Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 1                                                                                                                    May 15, 1952


Summary of current; activities at the Ceylon Retreat which is dedicated to the Flame of the HOLY SPIRIT, and now in charge of our Present MAHA CHOHAN Retreat opened May 13th to June 14th, 1952. 

From the Heart of the Sun, at the inception of humanity's journey upon the spiritual structure of the earth plane, came the first Representative of the Holy Spirit and through his body was focused the initial impulse of that Flame, which is the TRUE NATURE of the completed and matured God Being. 

When humanity began incarnation upon the planet Earth, the first great Kingdom was a natural one of innocence and gentle, child-like beauty wherein the Life Principle was developed in Love. These beautiful qualities enabled this entire civilization to complete its round without suffering, hardship or pain and when the Great Manu of the First Race or Round 1. Its Christos and Maha Chohan returned to the Heart of the Father, the first Day of Earth's evolution was completed. 

Each successive Maha Chohan has the increasing responsibility of a Nature Kingdom which, through provocation, works in less complimentary harmony with its evolutionary mankind, and so the second and third rounds were a little longer, and more difficult of accomplishment but eventually the second and third rounds were completed and the Manus, with their Christos and Maha Chohans, returned with an emancipated to God's bosom. The 4th round has yet to be completed and that, as well as the 5th, are under process of redemption at the present time.... the 6th has yet to enter on the stage of Life, although there are many 6th round people present and actively engaged in this great task of liberation today. 

The above short dissertation is necessary in order to make plain and understandable the present activities at the Ceylon Retreat. 

The present Maha Chohan (who is the Keeper and Watcher of the Flame of the HOLY SPIRIT established in this Retreat so many years ago and which each succeeding Maha Chohan is responsible for) invited three preceding Maha Chohans to this Conclave and to his great Joy they accepted and are his guests during the 30 days the Retreat is open. The first Maha Chohan, at the opening of the Council, addressed the assembled guests (composed of ascended and unascended mankind, a great many of the latter in their Higher Mental Bodies) and the following is an excerpt of his Discourse: 

"Oh mankind, who seeks knowledge whereby to attain Happiness, know that your lesson lies within the contemplation of Love. Let me point you to the Love within the Kingdom of Nature, which on the evolutionary scale lies far below the potential power of man. Nature which mirrors so much more of the God Love than you, who are pre-chosen to be the LORDS OF CREATION! 

Through the body of Nature comes all of the substance to sustain the physical bodies of all life expressions. Without the gifts of Nature, no food, no clothing, no physical bodies could endure for a period of more than a few short months. 

In return for her gifts which furnish your bountiful tables, she receives back into herself the poisonous excrement of breath and body and, finally, the very decadent garments which you have worn. 

All this with the patience that is not of a century, but of so many countless eons of time that it would stagger the human mind to even contemplate it. 

Can you say as much for yourselves? Are you as willing to absorb the evils of each other and actively replace them with the substance of Happiness and Good? Can you do this for the matter of a month or a year, not to speak of an eternity? 

The rhythm of Nature is the constant refinement of the human race or a natural purification by the chemical action of self-conscious beings, coupled with the actual throwing off, by the same chemical means, of the worn-out particles of the human body and then the renewal of the body and brain substance of the race, which is also a conscious and positive action of Love. 

I speak of Nature today, not only to make man aware of the Love principle that is within it, but in Gratitude to the countless million intelligences engaged in this service of Mercy and to point out to the souls of men the activity which must replace the present consciousness that refuses to lift the load or share the burden of these beings, because until this consciousness is replaced, MAN CANNOT COME UNDER THE BENEFICENT PROTECTION THAT THE NATURAL KINGDOM WILL AFFORD in the cataclysmic chances. 

If Nature serveth you by taking, the excrement of your body, the carbon monoxide of your lungs and the decadent flesh of your garment, and, with loving gentle hands, gives you in their place the leafy green, the fragrant blossom, and the soft warm wool or gracious silk, and you cannot take the conscious and unconscious discord of your fellowman, consciously consume it and, more than that, give back a gift of tolerant, forgiving and raising Love, YOU HAVE NOT EARNED TIME RIGHT TO live above Natures Kingdom OR EVEN PARALLEL WITH IT! 

I speak because the hour comes when we must have in incarnation those who are at least equal to the Natural Kingdom… we do not ask that they be superior to it! 


This Great Feast Day was celebrated by a Great Concourse of Ascended and unascended beings who joined in an intensification of the Flame of the HOLY SPIRIT and, for the first time in the History of the Planet, unascended beings became CONTRIBUTING FACTORS to the intensity of the Flame and to the expanded Sphere of its influence. 

All in white the Brotherhood came and all in white were clothed the Inner bodies of those who directed their attention toward the Retreat, either for help or service. The Flame itself, within the heart of the sanctuary, rose like a White Column and on the raised dais stood the Maha Chohans (the first 3 and the present Great One) and the Lady Pallas Athena. 

At a given signal, each member present directed the beam of his own Energy into the Flame and, through the added Fuel, there began an expansion that covered a major portion of the Eastern hemisphere and then was re-directed by conscious outposts into the Western hemisphere as well. 

This Release is a GRACE of "the hunger and thirst after righteousness" into the feelings of the people of earth. The activity continued for 24 hours, from the midnight preceding Whitsuntide until the midnight following, each Chohan successively becoming the Officiating Master, directing the focusing and then the expansion of the Flame. 

At the close of the Cosmic Activities, there will be re-enacted for the pleasure of the company, those particular significant experiences where the Spirit of God took more than ordinary effect in the consciousness of man through a VISITATION of some intensity of the HOLY SPIRIT. Whenever possible, the original actors who formed the Heart Center of the Christ Pageant will be in the position that they occupied at that time, and where spiritual endeavors or duties have called them from the Conclave their place will be taken by suitable representatives. 

The Master Jesus himself prepared the pageant of Whitsuntide, which is the outpouring that gave the disciples the capacity to perform more than ordinary service and as hundreds of thousands witnessed its re-enactment (in their inner bodies) they received the feeling with which the original beneficiaries were charged who took part in that first service. 

The finding of the HOLY GRAIL by King Arthur’s knights, which is the consciousness of the Christ through the Office of the HOLY SPIRIT, will also be enacted, as well as many of the accomplishments and activities of those gentlemen of the Round Table. Many of these are in embodiment today and whenever possible, they will take the same part they played in the original drama (in their inner bodies of course). 

The beautiful scene depicting the spiritual intervention of the Third Person of the Trinity in Lemuria and Atlantis and those early Golden Ages, will be enacted to charge the feeling world of the people who did not achieve the Ascension at that time and who forgotten their participation in such a Holy Outpouring. 

At the end of the series of these representative pageants, Pallas Athena and the present Maha Chohan will re-enact the role of the first Holy Spirit or Maha Chohan and his Divine Consort in receiving from the Sun the FLAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, anchoring it in their own hearts and then descending to establish it in the present Retreat in Ceylon, at the beginning of time. When the pageants close there will be a course of intensive training given in the gifts that lie within gentleness, harmlessness, humility and selflessness. Those classes will be conducted by the four Maha Chohans, assisted by the Seven Chohans of the Rays as well as the resident Brothers of the Retreat. All aspirants are asked to direct their consciousness to this Retreat, not only before retiring to sleep, but also by day, during the remaining days of the Conclaves. 

Blessings and Love,