
From Volume I, No 5

August 1952

The whole world is seeking peace, individuals and nations. Peace means surcease from pain of mind and body. Peace seems to have fled the earth and yet until it returns neither individual nor nation will find rest. The favorite salutation of the Master Jesus was: "Peace be unto you.” On the night of the Last Supper he gave them (his disciples) his last heritage in the words: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " Knowing what they were to go through, he bestowed on them a measure of his peace which he knew would enable them to bear the pain and disappointment which was to come upon them and he gives the same cheering message today to all those who are burdened for one reason or another.


Peace is a vital force, a substance that can be felt by the human body as a radiation of well-being, and which can be seen by the inner eye as an exquisite, palpable, ephemeral subsonic substance having both sound and color. Its color is an exquisite pale gold and its sound is like the softest music which intermingles with the feelings, soothing and healing them. Jesus is recognized in Heaven and Earth as The Prince of Peace. Through the centuries he has generated a vast aura of this heavenly substance which is instantly available to anyone seeking its soothing influence.  

In this modern day of invention and genius it is an easy matter for us to accept the possibility of thought projection or thought transference. We know that thoughts of all kinds are continually floating in the atmosphere all around us waiting to be picked up by people who tune in to their vibration, but a specially directed thought, with intense feeling behind it, goes straight to its mark, especially when it is consciously projected at the waiting and receptive mind of the Master Jesus, carrying a request for peace, healing or whatever is the need of the hour. This service of the Master may be impersonal, although we have his personal invitation to partake of his great gifts in the words: "Come unto me all Ye who are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest (peace).”  

"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God."  (Mat. 5:9) 

Understand and visualize each day:  

* I know, feel and accept that right now, and every moment of the day, the Higher Self of each one of the ten billion souls evolving on this planet, be they currently embodied, preparing to embody, or have just left the physical world of form, are radiating suns of the gift of 'peace on Earth and goodwill toward all people everywhere'. (*3X)  

So be it, beloved I AM!







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