Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern,

April: Becoming centered, take a deep breath in and upon its release, allow yourself to travel in consciousness to the etheric realm over the Holy Land, to the exact location of the Resurrection Temple. Upon your arrival you are greeted by beloved Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael, and legions of their great angels. You quickly feel a comfort, love and peace like nothing you have ever felt before. Looking around you are now joined by other lifestreams who have come to participate in releasing the energy of the Resurrection Flame into every man, woman and child upon the Earth, to awaken them to their own inner Christ Consciousness and you are grateful.


May: Gently closing your eyes, take a moment to contemplate the God Quality of pure divine love. The Heart of All Creation is love! Compassion, understanding, wisdom, purity, truth, and all the great God Qualities are all embodied in love! As a chela and lightworker, you have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate God's Love in all that you do, say and think. Although this may not be easy, it is essential to your spiritual growth. So you vow that each day, you will make time to send love to all life upon the planet Earth. In so doing, you shall participate and become an integral part of expanding and accelerating God's Perfect Love and Peace on planet Earth.


June: Entering deep within your heart center, that special place where everything is at perfect peace, you begin to breath rhythmically releasing all unnecessary thoughts and concerns you have within your mind, feeling world and memories. It is here, within the Great Silence, that you are ONE with the Creator of the Universe, our Father-Mother God. Slowly, you begin to realize you are not alone. You feel a comforting warmth, unlike anything you have known before and you soon become aware that beloved AEolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit, is with you. As he enfolds you in his radiance of perfect love, you realize the importance of loving all people unconditionally, without judgment and without fear. Reminded of why you chose to embody on this planet your attention returns, once again, to your life's work-the full manifestation of God's Great Divine Plan here on Earth.



 Breathing Statement *for the Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern


(Breathe in)                    I AM inbreathing

(Hold breath in)              I AM absorbing

(Breathe out)                  I AM expanding

(Hold breath out)            I AM projecting


 April: the renewing energy of the Resurrection Flame into all life on planet Earth.   

 May: beloved Nada's quality of Divine Unconditional Love that blesses life everywhere.  

 June: the peaceful and loving power the Cosmic Holy Spirit has for all life.


* The breathing statement should be given four times for each full breath. On the inbreath, breath in the qualities contained within the Flame. As you hold your breath in, absorb the qualities deep within every part of your being. As you breathe out, expand and increase the power and momentum of the divine qualities you are calling forth through the power of the Holy Breath. As you hold your breath out of your body, project these magnificent God Qualities forth to all life. Repeat this exercise a minimum of three full breaths.






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