The Light of the World

Quietly center yourself. Allow your breathing to deepen and feel the breath of life as it enters and fills your lungs. With eyes closed, concentrate on this sacred essence as it is drawn deeply into and then expands throughout your entire body. As you continue to concentrate on this activity see the substance of the air you breathe as glowing light which, as you inhale, fills your body. As you exhale you increase and expand the power of the light within and around you. As this takes place feel your consciousness expand and raise to ever higher levels. Beloved ones, keep your attention focused on the light that now moves in, through and around you and allow the ascension of your consciousness to continue!

Looking deep into this light, a beautiful temple appears before you. Immediately you recognize it as beloved Lady Kwan Yin's Temple of Mercy and Compassion, for you have journeyed often to this sacred and holy place during times of sleep and meditation. As you move toward the temple now, you begin to feel the warmth of the violet light that always enfolds the temple and its grounds, and you feel happy to have returned once again. There are many magnificent gardens full of flowers and it is difficult to figure out which is your favorite even though you have tried many times before. Gently winding through these exquisite gardens are seven beautiful paths which ultimately all lead to the main entrance of the sacred Hall of Supreme Harmony. Each walkway is filled with legions of Violet Fire Angels who playfully dance in unison and harmony to the peaceful music that fills the air.

Choosing the path you wish to take the angels quickly come toward you and lovingly supporting your desire to continue your journey toward the Temple of Mercy and Compassion, draw you into their activities.  

Nearing the temple you notice that all the paths appear to merge together into one which now leads you to seven golden steps just outside the entrance to the temple itself. Placing your foot on the first step you immediately become aware of the greatly intensified activity of purification taking place all around you. Your physical body, your etheric body, your mental body, your emotional body¾in fact the entire spiritual being of light you are is now filled with Violet Transmuting Flames and you feel a new lightness of spirit and a renewed freedom of mind and body. With the continued support of the Violet Fire Angels you are quickly clothed in a magnificent mantle of violet light and effortlessly find yourself floating freely upward toward the entrance.  

As you approach the doors open wide and you quickly find yourself standing within a large and very beautifully decorated room. It is filled with countless numbers of angels and the great light of many highly evolved spiritual beings who serve with you in the physical world of form. The atmosphere of the room is one of spiritual joy, love and peace and you feel that this is a place you would like to remain in forever.

Looking ahead you see an ornately carved wooden altar against the farthest wall. Upon it rests a brazier which holds the magnificence of the Sacred Violet Fire. Unable to contain the full essence of this gift to life, many flames from the lightest violet shades to the deepest royal purple rise up and fill the atmosphere of this sanctuary or roll over the edge of the brazier and flow along the altar onto the floor as this liquid light substance constantly fills the room. Moving toward the altar you feel yourself filled more and more with the qualities of forgiveness, compassion, transmutation and freedom. Kneeling now before the flame, you look into the fire and gratefully opening your arms, hold yourself in a posture of grace and acceptance. Observing the movement of the flame, you begin to see a shape taking form. It is the luminous presence of Lady Kwan Yin, the master of this temple. From within the flame she stretches her arms toward you and you notice that in her hands she holds a bowl which she now offers to you.

With anticipation and joy, you lean forward and reach out to accept her gift. As your hands encircle the bowl your entire being fills with gratitude and love. Drawing the bowl toward you, you look into it and see an iridescent aquamarine liquid through which the light of the Violet Flame creates a luminosity of all the colors of the rays, gently and fluidly moving throughout the substance contained within the bowl. The Violet Flame itself is reflected in the liquid as if it is permeating the substance with its essence of purification.

Slowly you raise the bowl and drink deeply of this elixir. Immediately you feel energized as this purifying essence slowly flows through your body. You are empowered by the faith, strength and protection you feel moving outward into your head, arms and legs. Feel the healing power of love as this sacred essence moves in and around your heart. As your heart opens to receive this blessing and―as it opens and expands―you release this blessing out to all life around you. Feeling the purity of your purpose and the purification of your intent this energy now flows freely throughout your four lower bodies, into your aura, throughout the temple and beyond merging with the liquid light substance you have walked through since your arrival.  

Continuing to carefully hold your bowl you close your eyes and remaining in a prayerful position, you express your gratitude for this opportunity to the Goddess Kwan Yin, to the powers of the Seventh Ray of Purification, and to the Violet Fire Angles who have so willingly been your guides during this process of purification. Looking once again at the flames upon the altar you return the iridescent bowl to the Violet Fire of Purification and observe how the colors of the rays now boldly blaze forth adding to the flame. Filled with a love unlike anything you have ever known you hear the voice of beloved Kwan Yin as she speaks:

"You, in the purity and love of the true light of your being, are the light of the world! You are the gift to all humankind! You are the blessing of God and the Masters manifest in the world of form. Embrace this truth, beloved one! You have the ability to receive and everything to give. Hold the essence of this divine truth deep within and allow it to be you―for it is you. You are a blessing to all humanity!"  

A little fearful and quite uncomfortable with these words you begin to return your attention to your physical location, very quickly understanding that this truth applies not only to you, but to all people on this planet; and you happily look forward to receiving the many blessings of God that always surround you. Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes and are happy to have returned to where your journey began this day.





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