Summer Conference

Archaii Hope

July 31, 1992

Beloved Children,

Today I AM truly blessed to be able to share with you the love and gratitude of all Who serve in the Octaves of Light. The tenderness of your regard for your fellowman is a reflection of the love which We feel for you.

You may not have considered before, the fact that there are many Octaves of Light. The number is more infinite than grains of sand upon a beach, or stars in the night sky. An octave is a dimension of expression―or consciousness. An Octave of Light is a dimension of God-consciousness. Thus, the Octaves of Light of which I AM a part, are in a constant state of orderly change and growth. You see, My children, there is no end to the process of evolution. The joy of My life is the very infinity of the Light which I AM privileged to serve.

For every chela there is a Master; for every student, a teacher. Beside every lifestream who yet slumbers in darkness, there stands an angel in vigilant love. The wonder of the Light of God lies in the myriad expressions of His Life, ever reaching out to grasp the hands of those who follow!

Center yourselves for a moment, and send forth a ray of love and gratitude from your Presence, through your Heart Center, to the Master with Whom you work most closely. With your gift of inner vision, watch that Ray of Light as it travels to the Heart of your Master. When the Light reaches its intended destination, does it stop? No! Of course not! The Master smiles with love, and immediately expands that Light―projecting it downward to lift all lesser states of consciousness; outward to bless all members of our Brotherhood; and upward as a return current to God, the Eternal Source. Then, the expanded blessing moves onward, making its return journey to your Heart Center.

Pause now to feel and see that expanded return current. Feel its strength! Experience the warmth of that love! Allow the Light to enfold your four lower vehicles, lifting and attuning your vibration to Christ Consciousness. Beloved ones, the gift that you receive is always an expansion of the gift that you give!

In the Octaves of Light, We are expressions of the Divine Quality of Hope to our chelas. We represent to you the Light of the Eternal Sunrise―the ascension in consciousness out of the physical and into the Infinite. We devote all that We are to this service to God. It is the nature of the Masters and the angels to expand every blessing received, and to share it with all life.

You, Beloved ones, are the Hope of the world! You have been told this many times, but you do not yet comprehend just how important you are, each blessed one, to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

At this time in its evolution, humanity does not need another prophet or seer to tell them how to achieve redemption. This gift―the gift of knowledge―was given by God at the inception of the Christian Dispensation. In this New Age, the hope of humanity lies in the living example of redemption as it is achieved, day by day, by individuals such as yourselves. For this opportunity, you petitioned the great Karmic Board, seeking to complete your path to the ascension in the world of form!

I AM often aware of your longing―your yearning―to join us in the Octaves of Light. Yet, there is much to be done by each of you, right where you are. You are each in your perfect place to fulfill the commitment you made so very long ago.  

When you feel that yearning for home, remind yourself that the selfsame longing exists in the heart of every one of your brothers and sisters in the Human Family! They may not know the words to describe their yearning, nor may they be conscious enough to identify it as the reaching of a flame for its Source. However, this is what it is, and so it shall be until the Source is finally glimpsed. Then, the Light of the Source will illumine the path ahead, and Hope shall be restored to the hearts of all humanity!

You are so very fortunate to be, numbered among the few rather than the many―the few blessed with the conscious remembrance of your oneness with all life. Beloved Gabriel has worked ceaselessly to help you attain this consciousness, and so He continues to work on behalf of every member of the human race! Through the transmutation and transfiguration of your etheric records, the lessons of your past have become gifts for the education and enlightenment of your brothers and sisters in the world of form. Compassion and forgiveness have become your tools of trade as you walk the path of the Ascension. Your life on earth has become an inner journey and an outer demonstration of progress, which serves to uplift every lifestream who comes within the compass of your expanded Mantle of Light!

Know that you are never alone in your service, for you work within a network of Ascended and Cosmic Beings, Who surround and support you at all times! Truly you are establishing an Octave of Light within the world of form!

Remain steadfast in your gratitude for the fact that you are conscious of the Light you serve! Be consistent in your gratitude for the ability and the opportunity to serve! Remember―as above, so below―and pass your blessings along!

Know always that I love you!

Archaii Hope

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

Beloved Apollo -         July 23 through August 22.

Temple of Royalty, Courtesy, Dignity, and Princely Charm.

Beloved Virgo -       August 23 through September 22

Balance of Virgo, the Solidity, the Assurance, and the Confidence.


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