Summer Conference

Æolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit

July 28, 1994

Dearly beloved disciples of Holy Spirit,

I call you 'disciples of Holy Spirit' because you have asked at inner levels to serve in this capacity. This request is always received with love and happiness by the Maha Chohan and myself, for then a series of preparatory steps may begin. I AM grateful for every opportunity to speak with you, especially during this time when you are gathered for the express purpose of learning how to work with the octaves of light, so that you may more fully express the Holy Christ Self within your own hearts. In this way, you not only set an example for many others who are just now awakening and desire to seek the light, but you receive an opportunity to expand your own inner light far, far beyond what you realize at this moment.

Micah, the great Angel of Unity, stands with me now, as a son of light who has become the full expression of his own divinity, acting as a disciple of Holy Spirit throughout many ages. Feel his enfolding presence and the pressure of his love now and always, for his love is one with mine.

Micah, whose Temple of Unity―within the Palace of Man's Purpose, over Mt. Avila in Caracas, is open to all the chelas during this month, is the Enfolding Spirit of the activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. He has also established focuses of his cosmic blue star of unity in the etheric realm above the Temple of Holy Spirit in Shamballa, the Teton Retreat in Wyoming, the Cities of Saint John, in the Arizona desert, and above the seven etheric temples over Washington, DC. Thus, his light of unity provides a constant radiation to all who visit, study, or work in these magnificent ascended master retreats and their schools.

As you have been made aware, Micah is an active participant in many areas of service benefiting the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, which are now coming into vigorous expression upon the Earth. One of these is the unifying of the many religions existing upon the Earth, including the new ceremonies that are evolving in response to the impetus of the Seventh Ray. Under the loving guidance of Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Buddha, Micah is designing many sacred rituals and ceremonies that will come forth at the perfect times, and you may work with him, if you desire to take part in this activity. You have but to ask and then offer your ideas and service.

Many people who are interested in the broader understandings of the New Age expect that to become 'unified' means to become alike and in agreement with each other in all ways. This is not an accurate meaning of unity, nor is it necessary or even desirable that this takes place. True spiritual unity is a state of consciousness in which each individual must first become unified with the Holy Spirit within himself and at peace with his own beliefs and choices. As this takes place, unity with others will be easier to attain, for a condition of harmony and self-acceptance then exists within your own consciousness. A person who is free to be himself always has respect for the understandings and choices of others. This is how true Spiritual Freedom will be established, for the chelas of Saint Germain know they not only have Spiritual Freedom, but that they must also give that great gift to all whose lives touch theirs.

Many also believed that the religions already existing upon the Earth will pass away, or be replaced. However, a chela holds the true understanding that—as all humanity evolves, each individual also does so, one step at a time, and religions offer certain steps, such as helping people to develop their powers of spiritual perception, thus separating principles of truth from erroneous concepts. They also offer avenues of service to others, fulfilling great needs upon the Earth. There are other lessons as well, which need to be available to the evolving spiritual consciousness in each individual.

Think on these things, for have not each of youand your families before youcome to the place of enlightenment where you now stand, through similar patterns of understanding and belief? You come to your ascension through logical steps upon pathways that are myriad, lovingly provided by your God Parents to assist all those who have gone before you, each doing their best, generation after generation. You have been a part of these 'generations', and this is how you learned. Spiritual progress comes to everyone in different ways and at different times, so we ask that you bless all humanity with your love, tolerance, and understanding. Bless them as they learn and for all the service they render to life on this planet. It is worthy.

More ideal circumstances than those in which you find yourselves today could not be designed to begin fulfilling your desire to act as disciples of Holy Spirit. You are—first of all—children of the Seventh Ray, come together to specifically fulfill your part of the divine plan that is in motion right now for this Earth, which is; the firm establishment of The New Age of Spiritual Freedom for all life that is evolving on this planet. To accomplish this, there are certain avenues of service now open to the chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. One of the primary opportunities is the Director Training Course offered at the physical focus of Shamballa. This is a doorway to the path of the initiate. As you move forward in your training as a director of the sacred flame, fulfilling each step, other potential attributes will emerge. As you continue to listen within and follow the star of your own being, you will hear my voice guiding you onward to ever greater service. One thing is sure, the greater your service, the more firmly and quickly will the New Age of Spiritual Freedom become a manifest reality in the world of form.

Although it is not possible to know the outcome at this time, we―together with those who are your guardians and sponsors―hold the highest hopes in our hearts and minds for the perfect fulfillment of your every step.

