Cosmic Presence. The presiding Master then directed the Ray to the next Retreat or Sanctuary, and the same activity took place there. The Flame followed a concentrated course, its iridescent rays creating these exquisite Flame Flowers wherever either the students or Masters were in attendance, and then returned to Shamballa. 

The next time the Ray went forth to Suva and Shasta and on across the continental United States into Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, the Band of Light was wider, and when it reached the various Retreats and Sanctuaries, the Flame Flower was increased almost twelve-fold in size, the large petals began to open and the radiation covered a much larger area in the environment of the focus. 

The third time the Ray went out from Shamballa, the wide band of Light looked like a great highway, as compared to a footpath, and the beautiful Flame Flower increased to almost continental proportions. At this point Sanat Kumara stepped into the Flame, which caused it to expand to a universal size, and the Blazing Light that poured toward Suva was as wide as the ocean, and the Flame at the Suva Retreat reached up almost to the ten thousand foot level; the Flame Flower opening its petals to their fullest extent, like the water lily or lotus plant when they are in full bloom. This was repeated in every Retreat and Sanctuary - the presiding Master in each case duplicating Sanat Kumara’s action of stepping into the Ray and becoming the stamen in the center of the Flame Flower. 

When the Flame returned to Shamballa and the final outpouring took place, ALL of the Masters stepped into the Flame around Sanat Kumara, and the Earth and Venus became ONE. When the Flame reached Suva, it connected that Retreat with Venus, and all the Masters at Suva stepped within it; and so on, around the world, the same activity taking place in each Retreat and Sanctuary. Thus was completed a most marvelous Spiritual Service to life which will have a permanent effect upon the soul growth of all mankind, all in the discarnate realms and nature itself. This action will continue throughout the entire months The Ray will go forth at the same appointed time every evening, and we invite as many as possible to take part in the drawing in and projection of the Flame at the same hour you held the ceremony in your Sanctuary - no matter where your bodies may be at the time. It is always possible - even in the midst of outer world activity - to withdraw into yourself for a few minutes, consciously connect your thoughts with the Activity of Sanat Kumara and the Masters in Shamballa, and experience the joy of assisting to bathe the planet once more in Sanat Kumara Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love. The Light is not an intellectual radiation, but rather one of feeling, and we are hoping that through the impetus of this mighty Activity at Shamballa, the capacity of mankind to create and sustain shadows will be lessened and the desire and power to emit Light will be increased first through the self-conscious cooperating students and then through all men. 

The opening of the Retreat at Shamballa represents the close of a great cycle of time, during which the very existence of the earth was sustained by those Blessed Beings who voluntarily chose to lend the power of their developed radiation to a planet whose existence contributed no spiritual value to the system of which it is a part. Millions of years have elapsed since these Great Ones took on our responsibility, and the time of the dispensation runs out, with yet the far greater majority of mankind engaged in creating shadows rather than sunshine. Even the patience of the Universal cannot allow the sacrifice of Beings as great as Sanat Kumara to go on indefinitely; hence this great impetus of expanding the Light was set into motion by the Brotherhood, in the hope that it would stir the souls of men and provide a proof to the Cosmic Law that the mankind of earth were rising to fulfill the Office and Service of these great Friends of Life. The Year 1952, therefore, represents the beginning of a great Cosmic "Push" in this direction, which we hope will result, with the assistance of the self-conscious students, in the redemption of the Race.

Blessings and Love,







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