Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

July 1992


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the Earth enfolded within the Cosmic Flame of Mercy and Compassion, activating the quality of Forgiveness in every human heart.

My Beloved Chelas,

We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Light, and as such, we share a very special bond with you. The bond of which I speak has no words which may describe it perfectly, for it is the deepest kind of friendship - brotherhood in its purest sense. It is Unity born of Divine Love.

The impulse of Love which moves forth from the Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God contains within its essence all of the attributes that we blaze forth and sustain in the world of form. Divine Love contains all of the Gifts of God that we impart to the souls of those who are as yet unascended. The ability of a person to express the attributes of God is determined by his or her ability to accept this Love.

The Love of God is given with Joy, and you, our chelas, are learning to accept it more fully. Through your recognition and acceptance of the Love and Tenderness of your Creator, you have become conscious creators. As you send forth the Sacred Fire into any person or situation in the world of form, you are serving as co-creators with God, restoring the perfection which existed even before the world was. However, there is a very important point which must be brought to your attention regarding your creative work.

Pictures on the screen of life in the world of form may sometimes be disturbing. At such times, even though you are a chela, you may fall prey to the currents of race consciousness, becoming distracted by discordant human emotions. When this occurs, it is vitally important for you to correct your own emotional and mental states before blazing the Sacred Flames into any conditions in the outer world. The use of the Sacred Fire from within a discordant emotional state can and does contribute to a further loss of equilibrium within the race consciousness.

Once having tapped the Source of your inner Light, your every thought, word and deed becomes a creation with far-reaching effects upon the Earth and all Her evolutions. You are a conductor for the restorative power of our Father-Mother God. Therefore, all work performed by a chela on behalf of the human family must proceed from a heart of unconditional love. Divine Love must become the initial impulse behind your every thought, word, action and reaction.  

Just as you purify and protect your sanctuary before beginning your group work, it is essential that you purify your four lower vehicles and protect the inner sanctuary of your Heart Flame before acting as a channel for the Light of God. In this way, the Chalice of your Being will at all times be pure and balanced, and your creations will always be attuned with Divine Heart and Mind.

There are several ways in which you may work. For this teaching, I will use the word "healing" to denote the gift you may wish to call forth. This is because all the gifts of God bring healing, whether it is Forgiveness, Truth, Peace, or another virtue you may specifically desire to give.

The method you choose will depend upon the state of consciousness in which you find yourself at the time a need for assistance comes to your attention. If you are not feeling completely centered within your own Threefold Flame for any reason, you may immediately call upon one of the Ascended Masters for assistance. The Master will immediately respond, clothing his or her gift within the Violet Fire of Purification and the Blue Flame of Protection. The gift will be brought through the Heart of your I AM Presence and the Christ Flame within your heart, because it is you who made the call for help. In this instance, however, because you recognize that you are not completely centered and master of your own emotional and mental vehicles at that moment, the Ascended Master or Cosmic Being upon whom you call, will see that you are purified and protected to serve as the chalice through which he pours his blessing.

A second way in which you may work is to call directly upon your I AM Presence and the Christ Flame in your Heart. Then, of course, you must invoke the Blue Flame of Protection and the Violet Flame of Transmutation to prepare you to serve as a Channel of healing. When you do this, you are exercising your own mastery, recognizing that you are the chalice through which healing may flow.

When you feel very centered within your own Threefold Flame, and confident of your ability as a Healer of the New Age, we rejoice, for you are putting our teachings into practice. You are directing the currents of Spiritual Fire - the Living Body of God - even as the Masters do! You must always remember one profoundly important point, which is; you must not decide that you know what is needed in another person's life! Always deliver your gift through the I AM Presence of the person for whom it is intended.

There is another way in which you may work, and it is a combination of the methods just described. Because you must ultimately become a Master of energy, we want you to learn how this is accomplished. Therefore, the ideal way for you to work on behalf of others is to become and remain centered within your own Holy Christ Flame. Then, after calling forth the healing required directly from your I AM Presence, call for our help, as well! In this way, you strengthen your alliance with the Octaves of Light, not only for yourself, but for the entire race of humanity, bringing brotherhood among the Kingdoms that much closer!  

Even though there are many conditions of stress under which you find yourselves from time to time, you now constantly maintain the presence of heart and mind which desires healing and assistance for your brothers and sisters in the Human Family. Remember, the name describes the nature. Each time you say 'In the Name of my Inner Christ and the Presence of God 'I AM', you are placing yourself within the nature of Christ Consciousness! This is the foundation of mastery, the basis from which Divine Love and Divine Mind may work to bring forth the Immaculate Concept held in the Heart of the Planetary Silent Watcher.

Beloved ones, stand now within the Light of your Inner Christ, as I bless you with all the Love of my Heart. I am grateful for your Presence in My Life!

Your Sister of Mercy and Compassion,

Kwan Yin





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