Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

June 1996


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Fully uniting our heart flames, we, the chelas of The Great White Brotherhood, join in unison to expand the Flame of Love throughout our entire planet Earth. As the hearts of all people everywhere open to the many reasons for the barriers that divide us all―one from the other―this power of illumination and forgiveness assists every man, woman, and child to discover the Holy Christ Self that lives within and but awaits recognition to come forth.

Discourse previously published in the August 1970 Bridge Journal 

Holy Ĉolus

August 1970 

Blessed children so close to my heart, now that the time has arrived for etheric visitation to the Temple of Peace and Comfort which was my home for so many years, I thought I would say a few words to you as I enfold you in the pure divine love of my being. Your up-reaching love has drawn me, and my gratitude is boundless for it allows me the opportunity to give you a further blessing.

Love can never be denied―the Solar Logoi themselves bow in humble submission before the slightest bequest of love. Love is the commanding presence of the galaxies that pulsates throughout interstellar space, and so I have come on the wings of love to further energize my currents on Long Island, as well as the Focus of Comfort and Peace under the loving protection of beloved Paul, my son.  

I shall refer particularly to Long Island in this little talk for she is destined to be the Focus of the greatest light for this dear planet. That light is now flowing forth from the etheric Shamballa but in the not too distant future, the Kingdom of Heaven shall be manifest on the landed surface and she shall truly be the shining isle so very dear to my heart. As the progress of the building of the perfection upon this holy isle takes place, the devic helpers will play a very important part. The cherubim and the seraphim shall direct mighty streams of energy that may be invoked and molded by those who are conscious of the devic builders.  

When we consider the varied manifestations of the Nature Kingdom, it is wise to think of the activity of the Devic Kingdom. The Devas are the Builders of Form―concentrators of power and thought. The office of the Maha Chohan, which beloved Paul now holds, is conducted from the Devic Realm in so far as the Nature Kingdom is concerned, and the supervision of the evolution of lifestreams is conducted from the Ascended Master's Realm.  

I hold within my consciousness the glorious picture of perfection which shall manifest upon Long Island. You have heard it said that when one is in touch with the form of a thing, one is in touch with the presence of that thing, therefore this picture is a pulsating, breathing part of my lifestream, which shall increase in beauty and become self-luminous and imperishable as a gift for all succeeding generations.  

I give this 'hint' to you so that those of you who desire to assist in the bringing forth of this perfection for Long Island may amplify your efforts by invoking my humble assistance. Remember too, that the beloved Silent Watcher Clove is most grateful for your attention for she will also be happy to infiltrate your consciousness with the perfection held in her blessed heart.  

(Additional information from Beloved Ĉolus also previously published in the August 1970 Bridge Journal.)

Divine love is a natural activity of the expansion of good. As far up the ladder of spiritual evolution as we can see, there is a constant expansion of the light, virtues, and gifts of God through every divine being who has cognized that love, utilizing it to do the will of the being who has created and sustained him or her.  

In unascended humankind, the same law holds true. If an individual has a gift or talent and uses it to expand happiness and beauty for life, he or she is the greatest beneficiary of the expression of his own gift. If so used, his talent expands, matures, and generally develops. If, however, he selfishly grasps the gift, and through a process of inversion, seeks to hold it to himself for personal gain or pleasure, he is either temporarily deprived of the use of that gift or talent, or temporarily is deprived of the opportunity to use it in the sphere in which he presently functions.  

The measure of the individual's use of talent, money, power and opportunity lies in the use to which he puts them. If he uses those gifts as God and the divine beings do, to expand the blessings of light, comfort, happiness, and greater perfection in his sphere of influence and the worlds of others, he will prosper. However, through his use of free will, if he chooses to use such a gift for personal aggrandizement or gain, these forces will teach him the lesson which Jesus taught so forcibly: 'To him that hath, more shall be given' (to him that has the understanding of how to use them, more substance, power, and talent shall be given him); 'to him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he hath' (from him who has not the understanding of how to use life impersonally to bless others, shall lose that which he already has).


An Invitation to Participate

Beloved co-servers,  

As the beloved Karmic Board convenes twice yearly to consider petitions for grant of energy submitted by the chohans, cosmic beings, as well as chelas who wish to take an active part; it is time to join in unity and brotherhood in this activity once again.  

Meditation classes to support the petitions of the beloved ascended masters in behalf of world progress into the light of God will be held at Shamballa on consecutive evenings at 8:00 PM (Eastern standard time) from Monday, June 24th. through Sunday, June 30th. We lovingly invite you to tune in consciousness to these classes and join your love, light, and energy with ours. You are also welcome to submit your own petition (in a sealed envelope marked "Petition Class" on the outside) to be combined with ours. We will be happy to consign them to the flames on the evening of June 30th, during the closing class.

In harmony and unity of co-service, we enfold you in our love, accepting yours as well!





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