Spiritual Evolvement

April 4, 1999

Dearly Beloved of God,


As you know, the Angelic Kingdom is primarily concerned with bringing the gifts of God to humankind, and then expanding these blessings within each individual. I AM here today to offer you the gift of the profound peace of our Father-Mother God with the hope, that by the Grace of God, you will be able to finally, fully embrace and embody this divine bestowal, no matter what is taking place, within or around you.  

As you all well know, these past two years have created many wonderful opportunities for each of you to learn to hold God's Peace, even as the very fabric of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is being torn asunder by individuals whose motives should be questioned more closely. Yes, beloved ones, according to the Will of our Father-Mother God, this Activity of Light is changing as well as the sacred Focus of Shamballa. Not everyone, who is currently connected with this organization, will be able to remain and this is as it should be, as each individual evolves at their own pace and in their own way, as needed for their own development.  

To those of you who often take time to go within and become one with your Holy Christ Self, you will surely recognize the truth contained within the above statements. For the rest, I ask that you do so soon, and listening to the voice of your own I AM Presence, make your decision as to what you need to do for your evolution. In other words, beloved ones, follow your inner promptings, for your I AM Presence will never lie to you. As your direction becomes clearer, you will come to know that what is in process here on Long Island is divinely guided! So even though you may be unhappy with the recent changes, as of now, you do not fully understand the reasons why.  

As part of their spiritual preparation, it has been asked of every devout student and righteous being who has evolved upon your planet: "What are you willing to give up?" On this, one of the most sacred and holy days of the year, I shall now ask on behalf of the other members of The Great Whit, Brotherhood, What are you willing to give up, beloved ones?  

Throughout your Earth's history, there have been many who have taken vows of poverty or given up friends and family in their spiritual quests. There have even been those who have given their all, their lives, for a cause they deemed important enough. Beloved ones, you are not being asked to do any of these, but as a student of the Ascended Masters, you must be open to the idea of sacrifice, to offer up to God your personal will to that of the Divine Will of God.  

As the being of Light you are, what would you do if you could no longer come together for service in this Sanctuary? What would happen if the Journal no longer reached you? Would you turn your back on this Activity of Light? Would you continue to serve as an example of these sacred teachings? Think upon these things, for perhaps, this is your test, beloved ones!  

Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom are evolving, growing and transforming, whether you like it or not. Do not attempt to hold either back from fulfilling their divine plans, for the divine edict went forth, and the dispensation was granted, long before any of you were born.  

The work that was begun on this part of the property has been completed. It is time for each one of you, and Shamballa, to move forward. 'Keep on keeping on' has been a phrase used throughout the history of this Activity, by so many of the Ascended Masters and other Cosmic Beings, and it is one we will continue to use often.  

As a perfect example of this forward momentum, the moving of Lord Gautama last year, expresses in the world of form, the completion of just one phase of our ongoing work. This particular change represents the perfect balancing of your own Threefold Flame, and is a sign that this has taken place, even if you are unable to remain centered at all times. Do not be concerned, for that day will surely come!  

And what happens, my dear chelas, when a Threefold Flame becomes balanced? Through the activity of perfectly balancing the Threefold Flame, that flame then becomes the Ascension Flame. Are you ready to move into the next phase of your evolution, beloved ones? As it must, the Ascension Flame has now become the most dominate force on the planet.  

As you are all well aware not only your service to life has increased, but your spiritual development as well.  

Your spiritual preparation is continuing, my beloved ones, and at times this may be difficult for you to deal with. When this happens, call to me and I shall instantly enfold you in my profound peace. You may also call upon my beloved, Lady Grace, because for some of you, it shall only be through her gift of grace that you will accomplish your task.  

Through the activity of the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame, the qualities of quiet strength and loving faith have greatly expanded within you, which will in turn, increase God's gift of peace not only in you, but in those around you, as you continue to be a radiating sun of your own God Perfection. Each day you are becoming more prepared for what God has planed for your lifestream. As this spiritual preparation continues, know that I AM always with you, along with my beloved, as together, we enfold you in the peace and grace of our Father-Mother God.

I AM Uriel,

Archangel of the Sixth Ray





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