Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin 

Volume 1, No. 21                                                                                               November 2, 1952

Because of the Cosmic Hour and the fact that the ten billion lifestreams belonging to the earth's evolution have not yet evolved a consciousness which can emit Light to meet the Cosmic Law's demand, the Spiritual and Religious organizations presently functioning on the earth today have been found wanting. 

Anticipating the need for a new opportunity to release certain forces which would give that Spiritual Impetus to make every soul emit more Light, the Masters Morya and Saint Germain requested from the Sun the right to create a new channel through which the Instruction and the Spiritual Impetus might flow to meet the Cosmic Law's demand. The Higher Mental Bodies of the Race then put in a petition whereby they might throw the full weight, so to speak, of their influence into that endeavor at the January Council. 

The limited Grant of the Sun to a number of Higher Mental Bodies proved so efficacious that the further Grant was given in July, and the Higher Mental Bodies, through the lifestreams who did respond to the new vibration, began with the Builders of Form (under the direction of myself and other Members of the Ascended Host) to build an actual Spiritual Heart made up of the alert individuals who chose to offer their bodies as a cell in this living organism, which is to be truly the Spiritual Body of the Cosmic Christ for this era. 

We are still in the very delicate process of creating the Heart itself. The heart cells are the most highly developed in the construction of a vehicle; the brain cells following closely in importance (although the Occult Law has delegated the supremacy to the brain cells because the mental consciousness has been predominantly emphasized up to this point). The Magnetic Power of the Master of the Universe which forms the heartbeat of this organism is drawing, by a selective process, those lifestreams who can be fitted into this great Spiritual Heart; and quality, not quantity, is the measure of this particular phase in the development of this new body. 

The creation of a new spiritual organism is a most beautiful experience when approached from the aspect of the inner consciousness within which the Masters dwell, it follows almost exactly the progress which the Builders of Form use in the designing of a new physical body. 

The Spiritual Movement is born when the existing organism, through which the Flame of God is endeavoring to express, no longer meets the requirements of the evolving spirits within it, and the minimum amount of spiritual force is not allowed free play through the Open Doors of such existing organism. The Planet Earth, of course being so far behind its natural evolutionary course on the scale of life, requires a tremendous spiritual impetus to hasten its development through the expanding consciousness of its people. If existing orders after a given time are not found sufficient to supply the necessary spiritual currents which are the impetus to the raising of the souls of men, there are Cosmic Grants given for the establishment of a new spiritual organism; and some members of the Great White Brotherhood, in cooperation with their chelas, apply to the Sun of their system for the Grant required to set into motion the New Endeavor. This is what the Masters Morya and Saint Germain received from the Heart of Helios and Vesta. 

Because of the Grants given to the Higher Mental Bodies of the race in January and July of this year, we have had more than ordinary assistance and very gratifying co-operation from certain lifestreams, who, by the acceptance of the opportunity afforded them, have been built into the heart of the New Endeavor. We are still Spiritual Heart engaged in building or creating a perfect Heart, which is the Chalice of Love, and each cell (lifestream) is being individually molded and blended into the greatest perfection, so that when the spiritual organism begins to build around the heart, it may be fed by a strong, healthy, imperishable center; because a body with a weak heart is ineffectual. It is, therefore, my deep heartfelt petition, that each of you who have any comprehension of the present Activity, give all the power of good in your lifestream to strengthen each cell by the love, confidence, faith and nourishment which a spiritually minded mother in the physical octave would devote to the embryonic organism which is to be the body of her infant. 

At the instant when Saint Germain directed the Flame from the Heart of the Transylvanian Retreat into the hearts of the waiting Inner Circle in Philadelphia, the initial impulse of the Great Central Sun's Magnet was established through that Flame, and the lifestreams assembled there formed the nucleus of the Sacred Heart, which is yet in the process of development and purification. Other cells are being constantly prepared and will be added as soon as they are ready. The second and third meeting after this did not show much increase, but by the time the fourth pulsation of that magnetic pull was released, a goodly number of lifestreams responded, and we had an infusion of fresh spirits at the meeting in New York City on the occasion of Suva's Outpouring. While the Retreat at Suva was active, the Higher Mental Bodies of those who had accepted the Masters' Presence behind this Movement, were busily engaged preparing the outer self of each one to be ready to become part of the Heart of the Activity by the time that the Ray from Shamballa will strike the planet on the 15th of November. 

It is very difficult to explain the importance of the creation of a new Spiritual Organism to the outer mind of man, but looking at it with the inner eye, you would see this beautiful pulsating Flame, which is the Masters' Gift; and each of the lifestreams who form the initial core like a pure, shining light cell - the whole forming a circular band around the Flame, drawn to it by its magnetic power, and each cell drawn to its neighbor by love. When new "cells" are added, they come in around the Central Flame and all are molded then into the form of a great heart. 

The power of the heartbeat forms the rhythm of the body. The Cosmic Body of Christ is made up of the lifestreams of every individual belonging to the race, and when the heart is composed of chosen, self-conscious, comprehending individuals, it is but a comparatively short time before the whole body is filled with Light. 

The opening of the Retreat at Shamballa on the 15th of November of this year specifically dedicated to the forwarding of the progress of the Higher Mental Bodies of the race represents a Cosmic Moment, which is equal in importance to the Descent of Sanat Kumara from Venus. For this reason it is of Cosmic Import that the student body be in attendance in their various places of meeting when Shamballa sends forth her First Cosmic Impulse. 

Daily we are being offered new "cells" which the Builders of Form are joyously weaving into this great Cosmic Heart, and it goes without sayings the sooner it is completed the quicker it will commence its own rhythmic pulsation by which it will draw around itself the complete corporate body composed of every member of the race. This is the Cosmic Christ, the building of whose glorious Body becomes the Activity of the New Day.

Love and Blessings,








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