A Blessing From Beloved Archangel Raphael  to the Children of Earth

May you be consecrated forever with the qualities of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.

May Truth and Healing be the path to your Resurrection and Ascension.

May the eternal Peace of the Almighty be your shelter.

May the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love form your creations. May you join in consciousness with The Unity of the One.  

And as One:

May we walk our path in Balance serving humbly with Compassion.

May the Clarity of God's Light reflect the beauty of our being.

And may we be so blessed in the days and weeks to come, to witness the Transfiguration of our beloved planet Earth into Freedom's Holy Star!




'... The Flame of the Resurrection is the hope of the redemption of the entire human race, by which the distorted substance that has been generated by human thoughts and feelings and imposed upon pure God Energy, may be purified, transmuted and restored to its natural, perfect God Nature.  

The action of the Resurrection Flame is the quickening of the vibratory action of the Light of Life within the cells of the body, enabling the Inner Light to throw off the appearance of limitation and stand revealed in 'the Glory it had with the Father, before the world was.’ The substance of the Resurrection Flame flows through the inner bodies of those who invite it, as well as through the actual flesh structure. . .'





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