The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 5                                                                                                           January 29, 2001


Beloved Chelas, 

In my first letter to you this year I stated: "The key to one's ever-expanding spirituality is the constantly increasing ability to commune with the Universal Presence of God I AM." The power of invocation is paramount in this process. For as you offer an invocation, whether verbally or silently, you are invoking or 'calling forth' someone or something to assist you in an endeavor. 

An invocation can be as simple or as complicated as you would like to make it. However, no matter what you choose to do there are certain components required that must always be included in a powerful invocation. First, upon whose authority do you wish to make the invocation? Secondly, who or what are you invoking? Third, what are you requesting to happen? Finally, before completing your invocation, be sure to offer gratitude in advance. 

I shall use as my example of an perfect invocation the "Three Candle Acolyte Service" located in the forward section of your Book of Ceremony . I use it because it is short, it has all the components necessary in a good invocation and it is something you are very familiar with. As you read over it, The Supreme Source of all Life and the Holy Trinity is your authority. You are invoking the beloved Cosmic I AM Presence. You want this Presence to assert its rightful authority and express the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power which Thou Art. And finally, you acknowledge that the Cosmic I AM Presence is in all life and offer your gratitude. 

Since I have been discussing the importance of protection in your life and the fact that we will shortly be entering the month when the Temple for Enfolding Spirit of this year is open, I would like you to take some time this week to write your own invocation and then use it to assist in connecting more fully with the great Being of Light, Lord Sirius. 

Before closing I would like to share the following with you: Dearly beloved Presence of God I AM, the Source of all that is everywhere present, keep these, your chelas, enfolded in your protection, love, light, wisdom, illumination and peace especially this week as they work to refine their relationship with you and the great Being of Light, Lord Sirius. I love, bless and thank you for the answer to this and my every call to the Light. 

Until next week, I AM Master Kuthumi