Spring Conference


April 7, 1993

Beloved of My Heart,

I welcome you to this ancient and sacred Focus of glorious Light. How appropriate at this Holy Season of Resurrection and Liberation that you have once more accepted My invitation and made the journey. The Light blazes forth from Shamballa more powerfully each and every day, due in part to your desire to wait upon the Lord. May you be blessed for your every effort to serve.

I take this opportunity to offer the magnificent Theme of this year once more for your consideration. "Through the activity of the sacred Violet Fire, I AM conscious only of God's Holy Will―the restoration of Divine Principle in the hearts of all humankind. Feeling the power of God's First Ray, I affirm my faith that God's First Cause is perfection for all life."

With these words still fresh in your mind, I wish to share the following information to assist in your further development. The necessary preparation and purification has been done prior to the beginning of this year. The focus has now shifted and centers around the Blue Ray of Power. All God's Gifts and Blessings will be those of the First Sphere. Know that you have the power within yourself to do whatever you are divinely directed to do. The strength and faith needed to accomplish your tasks is available and yours for the asking.

This is a time of higher initiation and you will be tested often, allowing the opportunity to show your mastery in the use of these God qualities. This is necessary before you can progress further. I remind you, this is a process, and you will successfully complete this portion, just as We have. Know also that We hold the vision of the perfection of your Divine Plan as you follow this path. As you accept every challenge and, successfully complete each step, the reality of your own individualized I AM Presence will be revealed to you. You will come to know that driving force, which directs your every action very well―apart from your conscious mind!

Then, through the free will choice of your conscious mind, you will choose to accept or reject these directives. How many times have you acted without knowing, until you had the time to assess the situation? How often have you acted in a certain way, and then were not able to share the reasons why with others, due to their level of understanding? I know you have experienced these things, and is it not happening more and more often? Over time you will begin to understand the truth that is being given to you and realize the correctness of those actions. Eventually, you will pay full attention to these directions. Even though this does not seem to be an easy thing to do, there shall come the time when the wisdom of the Holy Christ Self will be your only guide. Then, you will be able to go about the Father's business peacefully and silently, instantly aware of the reasons for responding as you do. Be grateful for every opportunity, for you are fast becoming a Disciple of Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, the time will come when―not only will you reach the point of perfect balance within, but you will be able to sustain the balance and work in this manner at all times. When this happens, Divine Principle is allowed to flow to you, where it is then received and understood by your Holy Christ Self and allowed to express in the world of form. This is the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

In the Permanent Golden Age this will happen to each and every person upon this Planet. There must be wayshowers to assist others to do this and―My beloved, you chose at inner levels in ages past to act as such a one.

Search your memory and remember that which you had before even this world was. Reach forth and reclaim your Divine Heritage. Open the door fully and allow the flow to commence, whereby all humanity will begin the journey HOME―into the Heart of God. Blaze the trail. Light the Path, that others may follow.

During your sojourn here this week, I ask you to use the following statement: "I AM the resurrection and the life of the perfection of my Divine Plan manifest in the world of form right here, right now, and forever sustained" Repeat it often, saying it with conviction. May this be your first thought upon waking in the morning and your last thought before retiring at night. Feel the power contained within this affirmation. Consider the true meaning of using these words. Take time to enter the silence and listen with your heart and follow the star. Together, let us wait and see what happens.







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