I speak frankly to each of you when I say―the future of this spiritual activity on this planet is up to you, together with all the other chelas of The Great White Brotherhood embodied at this time.

The fulfilling of each step is a process that must be mutually and consciously entered into by embodied beings, together with us. As you know, our open contact with the children of Earth can only take place in response to your request, in order not to interfere with the gift of free will so graciously bestowed by God upon each embodied lifestream. Your guardian angel, your I AM Presence, or your God-parents themselves, will not infringe upon this cosmic law, but wait with folded wings and hands until you ask for such assistance.

There is an investment of God's love in each of your beings that is so profound that there are no words to express it. I tell you this, because I know it is not easy to evolve through human consciousness to the point where some of the difficult lessons of life can be accepted for what they are lessons! Lessons that help you develop into the God-beings you have been created to be. This can only take place through allowing you to face and solve all of the many situations and relationships you experience in the course of many embodiments.

The physical focus of Shamballa is truly a most sacred and holy place, resting directly beneath the radiation of my Temple of the Cosmic Dove. It was chosen for this reason as the heart center of this activity of light, which is intended to support and sustain all activities of light on the Earth at this time and the others that will come forth as the New Age unfolds. The New Age of Spiritual Freedom exists within the influence of the feminine aspect of Holy Spirit, now open upon the Earth for some time.

This aspect has been enabled to exert a far deeper influence, beginning with the Christian Dispensation, which was, as you know, the cycle of the Sixth Ray upon the Earth within this fourteen thousand year cycle of humankind's evolution. The Holy Spirit denotes the unifying force from the heart of the Great Central Sun, present within the Causal Body of Helios and Vesta. Now the impulse of the God-mother is required to bring forth the Christ aspect in the hearts of all lifestreams on the Earth. It also provides the integrating force that will unify the Sixth and Seventh Ray radiation and energy, further bringing forth the impetus required to manifest the sons of God and sustain the permanent Golden Age. Also, during this time, the full unity of the Holy Trinity will become a manifest reality, reflected in the perfect balancing of the Planetary Threefold Flame of the Earth in all its glory.

The sacred focus of Shamballa must be kept purified and protected, which is the ongoing responsibility of all who come to serve here or of those who will come here in the future. Shamballa has been ordained as the heart center of the planetary spiritual activity. The retreat of the Great White Brotherhood in the Grand Teton acts as the connecting focus for the 'Heart Line' and the 'Spirit Line' within the mystical hand of God. The Temple of Illumination in the Andes Mountains in South America is the primary focus of illumination, particularly of the feminine ray, while the Temple of the Sun, under the guidance of beloved Kenich Ahan, holds the balance of the masculine, or father aspect of the Godhead. Many other major foci of the ascended masters and cosmic beings connect in a mystical network of light with the 'heart' and the 'head'.

The Body of Light, to which you belong, is the instrument of expression of the sun, which magnetizes and receives the great flow of light from the retreats and temples of the ascended masters and cosmic beings. Through this body, the love, wisdom and power of the octaves of light is stepped-down in vibration and freely distributed to all life evolving on the Earth.

It is most important for the chelas to realize that you are the hands of the Christ upon the Earth. You, and all those who work with you on behalf of the Cosmic Christ, serve as the 'life line' in the great hand of God that holds this Earth securely in its grasp.

A living focus of Shamballa truly exists within your hearts, and in every human heart. However, as the mass consciousness continues to unfold, the demands of many among the race for teaching about the ascended masters and other cosmic beings will become more frequent and numerous. A planetary center of learning and a place to come together in sacred brotherhood will be needed for a long time to come. People will require your help and loving support, as they learn how to face and overcome the debts to life they have incurred, then take responsibility for their own lives and follow the master teacher within their own hearts. As we continue to pour forth our energy and vibration in the written word and assist in the teaching of new directors in an ongoing way, it is planned that this sacred focus will be available to this cooperative purpose, both for publishing and teaching. We can but point out the need and wait for your response, for you are our co-servers in the world of form.

Beloved - the time will soon come when you have redeemed all of your own life energy and you shall stand forth God-free in the perfect image and likeness of God - your I AM Presence. It is up to you. As we enter this time of sacred communion and service to all life, I thank you for giving me the great gift of your attention and your love. Know it is returned, as I enfold you in my love.


 Cosmic Holy Spirit

Holy Days

Transfer of the Ascension Flame to Shamballa

Monday, July 10

Asala Festival  

Wednesday, July 12




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