
Kwan Yin

July 9, 1984

The training to become a member of the Court of Mercy is a tremendous inner discipline. As you have seen even among yourselves, one must be hard on oneself to be gentle with others. Discipline is the training here, especially in the control of the emotional nature. So I wish to speak to you today on letting go, for the bulk of my teaching is in the power of the Feminine Ray in letting go. There are two principal reasons why I dispense this quality of Radiation today. Firstly, you all realize the power of increased Light being released on this planet. Therefore you also know the purity required so that, in at least a given number of chelas, there will be only a positive response to the increased light.

Toward this end, many of you spend your sleeping hours sojourning in the Seventh Sphere. There you receive from me the adamant force of my own feeling world of letting go of the past. Spiritual Freedom must come through these centered in the NOW. As a Sister of Gentleness and Mercy I stand before you today to state that more effort is required in holding in abeyance your emotional world, these difficult experiences of the past that flare up in the present. If you cling to them, they too are amplified as the light is increased. This not only causes you personal pain, but we of the Spiritual Hierarchy lose you to our service until you are collected in harmony again.

When I pass among you in the Seventh Sphere, I hear the inner whisper, “Oh, to have such poise, mastery and forgiveness!” Dear children, you are all on the path that leads to this Mastery, for as you know this is an emotional schoolroom. So I beseech you, if you want to become masterful in mercy, become adamant with your own feeling world. Then you will find the Peace that comes from such controlled power.  

Allow me now to give some illumination on the Seventh Ray that you may not be aware of. The last time the Seventh Ray was fully energized upon this planet was at the height of Atlantis under the auspices of the major focus of Lord Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst. One of the things learned at that time was; the Power aspect of the Seventh Ray overwhelmed the Love nature of the Seventh Ray, leading to the imbalance that gave birth to the combative nature of one Lodge of the Priesthood embodied at that time.

From that experience, we learned that before the Seventh Ray could strike the planet Earth in full force again, there would have to be a greater LOVE NATURE upon this planet. And so there is! There has been the release of greater Love through the avatarship of Gautama Buddha and the compassionate Love of that tradition, as well as the Divine Law of Love and Mercy as introduced through the Christ on Earth.  

Through these two great Avatars a tremendous love nature has been introduced on this planet since Atlantis. Whether or not it seems evident to you in your plane of existence, the Earth is ready for the full power of the Seventh Ray to strike this planet again! But, as the Christ before you, you must prove the Law of Forgiveness and you must become adamant with your own feeling nature. In so doing, pave the way for the full power of the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom.

‘I AM’ so grateful to those who have progressed upon the path of mastery to the point of impersonal love; you have learned the power of letting go. You are here to learn love. When I was Chohan of the Seventh Ray before Our Beloved Saint Germain, the purpose was to add my love nature to the Seventh Ray as It entered the Earth, to bring It further towards the perfect balance required on this plane, so that when It was allowed by Cosmic Law to strike the Earth again in full force, the result would only be perfect. That is the verge we stand on now! There is a great enthusiasm for the Light We on the Seventh Ray feel, for we know so well that the Power contained within It will set this planet free. And, we await our chelas to prove the nature of Love embodied on this Planet for this process to commence in full force, and in perfect balance.

Kwan Yin



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