Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

October 1994


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the Angels of God's magnificent Second Ray joyously spiraling forth from the heart of the great Central Sun, returning to Earth in reverence and dignity, replenishing the gift of Illumination in the hearts and minds of all humanity.

Radiant Beings of Light,

You bring much joy and happiness to those of Us in the Octaves of Light, as you reach forth, taking additional responsibility upon your shoulders, helping to fully manifest the New Era of Spiritual Freedom more quickly. Time and time again We assure you that you are never alone—for together—we form a Legion of Light that is a most powerful force of forward momentum within this solar system.

Due to the dedication of all involved and the constancy of our unified service, human consciousness is gradually and gently expanding its acceptance and understanding of the existence of the Angels, Ascended Masters, and Elemental Beings. This reality has been such a long time in coming and We are grateful for your every effort to manifest this truth in the minds and hearts of your brothers and sisters.

With every great wave of Love and Light which accompanies each two thousand year cycle, there is a generation of evolved God Beings, who work in the physical realm of existence. They have taken―and continue to take―human form, just like everyone else. Prior to embodiment, they offered themselves to assist in every way of which they were capable, to help bring forth each new age, consciously working with the thoughts and ideas, sacred teachings and ceremonies, and even the customs of the period.

Some of these beings worked silently, behind the scenes, in almost total anonymity. Except for the few people who worked closely with them, no one upon the physical plane was aware of their service. Many came with the material contained in various great books, and, by their example, quietly shared the teachings of the Masters with all those who were willing to listen. There were even others, who marched forward in a very commanding manner, and by their actions, caused major changes in the thinking and lifestyles of those around them. Each of these ways of working can be an appropriate manner through which to serve the Light, for the consciousness of the Humankind of Earth understands and responds to the truth in different ways and for different reasons.

However, every one who helps bring in any new age, meets those people who question and doubt the existence of other levels of development and evolution, especially when they are asked to think and act without being told exactly what to do. Beloved ones, as you know, every lifestream is a potential Master of Energy. It depends solely upon the individual's own free will choice to decide whether or not they are willing to take the further steps necessary to attain mastery upon their personal path.

Service, such as is offered through this Activity of Light, changes one's life forever! Consequently, many people are reluctant to enter into such initiations. It makes many demands upon their life and may even change the focus of their life's purpose. This means they must take total responsibility for their every thought, word, action, and deed, which may be more than they are willing or able to give at the time they are offered the opportunity. They will, however, be given this wonderful chance to grow many times, and someday, they will accept their Divine Heritage and enter into co-service with many others―both ascended and unascended.

Beloved chelas, the Rhythm of the Ages is being more fully manifested in the physical substance of the Earth by your endeavors to master—not only your own energies—but the energies of the world around you. To be a Master of Energy is to know precisely how to act in every circumstance, having complete faith, confidence, and trust in the Presence of God within to show you the Way. Also, as you look upon your fellow travelers, you see the perfect Master of Energy in them, as they do their best according to the understanding they have, and put into practice the higher teachings now being released.

You will then stretch forth your hands in love and friendship, understanding fully that the path they have chosen to walk is not always easy and you will endeavor to assist them in every way possible. At the same time you are learning to master your human consciousness, you are also helping others to master theirs! You will come to perceive one another as the God Beings you truly areand also accept yourselves as beautiful members of the Human Family! This is another way in which you must attain and maintain balance for as long as you walk this Earth.  

Each new day, know that the radiation of Divine Love is being intensified, bringing the four lower vehicles of humanity into further alignment with their Holy Christ Self. The Father of Light is the protector of the dwelling. Therefore, He does not leave the abode—but rather, invests the Son with His Power. After the Son is empowered with the Father's Strength, He is given the Love of His Mother and then sent forth into the world of form to expand Their Kingdom of Perfection.

Thus, the Christ comes forth, and begins the journey of re-awakening humanity to their Light! As the Holy Spirit intensifies His outpouring of Love within each human heart, the Christ is permitted to grow to full stature―bringing to the human consciousness Illumination through Love. Yes, My beloved ones, Love brings the Illumination of how to use the God-Virtues and Powers bestowed upon each lifestream, even before this world was.

In the Permanent Golden Age, the humankind of Earth shall use the gift of Illumination to question, reason and learn. Through the gift of Love, they will feel the wisdom and truth of what they have learned. They will also become more aware of the feelings of those around them and unite in consciousness. Just as the Sun of beloved Helios and Vesta sends forth Their myriad Light Rays in response to the calls of any lifestream, so does your inner Sun shine forth from your heart. Turn your attention within to receive and feel the answers to your questions. Then, acting upon your answers, you will bless the world and all life upon it by sharing the Illumination through Love you are given.

Beloved chelas, I bless you with the mastery of My Being and I acknowledge your constancy in endeavoring to always remain within the Holy Temple of your sacred heart, wherein Strength, Enlightenment and Love are found. The Spiritual Nourishment you require to move ever forward is at hand! Reach forth, accept the Chalice, and drink freely of its Essence!

In the Spirit of Love and Light,

I AM Jophiel,

The Archangel of Illumination

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Elemental Harvest                      Monday, October 31



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