Treatise on Love

 March 1953

Note to chelas: From March 15 to April 14, 1953 the great lord Maitreya was Host to the White Brotherhood and the people of Earth. In order to perpetuate the memory of a very beautiful experience the Maha Chohan described an outpouring which took place at that time. lf you wish to read for yourself Lord Maitreya's Address to the Multitude before proceeding with the Maha Chohan's discourse, you will find it in the January - March 1999 Bridge Journal.


Real Feeling and Hypnosis


This is a gift of the Holy Spirit which imbues the Master and the Master's elected representative, wherein the word picture is accompanied by the actual feeling of the activity described, and which does more to illumine the consciousness than is possible when thoughts alone are transmitted and the intellect is fed through the medium of worded expression.

The gift of the genius through the spoken word, in song, in prose or on canvas, is measured by the depth of feeling which he can convey to his audience. The feelings which are stirred by the agitator or the emotional zealot or the over-aggressive salesman are momentary and represent to a great extent a hypnosis or a transfer of the vibrations of the sender, with the effect that when that pressure is removed there is a 'let down' or a coldness in those who have, for one reason or another, permitted themselves to be temporarily stirred.

But the sustained feeling of spiritual satisfaction which follows a spiritual experience means that the Master Flame of the Holy Spirit, through whatever instrument it functions, has connected with the vibrations of the audience and set into motion a pulsation within the feeling world of the receivers of a permanent vibration of a superior nature to that ordinarily experienced and which can be recalled at will.

How to Re-energize Spiritual Feeling 

One of the unfortunate characteristics of the spiritual student is that he does not know that the power lies within himself to re-energize that spiritual feeling at will and he is inclined to believe that he has lost its ecstasy once its first warmth and delight have passed. The wise individual, in the active enjoyment of a spiritual benediction, seizes it, and through a conscious call to his Christ Self which may be as follows: “Beloved Christ Self of me, accept this, the feeling of Lord Maitreya's Love. Sustain it for me and allow me to feel it again at will”.

Then, when a crisis or an experience of life requires the presence of a love beyond human capacity, such an individual may call again for that feeling which has been held in store for him by his Presence and he can experience again that same spiritual communion and exaltation.

So I say to you who stood within the radiation of Lord Maitreya's outpouring and who felt for a moment the potential powers of love divine, demand by the power of your own Presence at that meeting that you feel again the love of the Cosmic Christ, and then embody within that feeling the conviction of its mastery in every sphere and through every form.  

The Mastery of Love is the Basis of Stillness 

As the great Master of Love stood against the background of gently sloping hills with the silvery moon shining upon his luminous body, there flowed from his Presence a feeling of the most glorious peace, a stillness that was even reflected in nature, so that the very bodies of the assembled guests did not choose to move because the comfort of that peace was more precious than the will of any part....

Into that stillness we entered, deeper, deeper and deeper... Not a blade of grass moved, nor a leaf of a tree, nor a bird on a branch nor the surface of the lake, and even the breeze that is ever present within the natural channels of the hills and valleys was still, reminding me of the coming of the great Kumaras. The enjoyment of that stillness was an active, individual experience, each one with his being pressed against the body of the silence, until all the quivering nerves and vibrating minds were stilled.

This is the feeling that the masters experience when they enter the Great Silence between their activities, but for Lord Maitreya to have brought that feeling of stillness into the lower atmosphere of Earth and to have consciously conveyed it to the bodies of unascended beings was, again, the manifestation of the complete mastery of love over every vibration which is less than itself. . . because every individual that was present brought a vibration representative of some different aspect of limiting experience, and yet that master presence of love, without a word being spoken, gave to every man the promise of what a planet and a people will one day be when the capacity to create discord is no longer counted among the powers of the evolving ego.  

You are the Custodian of the Feeling of Love and Peace 

We, who were among the Ascended Host present, joyously opened our feelings to the inflow of that Cosmic Christ gift, claiming within our own permanent record that we might re-animate that aura at will, so that it becomes for us, each one, not only a gift received, but a gift to be given, and I now revivify it for you... You are now the custodians of that feeling of love and peace divine and we shall see how often you will revivify it at will for yourself and others.

Oh! in the coming days and years how many circumstances will you find yourself in where the positive radiation of Lord Maitreya's love can be, on an instant, expanded from the center of your being to blanket a condition, a lifestream, or an environment and you will find yourself not being unduly concerned with the generation of a cosmic power beyond the capacity of your selfhood because this is a gift endowed upon you by the master.

You, who find it so difficult to generate a feeling of love in the midst of a circumstance in which perhaps, your own human nature may be involved will find that there is within yourself the power to invoke the revivification of that feeling of the love of the Cosmic Christ which you personally experienced in the great outpouring by Lord Maitreya in the Kashmir Hills and which I have doubled in its activity by invoking it through the substance of your physical bodies as you read this and let your thoughts dwell on me.  

