The World of Creative Cause

Mighty Victory

August 1971

The chela must consciously step over the threshold from the world of effects, knowing that they have no power in themselves, and enter the potent, pulsating Realm of Cause, setting his inner house in order and then, wielding the Power of the Sacred Fire, create in his consciousness the Perfection he desires to express.

I counsel you to realize the unlimited possibilities at hand, for in the Realm of Cause, the Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters are willing and eager to lend Their Consciousness of Beauty, Their momentums and Their pressure of the Sacred Fire to any aspiring individual who desires to set his house in order.

I believe this instruction is particularly apropos at this time, for so many of the chelas are concerned with the lack of some Virtue or Quality or physical substance in their worlds, and the answer to this so-called problem is right at hand, merely by entering the Realm of Creative Cause and entertaining only that which is Good, and wielding the Sacred Fire to remove all else.

I trust the foregoing will be of assistance to you. It can be, if you will accept and use that which is herein presented.

Mighty Victory








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