The Importance of Perception

April 4, 1999

Beloved ones,  

As so many of my beloved ascended sisters and brothers have chosen to speak to you during this sacred celebration, did you really believe that I would not take this opportunity to enfold you in my gentle strength, offering you at least a few loving words of encouragement? I have come at this time to remind you, of a very simple but very important word, and that word is perception!  

If you truly believe that God's Will is perfection for all life and that it can be brought forth through your four lower vehicles. If you believe that everything, every circumstance, and every condition in your life and in all life, is in perfect order, how can you make any exceptions to these laws?  

As part of your ongoing spiritual preparation, today I say to you: The only thing that stands in the way of God's Perfect Will, in the divine order of all things, is your own perception, beloved ones!  

Whenever you face challenges, be they physical, mental or emotional, and these circumstances are not to your liking, very often it is your lesser self who rises to each and every such occasion, in an attempt to control each situation, by upsetting your equilibrium. And as you well know, when you allow this to happen, you can easily become quite upset, as your inner peace and faith is shaken. Sometimes you may feel a sense of embarrassment or even failure, before your friends and co-servers. This is especially true if their lives appear to be more "perfect" than your own.  

Oh, my dearly beloved chelas, life's challenges are nothing more than the proving ground where you will receive spiritual truths and gain self-mastery. Therefore, each such experience is an integral part of your own perfection, divine in exact and perfect order, and should not be feared or ever overlooked. For this reason you must constantly question your attitudes and responses and not the circumstances.  

My advice to you is, keep on keeping on, beloved ones, for this is the greatest blessing you can receive and the greatest blessing you can give to others! My beloved co-servers, know that I AM always with you, as you continue to proceed, ever onward and upward, in your every effort at becoming the magnificent channel of God's Perfection in the world of form, that you have come to Earth to be.


Your friend,

El Morya 




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