

May 30, 1993

Beloved Disciples of Holy Spirit,

It brings Me joy to speak to you this day, joining you in the celebration of Pentecost. Before My Ascension in the Light, as Jesus, I told My disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to be with them after I left the physical plane. Today―as Micah―I come to unify your consciousness as One Chalice of Light, prepared to receive the full descent of Holy Spirit into your beings and worlds. You are the manifestation of the Christ upon the Earth in this New Age, and it is through your combined Chalice of Consciousness that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are being poured forth to all your brothers and sisters in the Human Family, with ever-increasing momentum. 

As Jesus, I brought the Word of God to Earth, and gave It to My disciples. Through the Word, they were purified, and the seed of the Christ was awakened within the threefold flames of their hearts, where it took root and began to grow. This took place as they worked with Me, observing and assisting, as they were taught how to outpicture the Christ Self from within themselves, through our many experiences together.

I ask you to think deeply about the fact My disciples worked with Me. As we walked together from town to town they were not merely watching, but, to the best of their abilities and understanding at that time, actively involved in healing. Sometimes, they were not fully successful in bringing forth the healing desired. When this happened, they asked Me why their efforts did not work, thus opening the door to further teaching. In this way, I was able to bring to them many of the points of Cosmic Law you are now learning. I tell you this so you will realize that all spiritual growth requires active participation on the part of each one involved.

As you begin to understand Cosmic Laws and how they work, you must strive to remember and apply them to your everyday life and relationships. Otherwise, all spiritual understanding remains in the etheric, mental, and emotional realms and cannot manifest in the world of form.

The coming of the Holy Spirit heralded the manifestation of the Christ in and through the Disciples, forat that momentthey began to speak the Truth in many languages with such power and joy that a multitude gathered to hear. Each person heard the Truth in their own language. Thus, through the descent of the Holy Spirit into their beings, the Christ consciousness was planted in the hearts and minds of all who heard the Word of God through them. This was the activation of the Christian Age upon the Earth.

The story of the first Pentecost carries many meanings. One of these is the understanding of a statement I often made while teaching. That is: 'Let he who has ears, hear; and he who has eyes, see.' Even though the disciples spoke in many languages, there were few who heard the truth within those words at that time. However, the ability to hear and see the truth comes to each person when he is prepared to receive it. Many who were present then were mystified, but could not receive the truth. However, others heard, carried and nurtured that experience in their hearts until the time when it could be fully understood. Again, I say, many of you were among them, being prepared to be the Disciples of the Holy Spirit in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, and that time has come.

In the New Age now dawning, the revelation of Holy Spirit is the gift of the Sacred Violet Fire. The first aspect of this gift is seen as the Divine Mother, bringing forth tolerance, understanding, and patience. These gifts are manifest through mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation, overcoming the burdens of human consciousness that have been with you so long.

Cast your human consciousness into the Violet Transmuting Flame! This is the Fire of God that will purify the Earth, making it a fit offering to your God Parents. In this Truth is the fulfillment of the Christian dispensation and the activation of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.

I would like to tell you more about the Holy Spirit. As the Feminine Aspect of God, it is the Activating Principle that goes forth to awaken, nourish, and bring the Christ to birth. It reveals to each person the knowledge of the Christ within their own heart, and then goes forth to recognize Itself in all others, as well. The Holy Spirit has many names, because of Its many aspects. Three of these are: the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, and the Counselor.

At the first Pentecost, The Holy Spirit manifested as tongues of Flame, visible upon the heads of the Disciples. These flames acted as swords of truth, cutting them completely free from human consciousness, revealing to them that the Christ was now manifest within their own hearts. This is the Spirit of Truth―the power aspect of Holy Spirit, ever present, ever available, and the first step in activating Christ Consciousness in each individual.

The second Name of Holy Spirit is The Comforter. This is the aspect with which you are most familiar. All life desires comfort to ease the pain inflicted by the misuse of energy, whether it is that of himself or others. However, the deepest pain a person feels may be of facing his own use of the energy allotted to him. When an individual first faces the Truth in his own life, Comfort is required. This is also why it is necessary to accept forgiveness and mercy for yourself, as well as extending it to others.

The third Name of Holy Spirit is The Counselor. The Counselor is the Master Presence, grown to full stature―the Holy Christ Self Who lives within your heart. When you learn to listen for His voice and follow the directives received, you will be acting as the Master, while you still walk upon the Earth. This is the still, small voice that guides your every step upon the Path of Light.

You, as a disciple of Holy Spirit, have the power and authority to act in any one of the aspects of the Holy Spirit, through the Word of God that I brought to you. Through this word, I AM, you have been vested by your Father-Mother God, to bring forth the Sons of God in Their Name. Think on these things, and let not the Gifts of the Holy Spirit be wasted, for it is through Them that Spiritual Freedom shall be brought forth for the planet Earth.

I came to establish the Christian Age through the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit came to activate the Christian Age. The disciples could not receive the Holy Spirit until after My ascension, for they could not fully hear and see the Truth of Christ within themselves while they perceived it primarily as being Me. The same is true for you. You cannot receive the full joy and power of Holy Spirit until you first accept the Presence of the Christ in your own heart.

Beloved Ones, I AM in you, and you are in Me, and with the full power of Unity vested in Me, I now unify your consciousness with that of the Cosmic Christ. Lift the Chalice of your consciousness high, as I call forth the most intensified outpouring of the Cosmic Holy Spirit yet released from beloved Æolus to flow through your chalice NOW! Receive the Gifts of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, and let them flow through you to bless all life you contact, every day of your sojourns upon the Earth! SO BE IT! BELOVED I AM!

Micah, Angel of Unity






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