Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

May 1995


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: As our Father-Mother God directs the pure essence of perfect love to the children of Earth through the sacred chalice of beloved Paul, all life responds to the pink flame of divine love. Peace and harmony now flow freely, covering our dear planet, allowing the seeds of friendship and brotherhood to spring forth, further manifesting the perfection of God's great divine plan on Earth right here and right now.

Beloved chelas,

I AM always with you, for it is my service to life to be the sustaining breath for this cherished and sacred planet! Long ago, the Earth regained its sacredness when beloved Sanat Kumara chose to come and enfold its atmosphere with the essence of pure, divine love that always emanates from him. For eons of time it was he who breathed the very substance of his magnificent being into the four lower vehicles of humanity. From that time forth, up to this very day, our sweet Earth has been kept sacred, not only by the activities of the Spiritual Hierarchy, but by those individual lifestreams who choose to be radiating centers of pure, divine love on the physical plane of existence.

Beloved ones, the power of the holy breath can be measured only by the power of your attention! "Where your attention is, there you are, for the consciousness ties into whatever the attention draws to itself!" I know you understand this point of law, and yet sometimes it is a challenge to put it into practice. Remember the saying: "Do not fight evil, rather, transmute it!" Whenever you find yourself in a situation in which you realize that your attention is caught up in negative energy of any kind and you feel unable to deal with it, remember to change your thought and feeling patterns by first shifting your attention to a positive aspect of your given circumstances.

I AM aware that this is not always an easy step to accomplish, but the best thing you can do is to see only the absolute perfection of each instance. Even if you are only able to glimpse this beauty for a moment, it will be enough so that you can regain your center of perfect balance and more easily perform your work of purification. You will then quickly come to understand that the transmutation of negative energy begins the moment you see beyond the negativity to its perfection, and it is accomplished only when you find yourself once again at perfect peace, centered and firmly connected to your I AM Presence, working with the flames of purification and transmutation. In the example of Sanat Kumara, his love for the Earth was so great, he refused to see anything less than the perfection of God's creation, so every time he even thought of our planet a powerful momentum of love flowed forth from his being and filled, not only the planet itself, but every lifestream evolving upon, within, or around it.

Beloved co-servers, take this moment to relax and place your attention upon the Presence of God I AM. Accept the stillness of the Great Silence. Know it enfolds you at all times. Open your inner vision and see the importance of your existence. See how necessary your service of light is, not only for yourself but for all life! The work you perform today is eternal, for when you call upon protection and purification on behalf of one or more of your fellow travelers, you are truly assisting in creating and sustaining a sound and solid foundation for Saint Germain's new and permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom.

Also, you will be doubly blessed and benefit from the service you have performed, if cosmic law requires that you return to Earth at a future time. For during your many embodiments, you will have the added opportunity to work with the magnificent forcefield of constructive energy you previously and lovingly built while working upon the physical plane, so that when you return to Earth your inner strength shall equal that of mighty Hercules, and your service will be victorious! If it is not necessary that you embody again, then your service to life is given from the realms of light at a much higher state of consciousness as you continue to work with the wave of energy you generated while in embodiment!

The physical body is the focal point in which the physical and spiritual breath merge in the third dimensional world. This is where Heaven and Earth meet; where the fire of divine love enfolds the spirit who is eager to re-unite with God! On the spiritual inbreath, the energy you receive into your being from your I AM Presence is pure God qualified substance. However, on the physical inbreath the lifestream draws to himself the energies existing in the physical plane surrounding him. The realization of the need for protection signifies that you are able to recognize and discern energy in need of purification, thereby transmuting it back into perfection before you return it to the world around you through your outbreath. In this way the spiritual energy received by you will be utilized in a constructive manner, thereby expanding the light of the world!

Beloved disciples, the more you place your attention upon perfection, the more encompassing will be your outbreath and the larger your aura! By the same law, your inbreath receives more of your divine heritage. This means you will then be able to do greater things on behalf of life, for when you entertain only God qualified thoughts and feelings, your sacred and holy breath acts as a magnet, attracting only like energy. It is in the mastering of this technique that your service becomes more joyful, for you no longer have to touch the cause and core of imperfection in order to transmute it back into its original state of purity and beauty. You will then become a pure channel of light through which the fiery transmuting flame blazes outward from your personal focus like a beacon of spiritual freedom for those who yet seek the golden pathway leading to the Holy Christ Self within!

Sometime in the course of your lives, all of you have experienced the invigorating blessing received through a long and deep inbreath, especially during times of extreme difficulty, when you worked with the sacred flames. In light of this remembrance, I offer for your consideration the following exercise that will prove to be beneficial to everyone who decides to put it into practice. After you have entered a period of meditation and performed the preparatory work of protection and purification, place your attention on the activity of the holy breath. Simply see your inbreath anchor the sacred essence of God light deep within the Christ Flame of your heart, and on the outbreath expand this light outward. This is indeed a very simple exercise, yet the possibilities for further insights and healing are countless! Perhaps you may receive a clearer understanding of how the spiritual and physical breath takes you on a journey between the inner and outer realms; or how the concentration of your attention upon a specific area of your four lower vehicles may hasten the activity of healing; or perhaps even how important your physical body is, for it unifies the angelic and elemental substance of your being!

Beloved friends, keep on discovering more beautiful things about yourselves every new day! In time you shall come to the realization that whatever you conceive on the inbreath, you can achieve on the outbreath! Blessings to you all each and every day!

Paul, the Maha Chohan





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