Spring Conference

Mother Mary

April 16, 1995


My beloved ones,

My heart of hearts is an inseparable part of you, for not only are we united by God's love, but this oneness was again strengthened when I blessed and re-consecrated your precious hearts before you took embodiment upon this beautiful planet Earth.

Each and every year when we gather at Shamballa to celebrate the resurrection of my beloved son Jesus, I journey throughout the planet and look deeply into the three-fold flame of every lifestream to see how many more of the gifts of the Resurrection Flame you have accepted into your own lives. When beloved Micah embodied as Jesus, he used his seven bodies to bridge the span of consciousness for the magnificent Spirit of the Resurrection so that this resurrecting power could touch the seeking souls of man and re-awaken in them the divine reality of the Presence of God I AM.  

By the shining example and service of Jesus it is hoped that you, our chelas, will also reach forth into the radiant aura of this great spirit and receive further understanding of the importance of this service, for cosmic law dictates that every man, woman and child must become the fullness of the Christ in action in the physical world. Only then will this sweet planet become freedom's holy star!  

Beloved ones, you are never alone in your endeavors to consciously resurrect your perfection and become a holy spirit, for help is always at hand! The Ascended Master Retreats are open to all humankind each month and they fulfill a very important role in the planetary plan of restoration, so that the grace of God can reach all of his children.  

The chelas of the ascended masters are, however, usually the first ones to tune into these blessings and accept them, not only for themselves, but on behalf of the other members of the human race as well. In conjunction with your ceaseless and loyal service, the entire Spiritual Hierarchy is forever busy at inner levels offering every lifestream on Earth the opportunity to re-awaken to the light and truth, thus assisting in bringing forth beloved Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Era of Spiritual Freedom.  

All the eager and blessed spirits who accept our invitation while in embodiment are at first escorted during their hours of sleep into these retreats by a member of the Brotherhood, who takes the responsibility of enfolding each one within his aura. This is done so that the intensity of the radiation can be adjusted to bring only comfort and illumination to the lifestreams who have made this journey. Their consciousness is the measuring rod that determines whether or not the individual may step through the sacred flames surrounding a retreat and secure entrance into these holy places. However, there will come a time when the chelas can enter the temples while still awake through the activity of their own purified thoughts and feelings.  

To the lifestreams not currently in embodiment, a similar opportunity is offered, since the activities taking place in the retreats will be an accelerating factor in their spiritual development, as they prepare to come into embodiment once again, or move on into the higher realms.  

As you know, each year the retreat open to the receptive consciousness of humanity during the month of January is the Temple of the Great White Brotherhood in the Grand Teton Mountains. During this period you stand at a threshold, contemplating both the year just passed and the one that now stretches out before you. It is a time when every individual is deeply involved in setting goals for the incoming year. If these goals embody the spirit of brotherhood and reverence for life, the radiant Flame of Precipitation will be introduced to add its qualities into your endeavors, thus assisting in the process of manifesting all the good stored in your causal bodies.  

After your decisions have been made and your plans implemented, the purification of any misunderstanding and miscreation must continue, so that every individual chalice of consciousness may remain pure and receptive to receive the prompting from their God Presence. Dear ones, it is important to point out that your lives are not put on hold until the process of transmutation is complete, because your valuable service of light provides you with the learning experiences that ultimately assist you in purifying your four lower vehicles to a state where you will remain, perceiving only Christ Consciousness.  

This process of purification takes place through the activity of many God virtues and blessings. For example: The First Ray blesses an individual with its protecting blue light. In this way your faith in God increases and through your willingness to grow spiritually, you are blessed by the Violet Fire. Depending upon your development, this may be an unconscious process for a time. In any case the sacred flames are always available. The Second Ray brings each lifestream illumination regarding the conscious use of Violet Flame, and even offers a deeper understanding of how to use it. Particularly this year, you have been experiencing the power of the Third Ray of divine love acting in, through, and around your entire beings and worlds. As beloved Lady Rowena began to bathe you with her qualities, you had the opportunity to often journey to her retreat, especially during the month of February and truly experience the freeing power of divine love, which is the balancing God virtue embodied in the blessed Violet Fire.  

In the following month the additional assistance of beloved Orion's strengthening radiation was offered to the Earth. With his help your physical bodies were able to reach an ever higher state of perfection, so that you could continue to march forward, raising this dear planet to its pristine beauty and harmony. Divine love is often considered to be of a soft and tender nature and this is true. However, it is the tenderness of expression that allows this marvelous quality to hold your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies together; and it is this miraculous divine quality that will bring about the complete alignment of your seven bodies! Through this understanding you are able to realize how much divine love exists in, through and around your beautiful garments of expression in the world of form.  

Dearest ones, as you contemplate my words so lovingly offered to you and accept yourselves as the expression of God's love that you truly are, you will see with greater vision and feel with more profound love! In this way, you shall more fully perceive God's miracles and gifts all around you. All that you need to know to move forward is given to you by your Holy Christ Self at the perfect time. Therefore, continue to meditate upon the many blessings received through the activities of the retreats that surround the Earth. As you do this, you are also learning how to consciously enter these inner sanctuaries of love, wisdom and power to further assist all life around you.  

I love and bless you now, just as much as I did when assisting in the creation of your physical hearts. Oh, great Universal First Cause I AM, when one soul resurrects the Christ in his heart, let that resurrection take place in every heart. So be it!  

Remain always in my loving embrace,

Mother Mary


Holy Day


Sunday, April 7






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