New Year Conference

Elohim Cassiopeia

March 31, 1994

Beloved Ones,

Welcome! Before we proceed further this morning, I ask you to take this moment and center yourselves. If you have not already done so, close your eyes and―with your inner vision, see My brilliant Gold Flame blazing brightly before you. Breathe in the very Essence of My Flame, drawing the Quality of Spiritual Enlightenment deep into your minds.

Feel My love and reverence for every single lifestream, not only for those of you seated within this Sanctuary, but for all life. As this love now expands, you are bathed and enfolded in the love of the entire Great White Brotherhood, for I represent Them today in welcoming you to Shamballa. Let us now join our energies together and may we remain totally unified throughout this week of joyous celebration.

Remaining centered, for a moment place your attention upon your I AM Presence and begin to reach up higher and higher, until you are able to tap into the great reservoir of Wisdom and Illumination that has been created throughout the Ages. This storehouse is available to each and every one of you, if you take the time to prepare yourself and use the tools that We have so lovingly offered to you, as you progressed through each step of your spiritual evolution.

All that is required from you is right desire and the willingness to serve. Beloved ones, this is all it takes, for at the very moment you turn your attention to the greatest good of all life and ask to be of assistance, the 'Golden Door of Opportunity' opens before you. It will then allow you to access all the wonderful gifts and blessings that are stored within your Causal Body. Through the mastery of these many sacred gifts and the proper preparation of your lifestream, you are then enabled to share this great bounty with all life.

At the point on the path where you each now stand, the greatest understanding is that humankind can no longer separate themselves from others. This includes all life that has evolved upon this planet―the entire elemental and animal kingdoms, every angel in embodiment, and, most especially, every member of the entire Human Family. 

All life is connected in one way or another. You have no idea of the tremendous importance of every thing a person thinks, says, feels, and does. Everyone around you is affected by all the things that you do. If you so choose, the sphere of influence that surrounds you can be a very powerful force of good. What is true for you is also true for others. However, there are many individuals whose consciousness may or may not be at the level where the oneness of all life and unity and brotherhood are important and they tend to react in a negative manner to outer stimuli.

As Elohim of God's Magnificent Second Ray, I cannot stress enough the importance of the Sacred Violet Fire. In every activity and situation with which you become involved, use the Violet Fire. Make it such an integral part of your consciousness that it is the very first thing you do in every situation. It not only prepares your way, but also lightens any burden that you, or anyone with whom you are involved, may be carrying.

Especially at this time in the evolution of the planet, directing the sacred Flames into the astral realm will have the greatest impact toward the complete purification and transmutation of negativity. As many of you know from personal experience, this is an ongoing process. Various conditions around the planet are constantly creating negativity, sending it out into the world and its atmosphere, almost as fast as the chelas are transmuting it. However, through mastery, this negative energy may be steadily transmuted faster then it is created, so the Earth will one day truly become Freedom's Holy Star.

I wish to remind you that, if you are unable to take time to turn your full attention to the work of purification and transmutation, at least think of this work several times a day. By your very thought, you will draw forth the purifying substance of the Violet Transmuting Flame and it will immediately go to work wherever it is needed.

You must also become more proficient in your use of all the seven sacred Flames especially regarding the children, youth and young people upon the planet, for they are the future of this world. Teach them to stand forth purified and transmuted by Violet Fire. Through your example, and by lovingly sharing your wisdom, you will clearly show them the perfect Love, Wisdom, and Power of God, which is available to them as well. With your assistance, they will indeed grow in a fuller understanding of the Sacred Fire and God Illumination. Help them to manifest the perfection of the Christ in their lives and one day, they too, will do great things that will help set the Earth free, and eventually lead to her Ascension.

I offer the following suggestion, as a way to begin working directly with the children and young people. Take a few moments after this class and think of a child or young person, who is in need of assistance. Focus your attention upon them and blaze the Violet Fire into their four lower vehicles and their surroundings. Include all the people who come into contact with them on a daily basis. Purify their homes, schools, and other places where they spend time, several times daily during this conference and beyond. Follow my suggestion for a few months, then observe the results, not only with the child with whom you are working, but in yourself as well.

Before I close My talk with you, I offer one more piece of information for your consideration. Remember, tremendous energy and radiation emanates forth from the aura of the Great Central Sun. By constantly calling upon the Violet Fire to transmute the negativity that surrounds the Earth, you will allow a great increase in the intensity of the Golden Flame of God Illumination to flood this planet. All humanity will then have a more perfect understanding of God's Divine Principles.

Beloved ones, the greatest bit of Wisdom I can offer you today, or any day, is USE THE VIOLET FIRE! Until our next opportunity to unify our energies, I enfold you in My Flame.

Elohim Cassiopeia




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