Serapis Bey

Spring  Conference

April 8, 1996

My beloved chelas,

Do you realize that by your active participation in this conference, your lives shall never be the same! This happens every time you come to Shamballa, for by the time you leave you are no longer the same person. Through the various activities that take place during this very special time, you truly enter a much higher level of consciousness. It is then your decision whether you will stay at this level after your departure, and it shall be, by your actions over the next few months, that we shall come to know your answer.  

As you are very well aware, so much has happened during the past four days. I shall take a few moments right now to review and highlight some of the important knowledge and illumination you have been given thus far. I shall begin by taking you back to the first day of this magnificent gathering of many great beings of light, both ascended and unascended. Remember how this conference began, with classes of such power and radiation that you wondered if it was possible to rise any higher in consciousness, and then with each passing class you did. With the words from the blessed Archangel of Restoration, you were reminded of the danger attached to the tactic of 'divide and conquer' and how it is often used to dissipate the group energy and the tremendous power it generates.  

Then, as a perfect example of the positive power of a group, the Archangel of Restoration lovingly spoke of a very small but quite powerful core group of chelas, whose love and dedication very few can equal. Centered within the qualities of unity, cooperation, and brotherhood, it was announced that beloved Micah has now joined the ranks of the Archangels, and through the power of visualization each of you were introduced to the newest members of your support group of angels.  

That evening during the healing class, one of the great goddesses of healing, Lady Hygeia was quite direct and to the point in her explanation of the importance of your physical body and how it must be taken care of, for it is this vehicle through which you manifest in the physical world of form.  

Lady Astrea, Elohim Claire's divine complement, spoke the following morning. She discussed, among other items, the particular gift of her being¾that of protecting yourself by becoming and then remaining so pure in your mind, body, being and world, nothing less than perfection can touch you. Then the importance of ‘where your attention is...' in manifesting this ability to remain in a constant state of purity, was then brought up. She also touched on the importance of your emotional vehicle and its responses, especially in reference to your feelings and your relationships with other people.  

Saturday morning you were honored with the presence and words of truth from our beloved brother, Saint Germain, who focused his discourse upon many of the practical aspects you must consider and will often encounter as a director for this Activity of Light: The importance of the relationship between the director and acolyte; the responsibilities involved in creating and maintaining the energy at the highest level possible before, during, and after a class; how to keep the magnificent chalice of light you have created from shattering and dissipating the energy container in it. All of these items were brought up. However, most important of all was his statement that your training as a director continues forever!  

Bright and early the following morning, you received the full power of the mighty Resurrection Flame. At Sunrise, beloved Mary, earthly mother of Micah, reminded you of the all-encompassing love you should have for your brothers and sisters. You must rejoice in their accomplishments and comfort them in times of sorrow, remembering always that each individual is unique and has a special mission to fulfill during this embodiment. Also, she reassured you that the time will come when, no matter how difficult your life may be, someday you shall look back and be grateful for each experience. Yes, the 'savior' will surely come to Earth once again, and this time it shall be from within¾through the gifts and blessings of the Sacred Fire of creation.  

A short time later, Elohim Claire stood before you and with his mighty power, reminded you of the importance of the elemental kingdom. Because these lifeforms tend to create in response to what is taking place around them, not only you, but people everywhere must keep their thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions pure for everything you do affects life. He also brought up the point, that by using the natural phenomena of the nature kingdom, many important planetary activities can take place easily, gently raising the vibratory level of the Earth, so that its glorious perfection can blaze forth as a mighty beacon of light for all to see throughout this universe.  

Now, this morning, it is my turn. You have each received several gifts from many of the beings of God's buoyant, joyous, radiant Flame of Purity that will assist in your further spiritual progress. It is now time, beloved ones, to get to the cause and core of all fear, especially with the relationship between teacher and student. Throughout the spiritual development of your planet, people have tended to place their spiritual leaders at a level far above themselves, sometimes even to the point of being untouchable. Power and control such as this has been perpetuated throughout history, and such separation must end―right here and right now! One of the goals I attained prior to my ascension was to ask forgiveness for my misuse of energy, not only in my life but in the lives of others as well. As one of the high priests who lived and worked on the sacred isle of Atlantis, I was personally involved, in activities such as this, just as you were. Perhaps the location and circumstances were different, but the principle was the same.  

Here at Shamballa, this can no longer be tolerated at any level of consciousness. Whichever side of this principle you were on, ask forgiveness for yourself and also forgive others. Call upon the Violet Transmuting Flame and purify to the very cause and core of this prior connection to a policy that is no longer valid in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Just as you allow yourselves to grow, you must now do the same for your beloved Shamballa. This sacred and holy Focus of Light is not the same as it once was, and what may have applied in a time long past, no longer is true. The Ascension Flame has truly been very active, raising your entire planet to higher levels each and every day.  

Visualize now a snowstorm, not unlike the one the elementals shared with you yesterday. Picture snowflakes of every size and shape swirling around in gentle spirals, descending softly to the surface of the Earth. As you observe this beautiful manifestation of the nature kingdom, first you see only those flakes directly in front of your vision, but as you ever so slowly raise your vision, you can follow a line of flakes high up into the atmosphere. With each passing moment you become more at one with this great flurry of activity. Eventually you even begin to feel, not only the descending but the ascending energies as well, and your consciousness slowly expands outward, eventually covering your entire planet.  

This, beloved ones, is exactly how the buoyant, raising, powerful energy of the Ascension Flame works. Just as you have become one with this snowfall, you can just as easily become one with my flame. The ascension is possible of attainment in this lifetime by each one of you here in this Sanctuary. Come, beloved ones. Join me now and remain forever in my loving embrace, as together we lift your world into the full light of its God perfection. This shall be for I have spoken!  






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