The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 47                                                                                       November 19, 2001


Dear chelas, 

This week, in addition to working with the affirmations I gave you during the past two weeks I would now like to remind you of something very important I shared with the chelas about seven years ago. As we quickly approach the conclusion of another year, for those of you who have heard my words before, I ask you to use them to gauge your growth. For those who have not, I ask you to take them deep within your heart and use them to make your path a little easier. 

* "...The universe is like a cosmic ocean of both seen and unseen energy, depending upon where one stands in life at any particular moment... 

Beloved chelas, be like the ocean. As you send a wave of love forth upon the shores of human understanding, bathe mankind with the Gentleness of Love, the Light of Illumination, and the Power of the Silence! Then, when the wave returns to the great ocean from which it came, receive all the blessings of the returning currents, for you are the ocean that sent forth the gentle wave to bless and raise!... 

Go forth dearest ones and flood mankind with your victory in the pristine Light of God that was, is and shall ever be eternal! For your victory is mankind's victory! Your victory is love's victory! Your victory is God's Victory! 

As you patiently wait at the threshold of a new world, a still small voice whispers to your soul: follow the pathway and your Light will be bright! ...Feel the silent flame stirring within your being! Have strength, accept its instructions and come Home!" 

I AM your brother and friend in the Light,


*Excerpts taken from a discourse published in the February 1994 Bridge Journal







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