How to Develop Perfect Vision

The Bridge, Vol. 1

The psalmist sings "I will lift up mine eyes unto the Hills from whence cometh my help" (Psalm 12 1: l). Man has been endowed with the power of vision by which he invites and compels the object visualized into his consciousness. What man entertains in his consciousness, outpictures in his world. Through the track of the vision, each individual has the power to draw into his experience whatsoever he chooses to contemplate.


The Master Saint Germain has said; "It is more difficult for man to endeavor to visualize a glory which his outer consciousness has not yet experienced than it is for the Presence of the Master to project into the beam of his vision the Perfect Vision as the Master sees it with his more highly developed faculties."


It would be more difficult for a blind man to visualize green grass or the blue sea, than the man who has looked upon it. Therefore, as you accept the magnetic power of your unfolding visual sense, ask the Presence of the Masters to “glorify you with His Own Self with the Glory which you had with Him before the world was.”  Then, quietly, await the Presence so that you may incorporate its perfection into the very substance of the flesh. Contemplate daily:


Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no evil on my pathway. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no limitation with its sorrows. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is no loss, no lack, no absence, no deprivation. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is nothing to fear, for there is no power to hurt. Steadfastly facing Thee, there is neither sin, nor sickness, nor death. Steadfastly facing Thee, I AM become all Thou Art.


Truly every human is a part of God. There could be no individuality without that Presence which is life, intelligence and spiritual strength itself. It is self evident, however, that not all men are equally partaking of their divine heritage. Not all men are equally manifesting the gifts, powers and nature of God. It is to develop and mature the God-nature through the individual that we devote our lives and talents. The supreme effort upon the part of man to prepare his soul for the Presence of the Holy Comforter is his part of the endeavor. Then, like the parable of the prodigal son, the rushing, comforting Presence finds a bridge of harmoniously qualified energy in such a man and joins the spark of immortality slumbering within him. Then God and man are one-the miracle of Whitsuntide!


Beloved Saint Germain

May 1970





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