You Have the Power to Expand the Flame of Love 

In the blue waters of the Kashmir Lake, the silvery light of the moon was reflected and even those lilies that only open their petals in the morning were in full bloom. Upon the small elevation Lord Maitreya stood alone in perfect repose, his head inclined a little, in order to focus the radiation of his love upon the assembled throng. Above him in the inner atmosphere was the Presence of Lord Buddha and the Twin Flames from the heart of the sun itself, so Lord Maitreya became the conductor of not only his own love, but the most concentrated directive outpouring of the Cosmic Christ, supplemented by that of those other mighty beings, that the Earth has unto this day received. To create an aura so comfortable that humankind does not need to be entertained through any avenue of the senses and to hold that for over an hour is a major achievement when you are dealing with hundreds of thousands of differently constituted and evolved beings.

It is a different matter entirely for a master and a group of selective and trained lifestreams to enter the heart of their own solitude, but to become the Master Presence of the energy of the masses without phenomena or word pictures or action of any kind is a forerunner of the powers of the Cosmic Christ, which must be embodied in the lifestreams of those who are to be the leaders of the people as well as their guardians in the planetary changes ahead.

The reason why individuals who are going to serve life in a cosmic capacity have always been required to enter the Presence of the Lord Maitreya is that they might experience in full, the nature of the Cosmic Christ Love themselves and receive that seed in the feeling world which could be fanned into a flame when circumstances present themselves for its use, such as quieting an audience in time of panic or inspiring them in times of peace.

It was for this specific reason that Lord Maitreya performed this service for humankind en masse at the spiritual initiation. Up to this time, the service was only performed for one initiate at a time, but this time he rendered the same services for every person present and every one in that vast assembly who experienced the feeling of the love of the Cosmic Christ is a potential focus for the expansion of that flame when it is required in any crisis, individual or collective.  

You can Invoke the Power of Your Christ Self 

All of the initiations and great experiences through which the lifestream passes on the Earth are permanently recorded in the etheric body. Any height of spiritual exaltation, any joyous association with divinity, is permanently stored within the Akashic memory in the feeling world and endures from embodiment to embodiment as a heritage of the lifestream. Today, of course, the unpleasant experiences are, thank God, not of a permanent nature owing to the knowledge and use of the sacred fire.

The soul, therefore, on entering into the feeling body at the time of birth is heir to every spiritual benediction which it has been privileged through the use of free will to draw into being in all past lives, but it is the unfortunate experience of the human race that these divine feelings are not revitalized consciously and utilized in the present day living of the ego self. It is something to be deplored that they just lie dormant until the lifestream comes into the conscious use of its divine memory and begins to use that heritage, but this latter achievement is quite an advanced development of the ego.

Many of you have witnessed the miracles of the Master Jesus and felt, through the sweet privilege of divine friendship, the love of the Cosmic Christ embodied in his selfhood. This is a living and permanent part of your own emotional world which can be drawn forth by your invocation and revitalized as a treatment for yourself and others, and to go back to the very beginning of the beginning, you can invoke the power of your own Christ Self to let you feel the glory that you had with HIM in the beginning before the world was.

You sat at the feet of the Father and the Mother when the Spirit Sparks were first drawn forth and within your feeling world is the experience of their feeling of love for you as one of their children, which was, because you witnessed and felt it, to become a living part of you.

You looked objectively upon those experiences then, even as a child today does not recognize the wealth of parental solicitude, but in some far distant time when the experience of daily living becomes more difficult, the memory of that experience is stirred and the mature individual then feels a little of what the parent experienced during those earlier days.

The student body, by reason of the tremendous release through cosmic messengers, has been lifted time and again into that height of cosmic love and sense of mastery and power, but they do not seem to remember that they might have this exaltation revivified through their conscious call.

The Living Power of Love

Now, as I bring your Lord Maitreya's love, I want it to be more than just a memory stored away within your respective consciousness. I want it to be a living power that you can and will re-animate and pour forth freely to others.

A gift, spiritually offered, and a power vested in your lifestream, is only as valuable as the use to which it is put. You have felt for a moment the master power of love. I have purposely conveyed it to you through radiation, showing that the transmittal of a feeling is possible and is more lasting than the transmittal of a thought.

I have conveyed to you the power of revivifying feeling and a conscious knowledge that the Master's feeling can be for you an authority and Master Presence until you are fully developed enough to create and sustain your own. If you will accept this assistance and act accordingly I feel that I will have done much for my children.  

Maha Chohan

(Holy Æolus)




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