Summer Conference

El Morya

July 29, 1994

Beloved co-servers,

It has been seven months since I addressed the members of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom who were able to attend the conference here at headquarters, to offer your gratitude for the gifts and blessings of the outgoing year, and welcome in the energy and radiation of the new year. Among those seated around the base of the magnificent golden chalice here in the main sanctuary this morning, I see many familiar faces. I AM grateful for your gift of constancy, so lovingly given to this activity of light. I must say that each of you have taken many steps forward in your personal evolution and you continue to accept more and more responsibility as a member of The Great White Brotherhood.

After a year of much communication, Lady Miriam and I have been relatively quiet, taking time to observe the students of this activity as you received the required illumination concerning various points of divine principle that you had not fully understood previously. During this year of divine illumination each of you are receiving the teachings at a new and higher level of consciousness, fully preparing yourselves to fulfill your roles in God's great divine plan.

I ask you to take a few moments and see the substance and energy of divine illumination in your mind. Feel it moving upward in a spiraling motion within your body, drawing you and those around you, into a higher level of consciousness, where you may receive greater wisdom. This will rapidly expand your development in ways that were not previously available to the children of Earth. Now, the greatest challenge offered to each and every one of you is to remain within this enlightened state!

Many of you are feeling the quality of God's magnificent Third Ray as it is beginning to enter your consciousness, flooding your being with its essence, and bringing many examples of divine love to your attention. You may also even be feeling the early stirring of the balancing activity of the Ascension Flame, as the first three rays begin to unite in perfect harmony and peace.

You have entered a place of tranquility and serenity, spending time quietly, listening to the still small voice within. You also have a greater awareness of the many individuals around you who are still caught up in outer world activities and engaged in the struggle between divine and human consciousness. During times when you observe this activity in others, I ask you to stand back objectively and love these people unconditionally. Avoid getting caught up in the negativity being released by those with whom you live, work, and share the gift of friendship.

It is truly a time of "creative consciousness" among all the members of the body of light, and the race is on to be strong! I AM always with you―each one―as you march steadily forward. I work with you at every step upon your spiritual path, making the way clear but not necessarily too smooth, for this, beloved ones, is up to you. While some of your steps are taken upon hope and faith, the smoothness of your path is usually determined by understanding. A chela must understand the path as he proceeds, in order to teach and lead. Remember this, for these are your functions in this new age!

As you are now developing greater heights and depths of understanding, you are becoming more silent. That is, you now realize that many of your experiences are for you and you alone, and as you contemplate what you have been shown, you are given additional wisdom which will be helpful―not only in your future development, but to those around you. However, at the same time, you are learning not to interfere with another person's path―unless asked―even when you see what would help him, because you know that he must perceive these things for himself.

Now is the time to truly understand the gift of silence, for this precedes your next step, to begin the never-ending flow of divine love―to you and through you―for it is this quality that shall transform all darkness into light for the masses. I tell you this, for you must receive before you can give. Prepare yourselves, beloved ones, for a great outpouring of holy spirit. This year―one of pure light from the sun―will make you ready. Be ever alert, for understanding comes in many ways, and wise is he or she who knows and listens.

As you do this, remember you must be, first and foremost, a perfect example. More is said by silent, steady example than by a multitude of words, which cannot be understood by those who are in deep need of your love and compassion. It is time to let go of the idea that you know all the answers, in favor of always being a pure chalice of love and light that can be utilized by us―the angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, and cosmic beings.

If you could but observe the Earth from far out in space, you would see a great light surrounding this planet, illuminating all life that lives upon her. Your work, beloved ones, serves as a magnificent beacon to others, who have patiently waited and worked with dedication and constancy, for the day when humanity would become the primary source of love and light upon the Earth for all the universe to see.

I have come to you today to say, no longer will our work focus primarily upon keeping the light blazing brightly, for now there are enough individuals currently embodied and involved in this activity.

The time has come when the attention of all of us—ascended and unascended beings from both the Earth and many great star systems from beyond—may now focus our attention upon particular negative aspects which still run rampant across the face of this planet, veiling the Earth from the full light of God. The time has come to take this next step in the Earth's evolution. It has been a very long journey to get to this point and I AM grateful for those of you who chose long ago to join my caravan.

As most of you know by now, the leadership of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom has become firmly unified and now balances well, the three aspects of love, wisdom and power. Also the qualities, gifts, and ideas of the past and present times have blended nicely, and complement one another as the Executive Council, under my direction, continues to make the decisions that will allow this activity of light and my beloved Shamballa to be strong, fulfilling that which has been ordained in the great divine plan for this universe with love and wisdom.

Beloved ones, remember this activity cannot serve the Earth effectively without your love, dedication, and support as well. It is within this unified service among all of Us, that the forward evolution of the Earth is assured. Only then, will the circle be complete!

I have been given the unprecedented opportunity, along with my beloved Lady Miriam and several others, to go before a special session of the Karmic Board which has been scheduled to coincide with the conference here at Shamballa. Keeping this in mind, upon retiring at night please turn your attention to this activity. Join your energies with Ours, so that the greatest amount of energy possible will be directed into this endeavor, allowing an additional dispensation to be given to The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. In this way, the work released from this center of light may continue to flow out across the Earth. With your assistance, beloved ones, I know this fiat will be fulfilled! I AM your co-server, now and forever.

El Morya




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